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larafan25 02-09-12 02:09


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412360)
Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhat. When did this happen?

A few days ago, it was quite blatant what Karl said. Unlike any of the answers which came before.

So it doesn't explain how Meagan no comments on the questions and how there was an MP icon on


Karl must have been lying, why else would Meagan be so giggly and no comment?! D:

Plus the icons which went unresolved and taken down!? D:


trfanX34 02-09-12 02:11

There's obviously multiplayer :pi: They haven't given a straight answer, plus, that icon...

italibabee 02-09-12 02:13

What icon?

larafan25 02-09-12 02:14


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6412365)
There's obviously multiplayer :pi: They haven't given a straight answer, plus, that icon...

KARL can't fool me.

These wack-ass betches laugh when he says "the hub is the size of TRU" but then they all "oh bow down to le truth u suck lurufan200" when they say beat around the bush about multiplayer.



Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6412367)
What icon?

When the official website was updated it was a huge event and the fans ransaked the site finding every image, and someone discovered all of the icons, one of them had an icon with dual pistols, another had SP, MP, and DLC icons.

Then they mysteriously vanished.

King.Louie 02-09-12 02:15

There's to much evidence which points to multiplayer. The psn and xbl logos on the website and the MP icon. Karl and Meagan were very vague with answers about multiplayer for a very long time. There is obviously some kind of online componet in the works.

italibabee 02-09-12 02:16

Nobody has pictures of them?

larafan25 02-09-12 02:16

^Yes. But they're old, so someone would have to find them. I have two full Photobuket accounts and crey at the thought of rummaging through them.


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6412369)
There's to much evidence which points to multiplayer. The psn and xbl logos on the website and the MP icon. Karl and Meagan were very vague with answers about multiplayer for a very long time until recently. There is obviously some kind of online componet in the works.

I totally forgot about the PSN logo, waay back from the GI podcast!lool.

But the last people to address MP were Meagan and Karl, Karl said no but Meagan had no comment I believe.


King.Louie 02-09-12 02:18

What if the lost fleet dlc is the multiplayer O___O

SeanCordernay 02-09-12 02:18


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6412368)
KARL can't fool me.

These wack-ass betches laugh when he says "the hub is the size of TRU" but then they all "oh bow down to le truth u suck lurufan200" when they say beat around the bush about multiplayer.


When the official website was updated it was a huge event and the fans ransaked the site finding every image, and someone discovered all of the icons, one of them had an icon with dual pistols, another had SP, MP, and DLC icons.

Then they mysteriously vanished.


skylark1121 02-09-12 02:19

Multiplayer is definitely happening. :cool:

I wonder if it will come with the base game or be in DLC form.

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