^As I said :tmb:
Watch the video with this in the background: |
:vlol: I just want this Benny Hill Theme to be the main TR theme :vlol:
Okay, **** you, youtube. I should just go and upload it onto redtube.
YALL. Just zip it up and upload it to a file sharing site or something. :p
Why can't you upload it to youtube? Could you not make it private and give us links or something. :pi:
Upload it on Dropbox?
:( |
I might try this Dropbox thing, it seems interesting. Though I need some more space, and I can get it for free as a gift if I refer it to friends. :pi: *cough* I need e-mails for that.
Wait I probably shouldn't post this publicly. lol
Use this, I need you to download this thing, too, it seems. |
Vote everyone! :D |
This one is very good, not because that all of Camilla's Californication clips are there, but because its kinda similar to YouTube, and they usually don't block copyright materials. |
Does anyone have this video? Need.
Underhoe needed to get two other people to sign up and download dropbox in order for him to be allowed to upload a file the right size. So I think the plan is that larafan25 and I do that and he's going to try to upload it in the morning. :)
So, I 've been gone for August and I don't have enough time to search the thread so I 'd appreciate it if someone told me if anything intresting happened concerning the game :) . |
Nothing, I'm afraid.
But today is the PAX event if I'm informed well. Chance to see anything new is low, but fingers crossed. |
Let 's hope we will get something... release is close (not... but oh well... ) so I expect to get tons of new stuff. |
Am I alone in not wanting to see anything really new? I have seen enough to peak my curiousity and excitement but i kinda want everything else to be a surprise like when i first experience using the climbing axe and looking through all the upgrades
And it'd just get worse if they showed more "in between hubs sections" So unless it's a hub I don't want anything new. |
They should never even have revealed her first kill. A huge mistake, imo.
They need to spread out showing the unseen features. We already got a lot of stuff at E3, which was only 2 months ago! Since we have 6 months left, they should let us see new stuff over the course of that time.
^ Yup.
I liked the vignettes they did with Underworld. They should adopt them again
CD definitely need to show Axe climbing and a hub. I'm not bothered by anything else at this point.
Actually we also saw humans. :p
oh wait. I read "other enemies" not "other animal enemies"
woops. :p |
Got'ya :hug:
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