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larafan25 14-02-12 22:08


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976451)
i'm embarrassed. LOL! i don't know what to say, i feel stupid haha

lol I even said it was a liiee. D:

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:09


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5976453)
People do realise that it wasn't promised for today specifically, right. Knew this would happen :p

I knew it wouldn't happen today, i just got tricked into believing (i feel stupid) that meg said we would have our info in 3 months LOL. talk about naivety. and sorry to LF25, i just have been speed reading the post because there are so many comments today its hard to keep up

Mikky 14-02-12 22:11


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976460)
I knew it wouldn't happen today, i just got tricked into believing (i feel stupid) that meg said we would have our info in 3 months LOL. talk about naivety. and sorry, i just have been speed reading the post because there are so many comments today its hard to keep up

I'm so sorry, really. :hug: I was just a light-hearted joke to try and cheer everyone up. I just didn't think people would actually fall for it. :p

Rai 14-02-12 22:11

^I wasn't aiming that post at you Jhs, in general. :)

I edited that post too, peeps move fast in this thread :vlol: or I move slow :pi:

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5976466)
I'm so sorry, really. :hug: I was just a light-hearted joke to try and cheer everyone up. I just didn't think people would actually fall for it. :p

nonononono i'm not angry lol dont take it the wrong way, i found it funny but i just tend to self critic my self. dont feel bad :D. ur gonna make me feel more sad if ur sad :o

i proved my point that i cant keep up today with the amount of comments :vlol:

Mikky 14-02-12 22:15


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976472)
nonononono i'm not angry lol dont take it the wrong way, i found it funny but i just tend to self critic my self. dont feel bad :D. ur gonna make me feel more sad if ur sad :o

Oh, don't worry, I'm fine if you are. :hug: :p

Anyway, back on topic... Whatever that is. xD

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5976476)
Oh, don't worry, I'm fine if you are. :hug: :p

Anyway, back on topic... Whatever that is. xD

Lol, thats the problem. what is it?

Rai 14-02-12 22:19


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5976479)
Lol, thats the problem. what is it?

Go back a page to see the edit I did to the post you quoted :D

That's the new topic

[/self pity, all about me]

jhs270694 14-02-12 22:26

LOL. i dunno why im asking this but have you ever felt 'different' from the rest of the world. like an outlier that doest fit in to social norms easily? you feel you think differently from everyone around you and no one understands you when you explain your thoughts? you see the world for what it truly is and not what is seemed to be. there's even a quote from the bible (im not Christian) "For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow". soooo true.

oh no me getting philosophical and straying of topic again, i want to relate this to TR because it gives a sense of hunting for knowledge (or wisdom) previously unknown to the world,lara in search of unravelling the mystery of the island shes stuck on gives me a sense of that but i feel like i'm going overboard. i can be so melancholic sometimes, i get obsessed. heck i even changed my sig because of it. i cant control my hormones :vlol:

i understand why few people reply back to this type of stuff, it's not really something to reply back to but just to reflect in your thoughts.

Love2Raid 14-02-12 23:28

There is a lot of truth in that quote, I've said something like that to someone not too long ago actually. It was about people who always seem to be happy/laughing, and I linked it too ignorance and said that a lack of knowledge is nothing to be jealous of.
Although I don't see how this relates to the topic of the thread. :p

But I love how you edited that picture Rai. :vlol:
You should just post it again, many members must have missed it.

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