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Lukass 02-02-12 00:53

We are actually arguing about Lara's top color...I can't...O.o

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 00:54

I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

Spong 02-02-12 00:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950298)
No, see. Developers say something (that previous "no" wasn't an answer, I just don't know), such as the idea that "it's no longer about Lara being pretty and tons of costumes" because they mean it, does that mean we can't have unlockable costumes? No. Does that means people who do want them are of some lower class? No. But of course I think this forum sort of jumped onto the whole "extra outfits will ruin the image of TR blah blah" bandwagon, and so it snowballed.

Can't you ever give a simple answer to what was a simple question? I asked you to clarify for me Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes, something I thought you'd be able to do with ease given the grasp you have on TR9's media (a genuine compliment). I don't see anything in that paragraph of seemingly irrelevant waffle that answers what I asked.


@Anyone else
Anybody know what Crystal are currently saying about whether TR9 will have unlockable costumes? I'd appreciate an answer that's actually an answer :tmb:

NCFirebolt21 02-02-12 00:56


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are rebooting TR.

larafan25 02-02-12 00:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950327)
We are actually arguing about Lara's top color...I can't...O.o


Nobody is.

Everyone who has mentioned the colour of Lara's top has acknowledged that it is grey but appears to be certain colours in certain lighting.

tombstone 02-02-12 00:57


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

ANNNND THAT! :tmb: people seem to forget that TR is a video game.

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 00:58


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5950334)
You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are rebooting TR.

I never said it was. What I'm saying is that you can still acknowledge previous eras of a franchise without compromising the new story.

Lukass 02-02-12 00:59


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

larafan25 02-02-12 01:00


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950330)
Can't you ever give a simple answer to what was a simple question? I asked you to clarify for me Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes, something I thought you'd be able to do with ease given the grasp you have on TR9's media (a genuine compliment). I don't see anything in that paragraph of seemingly irrelevant waffle that answers what I asked.



Originally Posted by Spong
What have they stated with regards to costumes? At first I heard them say there were no plans for dress up Lara (which was fantastic news), but then I recall Karl saying they hadn't ruled them out. Is that still the case?



Originally Posted by larafan25
No, see.


Originally Posted by larafan25
(that previous "no" wasn't an answer, I just don't know)

I really just didn't know, but gave you what I initially thought (an answer) and then a reason for why there may be a misunderstanding between the two statements.


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5950334)
You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are.

It's still important for that game to be taken seriously and stand on it's own in whichever universe of Batman it resides.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950343)
Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

Is there any problem, to put a CD on, and play the classics?

I don't know. Is there?

Why don't you try it while I'm playing TR10 multiplayer?

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 01:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950343)
Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

Crystal Dynamics shouldn't have said that, I think they know that themselves now. If you forget everything about Tomb Raider, then what they're making isn't Tomb Raider anymore.

tombstone 02-02-12 01:02

most critically acclaimed games have outfit's uncharted,batman,resident evil etc.. i don't see anyone complaining about uncharted 2's skins, and saying it ruined the experience and was unrealistic :whi:

Lukass 02-02-12 01:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950346)
Is there any problem, to put a CD on, and play the classics?

I don't know. Is there?

Why don't you try it while I'm playing TR10 multiplayer?

:vlol: Are you trying to insult me or something?

larafan25 02-02-12 01:04


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950351)
Crystal Dynamics shouldn't have said that, I think they know that themselves now. If you forget everything about Tomb Raider, then what they're making isn't Tomb Raider anymore.

They said it clearly to sweep away any (inevitable) reactions such as "This isnt TUMB RAYDUR it's silen hyl fuq Cee Dee!" Which it did to some extent.

I think it should have been said, the fan base needed an exaggerated disclaimer.


Originally Posted by tombstone (Post 5950352)
most critically acclaimed games have outfit's uncharted,batman,resident evil etc.. i don't see anyone complaining about uncharted 2's skins, and saying it ruined the experience and was unrealistic :whi:

Exactly. It's just about choosing those outfits (and content in general) wisely.

Spong 02-02-12 01:05


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950346)


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950298)
No, see.


Q: What's Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes?
A: No, see.

And that makes sense to you? :confused:

I'll just assume that what you actually mean is that Crystal are still saying there won't be any unlockable costumes (which gets a :tmb: from me).

larafan25 02-02-12 01:09


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950356)

Q: What's Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes?
A: No, see.

And that makes sense to you? :confused:

I'll just assume that what you actually mean is that Crystal are still saying there won't be any unlockable costumes :tmb:

I quoted another one of your questions actually, in my last post, to show which one I was responding to, and it wasn't that one.

Crystal's latest stance on unlockables in general is that they are a "franchise staple" and that they would love to fill the game with unlockables to facilitate exploration. They just don't want to spoil the game, as Karl has said.

I don't think they are against unlockable outfits, personally. But they are going to be selective when it comes to what they chose, so that the tone of the game is not ruined by Lara running around in a bikini or clown costume. And that, was their first stance "no unlockable bikinis".


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950353)
:vlol: Are you trying to insult me or something?

No, but a few pages back it wouldn't be a shock for one to wonder if you were insulting me for having such crazy ideas like multiplayer.

I just think it's odd that you are telling other people to put in a CD and play the classics as if they can't get over change, yet you yourself will have nothing to do with multiplayer because TR has simply been single player in the past.

Rai 02-02-12 01:17


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950330)

@Anyone else
Anybody know what Crystal are currently saying about whether TR9 will have unlockable costumes? I'd appreciate an answer that's actually an answer :tmb:

Hope this helps:


From the FAQ:
Will there be unlockable outfits in the game, or just Lara’s default clothing?

KS: “Of course Tomb Raider has been known throughout the years to have unlockables and ways to interact beyond just the core game. We take that to heart. All I can say is ‘watch this space.’ We love unlockables and we love items as much as you do. That isn’t a yes or a no, but it’s a “worth thinking about.’ We’re still so far out it isn’t a decision we need to make next week.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast]

Spong 02-02-12 01:19

^Thanks :)


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950360)
I quoted another one of your questions actually, in my last post, to show which one I was responding to, and it wasn't that one.

My apologies, I didn't see you'd bolded that last part before.

So, regarding costumes as unlockables (nothing else), Crystal is still saying there won't be (seeing as they have nothing to do with exploration). That's still a :tmb: from me then. Although what Karl actually said in Rai's quote seems more like they're undecided.

Lukass 02-02-12 01:21

Thanks Rai :)

Hmm, must admit I'd like to see the new Lara wearing some winter clothes as there might be snowy mountain areas in the game.

larafan25 02-02-12 01:24


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950369)
^Thanks :)

My apologies, I didn't see you'd bolded that last part before.

So, regarding costumes as unlockables (nothing else), Crystal is still saying there won't be (seeing as they have nothing to do with exploration). That's still a :tmb: from me then. Although what Karl actually said in Rai's quote seems more like they're undecided.

Unlockables have everything to do with exploration when you need to explore to find them, so having unlockables pushes the player to explore, if those unlockables seem valuable to them.

edit: BTW I think they spoke about unlockables elsewhere too.

Spong 02-02-12 01:29


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950373)
Unlockables have everything to do with exploration when you need to explore to find them, so having unlockables pushes the player to explore, if those unlockables seem valuable to them.

You're seeing it from a different angle to me. When Karl mentioned unlockables in relation to exploration, I interpreted it as meaning unlockables that would open up more exploration, not unlockables because of exploration as you put it.

God knows I'd be furious if I took time out to uncover some kind of secret, only to be rewarded with a bloody costume :mad::hea::mad:

larafan25 02-02-12 01:31


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950380)
You're seeing it from a different angle to me. When Karl mentioned unlockables in relation to exploration, I interpreted it as meaning unlockables that would open up more exploration, not unlockables because of exploration as you put it.

God knows I'd be furious if I took time out to uncover some kind of secret, only to be rewarded with a bloody costume :mad::hea::mad:

I don't know what you mean.

The game is going to have gear gating, and obviously we'll need to explore to find items in the game in order to progress and maybe even unlock extra spaces.

But of course extra exploration, rewarded by unlockables would be things like....**** you give as unlockables.

I doubt well just get unlockable outfits.

Lukass 02-02-12 01:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950373)
Unlockables have everything to do with exploration when you need to explore to find them, so having unlockables pushes the player to explore, if those unlockables seem valuable to them.

edit: BTW I think they spoke about unlockables elsewhere too.

That makes sense. They said there is going to be a lot of things to explore, discover and reveal. I wouldn't mind unclockable outfits as a reward for exploring. I just would like the outfits to fit in the game. I don't want some crazy candy pink outfits.

Rai 02-02-12 01:32

^ I like that idea, Lukass, with regards to the winter clothing. Once again, I was typing too much and was too slow.

I like the idea of a few (note: a few) unlockable outfits. Nothing wrong with them, imo. They're just a bit of extra fun. As long as the outfits are appropriate for the situation/environment/weather etc and, for the reboot, they should be new outfits we've not seen before, but, like the current main outfit, maybe there can be a nod to the old ones (like an orange winter jacket coupled with trousers). Giving homage to the old ones is enough, it's not necessary to have the exact outfit, as, it does kinda poo poo over the whole reboot idea.

@Larafan, sure your sister may like short shorts and I guess they're currently in fashion. Maybe Lara has a pair in her wardrobe at home and they're fine in the everyday world of parks and sunshine and back gardens with mud slinging, I just don't see the need for the classic shorts when the current outfit is, 1, more than enough of a homage in itself and 2, more appropriate for the situation Lara was on the Endurance for in the first place and especially for the situation she finds herself in. Oh and 3, It's too soon in the reboot, imo to add the classic outfit. Let's get used to the idea of the reboot first. If there are shorts in the next game, it could be fun to add the classic shorts (just not that short).

On an off topic note: Why the hell is shorts and tights so fashionable these days, it's such an odd combo :confused:. :p

Lukass 02-02-12 01:37

I think Core Design decided to give her the shorts because she was meant to be sex symbol. They wanted her to be one. Since she's an average girl now and not sex symbol anymore I don't think she'll wear shorts in this game just for the sake of it or just to show she has nice and long legs. I wouldn't mind the shorts if it will be appropriate for the situation/environment and weather as @Rai said though.

tombstone 02-02-12 01:37

skinny jeans would be a good replacement for short shorts for me :D

Rai 02-02-12 01:40


Originally Posted by tombstone (Post 5950395)
skinny jeans would be a good replacement for short shorts for me :D

Ewww, no. This is Tomb Raider, not walking down the street raider :p.

larafan25 02-02-12 01:41

^Crystal apparently said some time ago that Lara doesn't wear jeans anyways, (lol AOD). :pi:


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5950387)
^ I like that idea, Lukass, with regards to the winter clothing. Once again, I was typing too much and was too slow.

I like the idea of a few (note: a few) unlockable outfits. Nothing wrong with them, imo. They're just a bit of extra fun. As long as the outfits are appropriate for the situation/environment/weather etc and, for the reboot, they should be new outfits we've not seen before, but, like the current main outfit, maybe there can be a nod to the old ones (like an orange winter jacket coupled with trousers). Giving homage to the old ones is enough, it's not necessary to have the exact outfit, as, it does kinda poo poo over the whole reboot idea.

@Larafan, sure your sister may like short shorts and I guess they're currently in fashion. Maybe Lara has a pair in her wardrobe at home and they're fine in the everyday world of parks and sunshine and back gardens with mud slinging, I just don't see the need for the classic shorts when the current outfit is, 1, more than enough of a homage in itself and 2, more appropriate for the situation Lara was on the Endurance for in the first place and especially for the situation she finds herself in. Oh and 3, It's too soon in the reboot, imo to add the classic outfit. Let's get used to the idea of the reboot first. If there are shorts in the next game, it could be fun to add the classic shorts (just not that short).

On an off topic note: Why the hell is shorts and tights so fashionable these days, it's such an odd combo :confused:. :p

I too think the new outfit is a great homage (even thought they seem to say it's unintentional) to the classic outfit, but others will still want that specific look, regardless of where the straps are placed or how short the shorts are (but some can be further picky).

I think as an unlockable it doesn't need to stick as close to the rules of the story mode, as long as it doesn't stretch the limit. Maybe there is a warm jungle on the island where it's hot and sticky? Or maybe we get some warm DLC hub space to explore and Lara wears shorts? IDK.

I think the press may pick it up as too soon to see Lara's legs again.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950394)
I think Core Design decided to give her the shorts because she was meant to be sex symbol. They wanted her to be one. Since she's an average girl now and not sex symbol anymore I don't think she'll wear shorts in this game just for the sake of it or just to show she has nice and long legs. I wouldn't mind the shorts if it will be appropriate for the situation/environment and weather as @Rai said though.

I think they gave her shorts because shorts are awesome and fun, plus they scream adventure (to me at least). All I wanted to do as a kid was run around the backyard in shorts, and the knees had to be out or else it just wasn't the same.

Lukass 02-02-12 01:41


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5950399)
Ewww, no. This is Tomb Raider, not walking down the Parisian street raider :p.

Fixed and agreed.

tombstone 02-02-12 01:43


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5950399)
Ewww, no. This is Tomb Raider, not walking down the street raider :p.

you dont want shorts you dont want jeans, would a skirt do it for you :o

Rai 02-02-12 01:43

@Lukass ^:vlol: I was thinking of that at the time ;)

Would a skirt be approriate for the weather/environment/situation? Doubt it. So no.

tombstone 02-02-12 01:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5950406)
@Lukass ^:vlol: I was thinking of that at the time ;)

Would a skirt be approriate for the weather/environment/situation? Doubt it. So no.

lol i was kidding u know ;)

Rai 02-02-12 01:46


Originally Posted by tombstone (Post 5950410)
lol i was kidding u know ;)

Yep. ;)

Lukass 02-02-12 01:48

I still doubt her clothes will be changing in the game. Even if there will be snowy areas or warm jungles. Karl said she is desperate to survive and it's the only thing she's trying to focus on. I don't see her changing her clothes and thinking "Ooooh, there will be -20 degrees on the mountain I have to put the warm jacket on. I might be dead in the next few minutes but I want to look perfect in the moment of my terrible death"....

larafan25 02-02-12 01:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950417)
I still doubt her clothes will be changing in the game. Even if there will be snowy areas or warm jungles. Karl said she is desperate to survive and it's the only thing she's trying to focus on. I don't see her changing her clothes and thinking "Ooooh, there will be -20 degrees on the mountain I have to put the warm jacket on. I might be dead in the next few minutes but I want to look perfect in the moment of my terrible death"....

Putting a jacket on in -20 degrees isn't fashion, it's reality.

Lukass 02-02-12 01:52


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950420)
Putting a jacket on in -20 degrees isn't fashion, it's reality.

Yeah, she'll be injured as hell, scared and aiming for escaping the island but at least she'll not be freezing.

Rai 02-02-12 01:52


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950417)
I still doubt her clothes will be changing in the game. Even if there will be snowy areas or warm jungles. Karl said she is desperate to survive and it's the only thing she's trying to focus on. I don't see her changing her clothes and thinking "Ooooh, there will be -20 degrees on the mountain I have to put the warm jacket on. I might be dead in the next few minutes but I want to look perfect in the moment of my terrible death"....

Well exactly. Plus, where would she get the clothes anyhoo. Is there a Primark on the strange mysterious island? Although I read a long while back about a possible jacket she finds? Could be wrong. Her appearance will change as she adds equipment, her clothes get dirty, are ripped, get wet, I believe that's as far as it goes in the main game.

but then...unlockables are fun extras that you can play after you've finished the main game, I guess.

Lukass 02-02-12 01:53


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5950422)
Well exactly. Plus, where would she get the clothes anyhoo. Is there a Primark on the strange mysterious island? Although I read a long while back about a possible jacket she finds? Could be wrong. Her appearance will change as she adds equipment, her clothes get dirty, are ripped, get wet, I believe that's as far as it goes in the main game.

but then...unlockables are fun extras that you can play after you've finished the main game, I guess.

:vlol: :vlol: :vlol: No, Primark is too posh!

larafan25 02-02-12 01:59


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950421)
Yeah, she'll be injured as hell, scared and aiming for escaping the island but at least she'll not be freezing.

But putting on a jacket (which may happen to be conveniently at a base camp) is only aiding to her survival and escape.

You can't survive when you're not surviving, and choosing not to wear an available jacket in -20 degrees temperatures is choosing not to survive.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950430)
But putting on a jacket (which may happen to be conveniently at a base camp) is only aiding to her survival and escape.

You can't survive when you're not surviving, and choosing not to wear an available jacket in -20 degrees temperatures is choosing not to survive.


But then again, if I remember well, they also said that weather will affect her performance, right? If she had the jacket or shorts I think it would help her instead of affect her. Then it would not be about surviving but about having comfort in a bad situation.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:04


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950432)

But then again, if I remember well, they also said that weather will affect her performance, right? If she had the jacket or shorts I think it would help her instead of affect her. Then it would not be about surviving but about having comfort in a bad situation.

In which case they have thrown out realism or practicality in favor of emotionalism and conveying a message.

Lara can still look and be cold in the environment while wearing a jacket (which just increases her chances of survival and may not be a super warm or super comfy jacket).

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