Tomb Raider Forums  

  Forum Last Post Threads Posts
Tomb Raider Series
Saber Interactive, Aspyr Media | 2024, 2025
504 57,210
Tomb Raider (107 Viewing)
+ Unfinished Business | Core Design | 1996
3,689 76,990
Tomb Raider II (91 Viewing)
+ Golden Mask | Core Design | 1997
3,320 64,012
Tomb Raider III (94 Viewing)
Core Design | 1998
Sub-Forums: The Lost Artifact
4,192 86,785
Core Design | 1999
4,234 49,221
Tomb Raider Chronicles (88 Viewing)
Core Design | 2000
3,675 39,465
Core Design | 2003
by Mr Od
Yesterday 20:42 Go to last post
11,698 217,667
Tomb Raider Legend (135 Viewing)
Crystal Dynamics | 2006
13,214 248,027
Tomb Raider Anniversary (161 Viewing)
Crystal Dynamics | 2007
8,713 227,839
Tomb Raider Underworld (239 Viewing)
Crystal Dynamics | 2008
10,710 432,947
Crystal Dynamics | 2013
by Hai27
13-02-25 11:07 Go to last post
7,179 522,924
Rise of the Tomb Raider (147 Viewing)
Crystal Dynamics | 2015
31-12-24 19:31 Go to last post
1,946 167,449
Eidos Montreal | 2018
1,744 205,977
Tomb Raider Franchise
Future of Tomb Raider (127 Viewing)
Discuss the future of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider.
by Mikky
Today 02:39 Go to last post
766 102,616
Films, shows, animated series and shorts.
3,696 90,245
Written and illustrated works.
by Loobop
03-01-25 13:03 Go to last post
42 6,212
Crystal Dynamics | 2010
908 38,706
Crystal Dynamics | 2014
172 5,385
Tomb Raider on Mobile (35 Viewing)
Mini Lara.
Sub-Forums: Lara Croft GO
by Amlux
29-01-25 23:45 Go to last post
136 7,499
Crossovers, role-playing games, merchandise, events and franchise milestones.
Sub-Forums: Tomb Raider 25
by Amunet
Yesterday 18:27 Go to last post
90 11,763
Tomb Raider Level Editor and Modding
Tomb Raider Level Editor (473 Viewing)
Tomb Raider Level Editor
19,123 454,791
Tomb Raider Modding (138 Viewing)
Tomb Raider Modding
Sub-Forums: XNALara
Today 01:30 Go to last post
1,930 222,519
General Forums
General Chat (1632 Viewing)
General discussion on Tomb Raider or anything else.
Today 00:14 Go to last post
54,478 2,622,573
Video Games (659 Viewing)
General discussion on all video games, consoles and related topics.
11,850 731,397
Arts and Entertainment (379 Viewing)
General discussion on television, films, music and the arts.
2,952 423,523
Use this forum to showcase your pictures, movies, drawings, writings... etc.
Sub-Forums: Competitions
13,999 286,058
Introduce yourself, welcome new members, bestow birthday wishes and congratulate members on their achievements.
Sub-Forums: In Memoriam
Yesterday 21:15 Go to last post
9,970 217,891
Technical Support (135 Viewing)
Troubleshooting, technical support and assistance on all Tomb Raider titles.
15,041 150,174
Tomb Raider Forums in Deutsch, Foros de Tomb Raider en Español, Tomb Raider Forums en Français, Tomb Raider Fóruns em Português.
584 27,914

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Tomb Raider Forums Statistics
Tomb Raider Forums Statistics
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