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larafan25 05-04-12 00:12


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6084301)
I hope its a bit like metal gear solid snake eater, with the crawling in the grass and stuff. mgs had a simple cover system i tink, worked well.

I want an army crawl from AOD.

In fact...can this Lara even roll/ crawl?

I think a more classic crawling animation would suit this Lara, than the silly squatting in LAU.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6084303)
Maybe its a cover system without being as obvious as Uncharted is...

Like... maybe you just crouch behind things like trees and boulders and walls and less obvious things? There might not be a cover system of course but its just makes so much more sense from a realism stand point.

mmm I would love running and sliding into cover in stealth mode. Seeing as I love the Uncharted 2 cover system, playing as Rika, and sneaking from one cover position to another.

But then again, perhaps with limited cover you're forced to better analyze enemy movement and time your moves just right so you don't get caught.

edit: I could totally see this stealth systemm! You just crouch around things like mentioned, and the part where he searches the guy, I could see Lara doing that.

jhs270694 05-04-12 00:24

I wonder how the stealth mechanics work. Is there like a percentage showing how well we are camouflaged with our environment? So many questions lol

Stevo505 05-04-12 00:26

I hope her boobs shake when we go into stealth mode like AOD.

Mikky 05-04-12 00:27

I hope there is no "stealth mode".

larafan25 05-04-12 00:28

^Are u being tricky? Because it's confirmed there are stealth affairs.

I hope it's an actual mode/ mechanic though. Not just something we can use here and there when CEE DEE fair.


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6084353)
I wonder how the stealth mechanics work. Is there like a percentage showing how well we are camouflaged with our environment? So many questions lol

I feel like if we're behind something, and ducking, we'll be fine. But if we stand, then we'd be caught...

Could be a lot like Batman Arkham Asylum/ City...


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6084362)
I hope her boobs shake when we go into stealth mode like AOD.

Lara's boobs will be so nice in this game. I'm sure. Leik...they're just so real and pretty.

Mikky 05-04-12 00:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084372)
^Are u being tricky? Because it's confirmed there are stealth affairs.

I hope it's an actual mode/ mechanic though. Not just something we can use here and there when CEE DEE fair.

That's what I mean; I don't like the idea of having to press a button to go into a "mode" just so we can sneak around. I'm sure it's possible to have stealth without it.

leglion 05-04-12 00:33

That would be boring stealth.

Stevo505 05-04-12 00:33


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6084384)
That's what I mean; I don't like the idea of having to press a button to go into a "mode" just so we can sneak around. I'm sure it's possible to have stealth without it.

Maybe they will make it like the less you push the analog stick the slower she walks, like a stealth mode without having to press a button.

larafan25 05-04-12 00:33

^That sounds dangerous and annoying, I'd rather a button to initiate stealth mode.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6084384)
That's what I mean; I don't like the idea of having to press a button to go into a "mode" just so we can sneak around. I'm sure it's possible to have stealth without it.

Of course it's possible. If **** = in ma enemees weigh + Lurur behynd stuff = eye no c u.

Basic I guess.

Mikky 05-04-12 00:35

^ WTF are you on about? :p


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6084390)
Maybe they will make it like the less you push the analog stick the slower she walks, like a stealth mode without having to press a button.

Sure. Besides, there's so much more to stealth then just sneaking.

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