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larafan25 09-05-12 23:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6159844)
I'm going to give them a call. Gimme a sec.

U go Glen Coco!

leglion 09-05-12 23:20


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6158110)
I say it's going to bomb.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but did not TR6 already set an example? From my observations, I've concluded that every time someone tries to "Re-invent Tomb Raider" to make it dark and gritty, people appear not to take kindly to it.

Some would say that it's already done and over. Some would say the best thing they can do now is try to minimize their losses. I, personally, well I'm not in any way interested in this game at all whatsoever. But the main reason that it will indeed fail is because lack of exposure.

And I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but I'm usually right. And that movie, I swear that movie they were talking about will never happen- I just don't see it. Look at all the other games coming out at E3, TR is not a threat.

Unless the game is extremely popular, which it's not right now, that would not be a wise business move to make an expensive movie out of it.

This place, I mean look around, it's dead. And this is me being realistic, not hopeful. Unless you believe in miracles!

There's a difference between realism and annoyingly consistent pessimism.
Secondly, Legend was received well by the general gaming public but it was a light take on the series, not dark. Underworld was the darker take on the series. But that was not why it failed among the fans. The game being dark has nothing to do with the sales. Especially since tomb raider is a dark game originally.

Weemanply109 09-05-12 23:20


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6159840)
Well, it's 0:13AM here, so I assume they should change the stock at midnight, no?

Some stores here tend to be late with that stuff, but I hope you can manage to get the latest issue.

Lukass 09-05-12 23:21

Hm :/ that lady said there's no such magazine :(

Weemanply109 09-05-12 23:22

Blow up that Petrol Station! GTA STYLE!

larafan25 09-05-12 23:23

That Lady ....was Meagan in disguise.

_Awestruck_ 09-05-12 23:24

I'd probably wait until the daytime hours and go to an actual store if I were you.

Lukass 09-05-12 23:27

Well, her voice sounded quite elderly, maybe she was confused because she gives a **** about games? D: There's still hope...

Rai 09-05-12 23:27

I don't know how petrol stations do it, but in the shop where I work, a new delivery will come in and of it's supposed to be out on a particular day (which doesn't happen often as we don't get new stuff in), it'll be ready the night before, but put out in the morning. But the shop hours are regular daytime hours not all night.

King.Louie 09-05-12 23:32

so this play magazine...will it be out in certain territories or what?

Rai 09-05-12 23:33

^It's supposed to be the UK version, I think. But there is some doubt as to whether there is a TR article.

Lukass 09-05-12 23:34


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6159877)
so this play magazine...will it be out in certain territories or what?

It's UK magazine only I think. I'll check the mag later today. I have to go to shop in the morning anyway. I just gave a call to our local 24/7 petrol station and the staff told me there's no Play magazine :/ so IDK.

King.Louie 09-05-12 23:36

hmmm i wonder if there will be anything similar in the US version?

Lukass 09-05-12 23:37

If yes, it should be out some time about now, I guess.

aussie500 09-05-12 23:40


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6159835)
^PLAY magazine is supposed to be out May 10th with all new exclusive TR poop on a disc for ten minutes or something. But some suspicious tweets make buying the magazine not encouraging.

Only if you think they have it.

I'll look for PLAY on the weekend if it's not discovered by then.

I would suspect the exclusive stuff was in the actual article that never made it into issue 218. They would have probably prepared issue 217 three odd months ago, it was last months issue and they have to do magazines a fair bit in advance to get them organised, written, printed and delivered by the next month, the advert was in last months issue of PLAY. All we ended up with is the video feature, hope Lara still got the cover anyway.

King.Louie 09-05-12 23:41

nevermind appearently the US version of play magazine has ceased publication due to bankruptcy...

larafan25 09-05-12 23:42

^Oh good. ._.


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6159887)
I would suspect the exclusive stuff was in the actual article that never made it into issue 118. They would have probably prepared issue 117 three odd months ago, it was last months issue and they have to do magazines a fair bit in advance to get them organised, written, printed and delivered by the next month, the advert was in last months issue of PLAY. All we ended up with is the video feature, hope Lara still got the cover anyway.

And on that disc is probably last year's E3 gameplay?

Lukass 09-05-12 23:44

Why I feel like there's the wolf's den demo?

skylark1121 09-05-12 23:45


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6159890)
nevermind appearently the US version of play magazine has ceased publication due to bankruptcy...

Tears. :_(


aussie500 09-05-12 23:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6159891)
^Oh good. ._.

And on that disc is probably last year's E3 gameplay?

Probably. :(

larafan25 09-05-12 23:49


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6159896)
Probably. :(

Well that's lame. :(

I wonder why the article was pushed back (at such an inconvenient time).

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 00:55

I've been told I have to create a post about the all wonderful braid, and how Lara would have never been able to manage without it. Imagine is she went to Atlantis without the motive to get the Scion, she would have been all like 'omg I've got to get the hair extensions of Atanltis to make ma hair all pretty, and Natla can't have better extensions then me, even if she makes them into coons. I'm more of a scene queen than Natla'. Youknow, Phlip inspired me to make the post about how the braid is the most important thing about TR, and this was the best I could come up with. People these days youknow. Whole TR franchise ruined. People these day.

Funny times. If you get all offended at this post then LOL, idk what to say really.

Phlip 10-05-12 00:58

The queen here took my joke/sarcasm seriously. :p

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 01:02


Phlip 10-05-12 01:04

I wanna go dog-sledding in a future TR.

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 01:31

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz

Lukass 10-05-12 01:34


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6159968)
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz

And the point of this was? :D

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 01:44

The point of "this" was that you people in these TR threads can't resist argument. The days of 2006 are over, and the people to take from us are just these fools. Report/Ban? Oh well, I'm only posting here to amuse my drunken self. Get a life outside of TR.

And you Lukass, don't act all moderator ,cos you're not, and get over it. You're always like oohhh this thread deserves to be closed, or this thread is a copy, well zzzzz, hoe. End.

King.Louie 10-05-12 01:50


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6159977)
The point of "this" was that you people in these TR threads can't resist argument. The days of 2006 are over, and the people to take from us are just these fools. Report/Ban? Oh well, I'm only posting here to amuse my drunken self. Get a life outside of TR.

And you Lukass, don't act all moderator ,cos you're not, and get over it. You're always like oohhh this thread deserves to be closed, or this thread is a copy, well zzzzz, hoe. End.
Who do you think you are coming into this thread and insulting people?
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. k baiii

leglion 10-05-12 01:53


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6159977)
my drunken self. Get a life outside of TR

Coming from the one who thinks about TRF when he's drunk. :ton:

just*raidin*tomb 10-05-12 01:56

lol yay drama makes time go by faster. keep it going. :'D

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 01:57

Who do I think I am? Well, I'm a member whose been here for nearly six years :p
I'm aiming for a ban cos all of you newer members, are just no up to par really :p

Drunk? Yes. I'm bored, so my Wednesday night is this. It's fun for me so I really don't care what yo think :p

just*raidin*tomb 10-05-12 01:59

I've been here 6 months less than you. o.0

I have no idea who you are or who anyone else really is on this forum. :D I don't understand why you want a ban just to amuse you, but you go glen coco! * u*

King.Louie 10-05-12 02:00

newer members? Mostly everybody who has been posting in this thread has been here for awhile now so open those drunken eyes of yours anyways back on topic. I really hope someone can get the PLAY mag tomorrow. I really wanna know whats on that disk D:

leglion 10-05-12 02:03


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6159984)
Who do I think I am? Well, I'm a member whose been here for nearly six years :p
I'm aiming for a ban cos all of you newer members, are just no up to par really :p

Drunk? Yes. I'm bored, so my Wednesday night is this. It's fun for me so I really don't care what yo think :p

Wow. So that's how you think people get banned
I've seen better.
Mod Edit: Oversized GIF removed.

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 02:06

Oh, you gif offends me so much. Such creativity you have with your gif. Go back to Tumblr. I see why peeves and lance have so much fun with this place.

leglion 10-05-12 02:10


Originally Posted by Hyper_Crazy (Post 6159990)
Oh, you gif offends me so much. Such creativity you have with your gif. Go back to Tumblr. I see why peeves and lance have so much fun with this place.

lol Gifs are not ment to offend but to show emotion. ;)
Goodbye, i won't make it easier for you to get banned. Gotta work for that money. :ya know?

Hyper_Crazy 10-05-12 02:16

Show emotion? Is that the only way you can do that? Go back to general chat k?

Money yeah? I'm sure you work for that defo. I already have my £32,000 a year, but it's fine youknow, you stick to your Tomb Raider
And youknow, you're not helping yourself, I'm aiming for ban. The more you argue with me, the worse for you :/

_Awestruck_ 10-05-12 02:19

What the hell I can't even.

Phlip 10-05-12 02:20


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6160000)
What the hell I can't even.

Why do you always forget questions marks and to finish off your sentences? You can't even WHAT? And change your avatar. :p

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