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Evan C. 01-10-12 21:10

So, the pic it's from another build of the game, an updated one? (Maybe beta)

JsotoTRSaga 01-10-12 21:11

No, but I dislike when they bash TOMB RAIDER also it isn't a terrible adjective that i used referring to them it is quite a light one compared to the ones i usually say but they didn't deserve those :p

larafan25 01-10-12 21:11

I assume she's playing the game, the latest full build of the entire game.

TheRCroft 01-10-12 21:12

I actually thought Siliconera's review would be a lot more negative. I quite agree with their opinion on the mechanics of the game, which is, apparently, all they criticised about it.

Megalith 01-10-12 21:12


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6459778)
No, but I dislike when they bash TOMB RAIDER also it isn't a terrible adjective that i used referring to them it is quite a light one compared to the ones i usually say but they didn't deserve those :p

Ok. :)

Evan C. 01-10-12 21:13

Probably she's just watching. I don't see Camilla playing Tomb Raider, that would make the game even longer than Skyrym.

larafan25 01-10-12 21:16

Woops, I didn't mean to say playing. I think she's just watching.

Evan C. 01-10-12 21:18

Considering there's just 5 months to go(OMG!), the game basically must be ready to be played without major problems. I wonder how much of this left time they're going to spend to keep on polishing.

Another Lara 01-10-12 21:19


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6459784)
Probably she's just watching. I don't see Camilla playing Tomb Raider, that would make the game even longer than Skyrym.


Lukass 01-10-12 21:23

I really would like to find out, where's Lara's fringe. It looks so odd :vlol:

italibabee 01-10-12 22:09

You guys have gotten me so crazy 'bout this fringe thing so I had to.

The1andOnlyTR 01-10-12 22:09

Anyone know where the necklace tutorial is?

italibabee 01-10-12 22:11


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6459881)
Anyone know where the necklace tutorial is?

This Thread?

Hairhelmet12 01-10-12 22:13


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6459880)
You guys have gotten me so crazy 'bout this fringe thing so I had to.

OOoouuhh! I don't know which one I like more! :D

The1andOnlyTR 01-10-12 22:16


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6459884)

Yes. :) Thank you! :hug:

trfanX34 01-10-12 22:21

So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.

Lukass 01-10-12 22:22


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6459880)
You guys have gotten me so crazy 'bout this fringe thing so I had to.

The original has to stay! Seriously!

Rai 01-10-12 22:31


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6459894)
So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.

This is an amazing pic. It reminds me of AoD for some reason. We have to get an HD version, agree :tmb:.

@italibabee's pic, the original is best.

Hairhelmet12 01-10-12 22:38


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6459894)
So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.

Woaah. That is awesome!

Lukass 01-10-12 23:14

They got to play the cavern too? :confused:

trfanX34 01-10-12 23:20

Nah that's probably the trailer. It shows up when you finish the demo.

Lukass 01-10-12 23:21

Ah, you're right.

Tabuu 01-10-12 23:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6459965)
They got to play the cavern too? :confused:


The1andOnlyTR 02-10-12 00:06


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6459899)
This is an amazing pic. It reminds me of AoD for some reason. We have to get an HD version, agree :tmb:.

@italibabee's pic, the original is best.


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6459894)
So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.

I think this is why it reminds you of AoD. :p

Where is that picture from, anyway? :confused:

Lukass 02-10-12 00:10

^ Oh my God, the bow just replaced the pistol! :eek: It's exactly the same!

The pic is from the Developers Session that happened in London yesterday.

Tabuu 02-10-12 00:13


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6460021)
I think this is why it reminds you of AoD. :p

Where is that picture from, anyway? :confused:

:eek: memories

Billy959 02-10-12 01:20

I like the TRAOD easter egg!

because TRAOD is awesome,and TR is awesome too! so Awesomeness explosion

italibabee 02-10-12 01:25


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6459894)
So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.

I want to see this.
It looks awesome!

Evan C. 02-10-12 01:35

Wasn't that some original draw he did on the I-pad for a fan? I read that on the official blog. Maybe he used the AOD as a initial model.

Tabuu 02-10-12 01:37

youu know what

Evan C. 02-10-12 01:37

Yup: "Brian even used the added opportunity to doodle Lara on a fan’s iPad." (Textual words from Meagan Marie on the blog)

The1andOnlyTR 02-10-12 03:59


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6460104)
Yup: "Brian even used the added opportunity to doodle Lara on a fan’s iPad." (Textual words from Meagan Marie on the blog)

I would ship my iPad across the world to have him draw me a picture of Lara.... :pi:


MyRaider4Life 02-10-12 05:13


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6459894)
So when are we getting the HD version of this.

Seriously. It's amazing and badass.


Where did that come from? D:

Also, maybe it's the cover art @__@

JsotoTRSaga 02-10-12 05:25

^That is exactly what i was thinking of, it may be the cover art bc i remember Karl said in the latest Q&A in the eidos forums that the Cover art was a new render (or W.e) that we haven't seen yet and they where ''excited'' to show. I highly suspect that picture has got to do something with the cover of the game considering the art director was ''drawing'' it.

Another Lara 02-10-12 05:39

That's a photo we took at the community event. Brian was asked by a fellow artist in the group if he would do some original art for the backdrop of her iPad. I was so in awe of it, I insisted on taking a picture! :p

JsotoTRSaga 02-10-12 05:40


Originally Posted by Another Lara (Post 6460264)
That's a photo we took at the community event. Brian was asked by a fellow artist in the group if he would do some original art for the backdrop of her iPad. I was so in awe of it, I insisted on taking a picture! :p

So there's no remote chance of it to be the Cover art of the game?

Another Lara 02-10-12 06:07


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6460267)
So there's no remote chance of it to be the Cover art of the game?

Not even the slightest! Sorry! :o

SeanCordernay 02-10-12 06:32

Wherever Brian Horton is, I would just like to let him know that his art is absolutely gnarly!!! Keep up the fantastic work man, you're really talented!!!

just*raidin*tomb 02-10-12 06:40


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6460313)
Wherever Brian Horton is, I would just like to let him know that his art is absolutely gnarly!!! Keep up the fantastic work man, you're really talented!!!


And I'm totally jealous of his position. He pretty much has my dream job.

TippingWater 02-10-12 07:09


Camilla Luddington @camilluddington

2full days locked in a room playing #tombraider. Suddenly the real world looks so boring ;) #laracroft
If she is as skilled of a player (I doubt it) as Meagan Marie then it could mean that the game is indeed long enough :).

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