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Love2Raid 09-12-12 17:58

That's how most women are projected in the movies. Men use violence, women spread their legs (to get what they want). Nothing new here. :rolleyes:

LNSNHGTDS 09-12-12 17:59


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6559475)
That's how most women are projected in the movies. Men use violence, women spread their legs. Nothing new here. :rolleyes:

Yes but that's not Lara, Bayonetta for example (totally not inspired by your avatar :p ) would do something like that, and that's who she is and I love her for that, but not Lara D: .

Phlip 09-12-12 18:01

I've just never interpreted it like that, and never will. =/

Anyway I love Lara's character in the films so I "trust" her decisions.

Tonyrobinson 09-12-12 18:13


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6559457)
As I say I think there was real affection in it, and I thought it was kinda cool how Lara suddenly handcuffed him.

Oh the images my mind has conjured for the outcome of that scene when those cuffs came into play. :cln:

Love2Raid 09-12-12 18:35


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6559476)
Yes but that's not Lara, Bayonetta for example (totally not inspired by your avatar :p ) would do something like that, and that's who she is and I love her for that, but not Lara D: .

I don't think either would, since there is no need for them to go that 'low'. But a Bayo movie, if it was ever made, would most certainly be 18+ and not just because of the violence. :vlol:
So it could have been a lot worse, we should be happy with how Hollywood portrayed her in these 2 movies. Remember that it was before the reboot, she was a huge sex symbol back then. :p

LNSNHGTDS 09-12-12 20:40


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6559533)
I don't think either would, since there is no need for them to go that 'low'. But a Bayo movie, if it was ever made, would most certainly be 18+ and not just because of the violence. :vlol:
So it could have been a lot worse, we should be happy with how Hollywood portrayed her in these 2 movies. Remember that it was before the reboot, she was a huge sex symbol back then. :p

Yes I guess you're right, and reboot or not her sex symbol title ain't going anywhere, she was, is and will be a sex symbol, such a title is not dropped that easily, besides, if they want to take off the title by giving her an even bigger cleavage they're doing something wrong :vlol: .

Hairhelmet12 10-12-12 00:14

Omfg someone had this anon on tumblr who said:


i imagine the end of the new tomb raider, lara gets her trademark dual pistols and hair braid. she also leaves the main bad guy alive and confused, walks away and turns to the camera saying "I only play for sport." BAM ONE LINER THEN CREDITS


italibabee 10-12-12 00:32

The crazy things LF25 makes.

lcroft_lc 10-12-12 05:00


Originally Posted by Hairhelmet12 (Post 6559958)
Omfg someone had this anon on tumblr who said:


Best possible ending. :tmb:

tampi 10-12-12 12:09

I keep reading articles making reference to the recent VGA awards extolling all the virtues of the new Tomb Raider. :tmb:

The1andOnlyTR 10-12-12 22:37

Anyone see this GameInformer article?


Originally Posted by Kyle Hilliard
Lara Croft Continues To Get Her Butt Kicked In The Latest Tomb Raider Trailer

Am I the only one who missed her getting her butt kicked?
Someone's jealous that Meagan Marie makes more money than them now. ;) :p

Evan C. 10-12-12 23:01

Wouldn't be awesome if Tomb Raider (and specially, Lara) could be done on next gen with the Luminous Engine. Look at this Character Creator, I can't imagine how detailed and beautiful she could look!

TheRCroft 10-12-12 23:12


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6561029)

Am I the only one who missed her getting her butt kicked?

I don't know exactly what that lady means when she says that Lara had her butt kicked in that video. Quite the contrary: she scales a huge tower, she fights off quite a few enemies while still trying to save Sam. You'd think she would have had to actually watch the trailer before making an article about it.

Let's hope that by "getting her butt kicked" she meant all the adversities that we see that Lara has to face that we can see in this trailer.

Evan C. 10-12-12 23:22


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6561102)
I don't know exactly what that lady means when she says that Lara had her butt kicked in that video. Quite the contrary: she scales a huge tower, she fights off quite a few enemies while still trying to save Sam. You'd think she would have had to actually watch the trailer before making an article about it.

Let's hope that by "getting her butt kicked" she meant all the adversities that we see that Lara has to face that we can see in this trailer.

Probably, because if it's not that, I would say that someone is jelous of Lara.

TheRCroft 11-12-12 00:20

^ Everyone should be jealous of Lara tbh.

Let us all take a moment to appreciate this amazing piece of art and what a waste it is that we'll probably never hear it as an oficial part of the TR soundtrack:

Adrenaline 11-12-12 00:42


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6561206)
^ Everyone should be jealous of Lara tbh.

Let us all take a moment to appreciate this amazing piece of art and what a waste it is that we'll probably never hear it as an oficial part of the TR soundtrack:

I really loved that piece. It was so... amazing, It fitted so much with the concept of the game, and sent chills down my spine. As soon as I heard that song, my head filled with a million possibilities that Lara might go through on the island. Very interesting.

Tear 11-12-12 00:42

^^ I prefer that over the official theme. :/ It's so dark and mysterious.

The theme we have now is beautiful but it sounds like a typical "heroes' theme".

lcroft_lc 11-12-12 08:35


tampi 11-12-12 09:32


Yesterday I was thinking about the save system. No one has talked about that, right?:confused: Or i could not read about it.:o
At what times can we save the game?

I thought about it to see if we can save the game when we're on the top of that antenna. The temptation to leap from there to vacuum is extreme.:cln:

TippingWater 11-12-12 09:38


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6561848)

Yesterday I was thinking about the save system. No one has talked about that, right?:confused: Or i could not read about it.:o
At what times can we save the game?

I thought about it to see if we can save the game when we're on the top of that antenna. The temptation to leap from there to vacuum is extreme.:cln:

I wonder of we can do that, or CD think that will break our connection with Lara, seeing as we all need to protect her now :rolleyes::o.

Steven_1379 11-12-12 10:09


and if you didnt see them all white andstanding out
activate survival instict and see them all glow yellow

tampi 11-12-12 10:32


jaywalker 11-12-12 10:50

Tomb Raider is sponsored by Daz :)

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 10:56

I only noticed a few white ledges, and they weren't even THAT white. The walls look perfectly fine, I don't mind them being lighter where I can climb. The ropes make sense as being white.

It's like nitpick city here on TRF. :/

MangelinaJolie 11-12-12 11:00

After seeing just how many white ropes there are, I really don't think it's nitpicking to complain about that. Survival vision is there for a reason, and the white is obscenely out of place. I don't care if it's rope. A doorway with rope tethered onto it in a dilapidated structure should look equally as frayed and worn down. It draws you out of the immersion, contrary to what they believe.

I don't mind the craggy walls and the white ledges are not all that excessive. It's the ropes. They're everywhere and on everything.

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 11:05

I think the white ropes are meant to show which ones you can burn/interact with, I noticed there are some ropes laying around that are brown. I think it's so people don't go around trying to light/interact with every rope they see. I can see why they did it, I've noticed how most reviews complain about how unclear games can be with what is interactive and what is not. It seems to be a lose/lose situation.

I don't find the white ropes to be immersion or game breaking, so I don't see it as a big deal.

LENGuin 11-12-12 11:07


Originally Posted by Carbonek_0051 (Post 6561904)
I think the white ropes are meant to show which ones you can burn/interact with, I noticed there are some ropes laying around that are brown. I think it's so people don't go around trying to light/interact with every rope they see. I can see why they did it, I've noticed how most reviews complain about how unclear games can be with what is interactive and what is not.

I don't find the white ropes to be immersion or game breaking, so I don't see it as a big deal.

I agree, and to be honest I hate to keep chiming back to Batman AA but when I saw walls that I could pull down before I got the grapple hook upgrade I was making mental notes. However, that game (and this one too by the looks of it) has so many different points of interest that I ended up forgetting where they were when I got my grapple upgrade. So I basically went through each hub again and looked everywhere. It was fun.

Canny wait to do that with this one! I was very impressed by the IGN demo.

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 11:13


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6561907)
I agree, and to be honest I hate to keep chiming back to Batman AA but when I saw walls that I could pull down before I got the grapple hook upgrade I was making mental notes. However, that game (and this one too by the looks of it) has so many different points of interest that I ended up forgetting where they were when I got my grapple upgrade. So I basically went through each hub again and looked everywhere. It was fun.

Canny wait to do that with this one! I was very impressed by the IGN demo.

Yup! And don't worry about comparing it to Batman: AA, I've been making the comparisons since before the game was officially announced and even after the announcement. :p

It's a good formula, and I am glad to see TR is borrowing so much from the formula. Even the map system seems to work the same as Batman's. It's pretty awesome. :D

LENGuin 11-12-12 11:15

It seems to work really well, I like all the documentation and relics around the place and the idea of going off and exploring, hitting a dead end when you lack the proper gear and then, one assumes, skipping off and standing on a bear trap

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 11:20


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6561912)
It seems to work really well, I like all the documentation and relics around the place and the idea of going off and exploring, hitting a dead end when you lack the proper gear and then, one assumes, skipping off and standing on a bear trap

I agree completely. Ever since I played Batman I got TR vibes and kept wanting a TR game with the same formula. But it also clicked to me that the first Soul Reaver also used this formula, it's something CD are familiar with (although I'm not sure how much of the SR CD team are on the TReboot team). The Metroidvania formula was something I feel like this series needed, it adds a lot of exploration to the mix and even replayability.

I wonder if we'll be able to get every single upgrade before the game ends or if there will be a New Game + mode.

Rai 11-12-12 11:27

^Karl answered that one, there isn't any Game + mode.

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 11:31


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6561923)
^Karl answered that one, there isn't any Game + mode.


/boycotting the game

But seriously, it would have been cool to have a NG+ mode to go through the game with all your upgrades if you want. Or maybe be like Batman: Arkham City's NG+ where it puts you in Hard Mode automatically with all your upgrades. Oh well. I at least hope that when the game ends we will be able to explore the island as freely as we want.

I am still curious as to whether or not we can get every single upgrade or if it will work like Deus Ex: Human Revolution where we have to be smart with what we pick as we can't get everything. Part of me wants it to be where we upgrade it all, and part of me wants to be forced to choose carefully as it would add even more replayability.

LENGuin 11-12-12 11:31


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6561923)
^Karl answered that one, there isn't any Game + mode.

Bahh...I wanted my fully upgraded Lara to bring ALL dem boys to the yard

CBS_TombRaider 11-12-12 11:35


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6561927)
Bahh...I wanted my fully upgraded Lara to bring ALL dem boys to the yard

That would definitely clash with the narrative lol I bet that's why they don't have a NG + :/

tombstone 11-12-12 11:35

whatduhphuq, i wanted to have a completely upgraded lara in second replay. :(

jaywalker 11-12-12 11:35

When you've finished the story you're still able to go back around the island.. It doesnt fit into the mould of the game to start a new `story` game with all the upgrades you've earnt..

LENGuin 11-12-12 11:36


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6561934)
When you've finished the story you're still able to go back around the island.. It doesnt fit into the mould of the game to start a new `story` game with all the upgrades you've earnt..

B...but the boys. And the yard! I was very clear with my request :p

Peep Show 11-12-12 11:38

So there's no way to replay the game except deleting the save file? FML

Carbonek_0051 11-12-12 11:38

^Unless it has multiple save files like Legend, Anni, & both Batman games.

Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6561934)
When you've finished the story you're still able to go back around the island.. It doesnt fit into the mould of the game to start a new `story` game with all the upgrades you've earnt..

Well that's cool I guess. Are the enemies all respawned?

Also, do you have an answer for my upgrade question? Or are you having to keep tight lipped about that? :p

Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6561935)
B...but the boys. And the yard! I was very clear with my request :p

This. :ohn:

CBS_TombRaider 11-12-12 11:39


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6561937)
So there's no way to replay the game except deleting the save file? FML

I'm not sure; they're has to be some kind of system, right?

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