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larafan25 12-03-12 16:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6032863)
And my 'formulated guess' matches the simple fact I posted previously: we don't know. What point is there in speculating beyond that? It does nothing except fill members' minds with baseless expectations, something people on this forum seem to love doing to themselves. And then they blame Crystal (:confused:) when nothing comes of it.

Iiiii don't have a problem doing it. :/

lance6439 12-03-12 17:00


TR11 should be a new AOD.

Spong 12-03-12 17:03


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6032868)
Iiiii don't have a problem doing it. :/

Clearly, because you do it all the time :p

Speculation is fine, but people should really learn to control themselves. Look at how people round here got wound up by the fact nothing happened on Feb 14th. The date no longer has anything to do with Tomb Raider, yet people here convinced themselves something would happen. And when it didn't, it was apparently Crystal's fault.

just*raidin*tomb 12-03-12 17:04

I found that hilarious. ^ Everyone was so sure there was going to be something then and I was just sort of like...wut this...never was mentioned...ever. O_o

Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6032877)

TR11 should be a new AOD.

What about about TR10?

Also, it would be ridiculous to back to that mess or even revisit it, as much I as would like to see it continued, it doesn't fit anymore. It would have to be entirely rewritten and reworked to fit with today and completely different from AOD, but similar enough. I just don't see it happening.

lcroft_lc 12-03-12 17:06

I believe the next update they will release, will be unveiled at E3. Then keep giving us "LOADS OF CONTENTS" from that period. :D

BTW, where they said the combat will be the last thing they will show? :confused:

just*raidin*tomb 12-03-12 17:08


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6032892)
I believe the next update they will release, will be unveiled at E3. Then keep giving us "LOADS OF CONTENTS" from that period. :D

BTW, where they said the combat will be the last thing they will show? :confused:

Karl said it in an interview/stage demo. I think it was the gamestop one.

Lukass 12-03-12 17:22

Oh stop the crap about E3, finally! :/ U keep saying you're 100% positive that we're not getting anything before E3, yet you're here every day and waiting for any news or tweet, so what's the point? You keep changing like a weather! One day "I hope something is coming soon" + this ":(" smiley, and the next day you're convinced we're not getting anything before E3. So what? Man...

Spong 12-03-12 17:25

^Having a bad day are you?

lance6439 12-03-12 17:28


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6032886)

What about about TR10?

Also, it would be ridiculous to back to that mess or even revisit it, as much I as would like to see it continued, it doesn't fit anymore. It would have to be entirely rewritten and reworked to fit with today and completely different from AOD, but similar enough. I just don't see it happening.

It was a mess because TR6 was rushed. The storyline is bad-ass & probably one of the best storylines ever.

& About TR10 ... TR10 could about her...adventuring places ...something. An AOD story would best fit TR12/TR11

Lukass 12-03-12 17:28

No, not at all.

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