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Adrenaline 20-03-12 19:19

What!!!? No podcast today? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

What the?
Tomb Raider reboot,
Soul reaver reboot?,
Wth is next?...


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6051001)
Soon is the new Epic :p

OMFG :vlol: Lara looks hilarious.

larafan25 20-03-12 19:20


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6051223)
We are all setting ourselves up for impending disappointment. :o

over and over again.

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:20

Lol what is this video supposed to demonstrate? :confused:

larafan25 20-03-12 19:21


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6051248)
Lol what is this video supposed to demonstrate? :confused:

Very little for a very long amount of time. :/

**LARA LOVER** 20-03-12 19:24

Apparently the podcast is ready to go but it just hasn't been uploaded yet! So there's still hope! :p

Here's what Meagan said on twitter, "Just finished editing the podcast.Off to sleepy time now."

Don't get your hopes up to high though! :o

Linoshi Croft 20-03-12 19:26

She's going to I doubt it :p

**LARA LOVER** 20-03-12 19:27


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6051269)
She's going to I doubt it :p

Haha no I'm pretty sure that was from last night! :p

jhs270694 20-03-12 19:28

Ah, i can wait till tomorrow if they don't release it today. i wouldn't put too much faith in there being anything special. But i hope im wrong. My enthusiasm for the game is gone for now but it will eventually return at E3.

Edit: ^

Oh OK lol

Linoshi Croft 20-03-12 19:35


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6051270)
Haha no I'm pretty sure that was from last night! :p

Oh, I thought you meant from just now...silly me >.< I should of considered the timezones but my brain didn't click.

slavo120 20-03-12 19:38

Maybe nothing new will be in podcast but maybe they say something like "New word for soon is now april" :jmp: ...I still hope that they say us something what coming :hug:

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