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CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:15


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551563)
Yes, it's pretty much what I said as well. So, now that you eventually know you can make your own theory about how this story aspect is gonna be implemented further in the game if you like.

I'm really sorry that you had to lear it that way :( .

ikr!? lol well if what they wrote is real the story is f-word amazing

_Tomb_Raider 05-12-12 21:15


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6551526)
I asked Justin for an IP block until launch, but I guess he hates me cause I'm still here! :p

:vlol: And you still keep posting! :ton:


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551558)
a friend tweeted me the spoiler fml :(:(:(:(:(:( but i read the threads but it seems more like they're predicting it

You know what they say s#!t happends. :tea:

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:17


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551602)
ikr!? lol well if what they wrote is real the story is f-word amazing

Yes, that's right :D :jmp: !!!

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:20


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551615)
Yes, that's right :D :jmp: !!!

but the spoiler -> sacrifice thing would be amazing idk if its a spoiler or not since i think you're just predicting it lol

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:22


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551630)
but the spoiler -> [/COLOR]

I'm just predicting lol :p .

Like, for example if they were about to do what I'm predicting and then Lara saves the day and Sam is like "Oh. my hero <3 !!!" ...


or maybe not kiss :p ...

Valentino 05-12-12 21:22

How did the man in the video know about it though? Crystal better not of told him :mad:

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:23


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6551638)
How did the man in the video know about it though? Crystal better not of told him :mad:

where's the video?

and what if he made up everything !?

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:23


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6551638)
How did the man in the video know about it though? Crystal better not of told him :mad:

Game reviewers and people with a similar job get a copier of games earlier by developers, so maybe this was the case?

Weemanply109 05-12-12 21:24


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6551638)
How did the man in the video know about it though? Crystal better not of told him :mad:

How else would he have known? Crystal must've given him a synopsis of the story to an extent and he decided to blurt it out randomly. :/

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:26


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551642)
Game reviewers and people with a similar job get a copier of games earlier by developers, so maybe this was the case?

oh i didnt know this lol , but why CD allowed him to say that and where i can see the video?

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:28


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551650)
oh i didnt know this lol , but why CD allowed him to say that and where i can see the video?

Maybe he thought it wasn't supposed to be a secret and CD spanked him later :p . But if it was like that the video wouldn't have been allowed to be shown on TRF. I don't know, maybe they told him on purpose so that he would tell us xD ?

TippingWater 05-12-12 21:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551642)
Game reviewers and people with a similar job get a copier of games earlier by developers, so maybe this was the case?

Well the game is already finished so it would kind of make sense.

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:39


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551656)
Maybe he thought it wasn't supposed to be a secret and CD spanked him later :p . But if it was like that the video wouldn't have been allowed to be shown on TRF. I don't know, maybe they told him on purpose so that he would tell us xD ?

i hope that spoiler is not THAT important because i feel like i ruined something lol

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:41


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551689)
i hope that spoiler is not THAT important because i feel like i ruined something lol

Even if it is important it is propably only semi-important, because it's definately a part of a bigger thing we don't know of yet. Kinda like a puzzle, we only have one piece :p .

Weemanply109 05-12-12 21:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551642)
Game reviewers and people with a similar job get a copier of games earlier by developers, so maybe this was the case?

I think that is definitely not the case. They can't do it, it's too early. They must've prepared a demo to showcase a particular area of the game, just like they did with the E3 demos.

They'd never give an interviewer the full game, it's too risky.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:47


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6551705)
I think that is definitely not the case. They can't do it, it's too early. They must've prepared a demo to showcase a particular area of the game, just like they did with the E3 demos.

They'd never give an interviewer the full game in risk of it possibly leaking and such, they'd be stupid to, tbh.

Yeah propably, but I'm not really sure what to assume :p .

CrisSioux 05-12-12 21:47


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551697)
Even if it is important it is propably only semi-important, because it's definately a part of a bigger thing we don't know of yet. Kinda like a puzzle, we only have one piece :p .

i hope you're right , i wish i wouldt have that one piece tbh lol

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 21:49


Originally Posted by CrisSioux (Post 6551707)
i hope you're right , i wish i wouldt have that one piece tbh lol

I know the feel, when SoulCalibur V came out I accidentally saw the "false" ending of the game, usually I don't care that much about spoilers but that was a hit below the belt :p !

Linoshi Croft 05-12-12 21:49


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6551681)
Well the game is already finished so it would kind of make sense. :p What game reviewer gets the game 4 months in advanced?

TheRCroft 05-12-12 22:07

FearEffect 05-12-12 22:08

Awesome !

TippingWater 05-12-12 22:09


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6551773)

Hmm.. cute.

Evan C. 05-12-12 22:09

Wohoo, thanks for sharing :)

_Awestruck_ 05-12-12 22:10

There better be more to the trailer than that.

Obviously there will be, but I mean something more than the first third of the game we've already seen. :p

Evan C. 05-12-12 22:10

Yes, you will have 10 secs of coccoon and 10 more of "March 5th" :p

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 22:10

*attempt to calm tits was unsuccesful*

SpyrosMonster 05-12-12 22:11


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6551773)

Sweet. :tmb: We kinda new that scene though. Especially the dialogue :p

January_Snow* 05-12-12 22:13


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6551773)

The cheesiness of the conversation... it hurts...

The graphics and the animations look good though.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 22:14

This is a question I kept forgetting to ask:

Roth is supposed to be an explorer/adventurer/tomb raider/whatever the hell Lara will eventualy become yet he is rendered unnable to move by a wolf which an inexperienced Lara kills early in the game.

WTF :p ???

SpyrosMonster 05-12-12 22:16

I just noticed her ponytail is acting like crazy because of the wind but the rest of her hair ia like glued on her skin. :vlol:

nevillet 05-12-12 22:18


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551793)
*attempt to calm tits was unsuccesful*

Your tits aren't calm? They're stressed?

TippingWater 05-12-12 22:19


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6551817)
I just noticed her ponytail is acting like crazy because of the wind but the rest of her hair ia like glued on her skin. :vlol:

Yeah :vlol:.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 22:21


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6551817)
I just noticed her ponytail is acting like crazy because of the wind but the rest of her hair ia like glued on her skin. :vlol:

That reminds me, the cutscene in Legend where the rocks fall on Amanda's foot and, even though she's underwater and she's struggling to escape her hair don't move even the slightest bit :vlol: !!!

I mean, even Rutland's fringe moves!


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6551828)
Your tits aren't calm? They're stressed?

They're hyped because of TR :p . It's a popular expression used on the internet from what I know.

January_Snow* 05-12-12 22:22


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551812)
This is a question I kept forgetting to ask:

Roth is supposed to be an explorer/adventurer/tomb raider/whatever the hell Lara will eventualy become yet he is rendered unnable to move by a wolf which an inexperienced Lara kills early in the game.

WTF :p ???

Huh... good point :confused: Maybe he isn't a coldhearted psychopath so he can't kill it... you know like Lara does.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 22:24


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6551854)
Huh... good point :confused: Maybe he isn't a coldhearted psychopath so he can't kill it... you know like Lara does.

I'm not talking about killing it neccesarily, but being a survivor/explorer/whatever he oughts to know how to not get injured by a wolf or at least know how to run from it :p ...

January_Snow* 05-12-12 22:27


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551859)
I'm not talking about killing it neccesarily, but being a survivor/explorer/whatever he oughts to know how to not get injured by a wolf or at least know how to run from it :p ...

It awfully reminds me of Von Croy if you ask me, you know the leg and all.. let's just hope he doesn't go all Seth on us.

LNSNHGTDS 05-12-12 22:30


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6551870)
It awfully reminds me of Von Croy if you ask me, you know the leg and all.. let's just hope he doesn't go all Seth on us.

Nah, there are plently of japanese demons to do Seth's job :vlol: !!!

But yeah you're right, I have the Von Roth feeling too!

nevillet 06-12-12 00:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551793)
*attempt to calm tits was unsuccesful*


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6551828)
Your tits aren't calm? They're stressed?


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6551844)
They're hyped because of TR :p . It's a popular expression used on the internet from what I know.

Ooooh! So "tits" is an acronym?
Totally In The Stress?

trlestew 06-12-12 00:55

I think the newest gameplay video made me lose a significant interest in the game. I didn't see anything impressive (Save for the atmosphere and sound, aesthetics, really).

Just looks like a streamlined version of other big titles so far.

_Awestruck_ 06-12-12 01:01


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6552288)
I think the newest gameplay video made me lose a significant interest in the game. I didn't see anything impressive (Save for the atmosphere and sound, aesthetics, really).

Just looks like a streamlined version of other big titles so far.

I'm really trying hard not to say the same thing here, but actually I'm starting to become more and more disappointed. I think I'm going to enjoy this game, but it's questionable whether or not I'll enjoy it a TR game, which really makes all the difference for me.

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