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larafan25 12-04-12 22:43


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6101142)
Maybe the buildings aren't stable.

They look more stable than....the thing...which is broken...that they have taken up residence.

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:47

The wooden structure thing? I dunno. Maybe Roth just had to stop there because of his injuries and couldn't go any further.

just*raidin*tomb 12-04-12 22:50

I want a segment as intense and scary as this:

Stevo505 12-04-12 22:52

^Meanie! I am not clicking on that... I don't want to give myself a heart attack like I almost did the first time I played through that... :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 12-04-12 22:59

Its not as scary now. :p

I think just in the context of the was terrifying and wtf.

larafan25 12-04-12 23:02

In the place with the water and gates with Elena, I saw one dart out of view, and I expected something creepy....but then they never came, so I was like "wutevur". BUT THEN THEY CAME.

At least I think it happened in that order.

CLF 13-04-12 00:32


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6101201)
Its not as scary now. :p

I think just in the context of the was terrifying and wtf.

It was very good and very effective. Say what you like about Uncharted but they are bloody brilliant games.

just*raidin*tomb 13-04-12 00:34


Originally Posted by CLF (Post 6101568)
It was very good and very effective. Say what you like about Uncharted but they are bloody brilliant games.

But I love the games. What?

CLF 13-04-12 00:36

Oh that wasn't aimed at you, it's just a turn of phrase, basically saying I know that many people on here have a prejudice against it for the fact that it is commonly pitted against Tomb Raider. (or something)

Stevo505 13-04-12 00:36

They are fantastic cinematic games. But not everyone likes those. I happen to love them.

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