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Cog 06-06-08 21:40

The Almighty Underpus Compels You.
Underpus is made of Epic.

Image edits are a must. (original)

touchthesky 06-06-08 21:41

It's too cute to kill!

Lenochka 06-06-08 21:42

How is that thing cute!? :vlol:
it reminds me of that chick from starwars ep.1... the one with the red outfit and the crazy ass hair :vlol:

touchthesky 06-06-08 21:43

The "root" things remind me of little arms. Want to use them to cuddle me.

I always thought Torso was the cutest thing evr as well.

ben croft 06-06-08 21:44

Insteresting way they decorate the levels. No bosses, only paintings and big statues of monsters...


touchthesky 06-06-08 21:44

I don't think that's a statue...

Spikey 06-06-08 21:44


Originally Posted by touchthesky (Post 2757180)
It's too cute to kill!

I agree, it's kinda cute in a strange and morbid way. :D

Although, the steam vents kinda make it look like some sort of...Robopus. :p

ben croft 06-06-08 21:47


Originally Posted by touchthesky (Post 2757192)
I don't think that's a statue...

It's not a statue only, it's a statue that (soon) will have obvious ledges.


JACOBryanBURNS 06-06-08 21:48

I'm telling you, Lara is going to show up and be like "This is a MUST for the basement aquarium."

Ben, are you going to make every thread your in a place to gripe and moan about ledges? Seriously...

ben croft 06-06-08 21:50

Alister: "Ewww that's so disgusting"
Zip: "So where's the papa?"

*options, turns off everything*


thevman 06-06-08 21:52

Better get lots of flakes if lara intends to keep it as a pet! :vlol:

Spikey 06-06-08 21:56


Originally Posted by ben croft (Post 2757201)
It's not a statue only, it's a statue that (soon) will have obvious ledges.

I think it's a real octopus, suggested by the water disturbances around it's body. ;)

It would be kinda funny if it was a statue though, shimmying along it's tentacles and all that. :p

Cog 06-06-08 21:56

Underpus Rule #1: You are to use imagery of The Underpus to hijack the threads of Underworld haters.

Spikey 06-06-08 21:58

What the... :vlol:

Drone 06-06-08 22:01


Originally Posted by Spikey (Post 2757233)
I think it's a real octopus, suggested by the water disturbances around it's body. ;)

It would be kinda funny if it was a statue though, shimmying along it's tentacles and all that. :p

if you shoot it, it shows you its obvious ledges

but yup that thing seems real

oocladableeblah 06-06-08 22:03

lmao this thread is so funny :vlol:

JACOBryanBURNS 06-06-08 22:04


Originally Posted by Cog (Post 2757234)
Underpus Rule #1: You are to use imagery of The Underpus to hijack the threads of Underworld haters.

What the eff? :vlol:

Rivendell 06-06-08 22:07

Underpus :vlol: Great name! :tmb:

LOL at the Trippy Underpus!

Sir Croft 06-06-08 22:17

ROFL :vlol:

Rivendell 06-06-08 22:25



b0bb13 06-06-08 22:27

Thread of the month!:tmb:

*bows down to teh Underpus*

Rivendell 06-06-08 22:29

It's the new craze! The 'Lolpus'. :D

thevman 06-06-08 22:30

I wonder if the underpuss wears underwear? :confused: Or does it go commando??? :whi:

Cog 06-06-08 22:39


Rivendell 06-06-08 22:58

:D Dramatic look Underpus, makes me think of that 'Dun-Dun-Dahhhhh!' music.


tlr online 06-06-08 22:59

:vlol: Outstanding thread!

Ward Dragon 06-06-08 23:01

I love the image edits :vlol: :tmb:


Originally Posted by Spikey (Post 2757233)
I think it's a real octopus, suggested by the water disturbances around it's body. ;)

It would be kinda funny if it was a statue though, shimmying along it's tentacles and all that. :p

Or kill it and then shimmy along its corpse :mis:

Although, I wonder if it will be intelligent. Perhaps it will telepathically speak to Lara? On second thought, no. I won't be happy unless it sounds just like Tony Jay, and if it does then I'd be angry they copied and pasted from LoK :vlol:

Scia 06-06-08 23:13

Even though the ledges are obvious, I think the octopus will make things difficult for Lara. There are some poles that go right up next to his arms, I can just picture him being un-killable and knocking Lara around - making him a puzzle in which you have to time your navigation of the room around his attacks.

That would be awesome :jmp:

tlr online 06-06-08 23:14


Rivendell 06-06-08 23:15


Cog 06-06-08 23:16


Although, I wonder if it will be intelligent. Perhaps it will telepathically speak to Lara? On second thought, no. I won't be happy unless it sounds just like Tony Jay, and if it does then I'd be angry they copied and pasted from LoK

Ward Dragon 06-06-08 23:16

Awww, now I feel all creeped out and disgusted at the thought of Paris Hilton being in a TR game :yik: :vlol: I'll take the normal octopus monster, thank you (it's more attractive by a long shot) :vlol: :D

Edit: Oh dear god, the mind control is hilarious :vlol: I love how her eyes are all messed up, too :D

Obscure 06-06-08 23:16


Originally Posted by tlr online (Post 2757477)

It's certainly an improvement from the old Paris :tmb:

oocladableeblah 06-06-08 23:17


Originally Posted by Cog (Post 2757480)

lmao the best one so far :vlol:

KC Mraz 06-06-08 23:18


MiCkiZ88 06-06-08 23:18

LMFAO! :vlol: *fells of chair*

Loving the name. Just brilliant. :D

tlr online 06-06-08 23:23


iamlaracroft 06-06-08 23:29

The next chapter after TRU will be entirely based around Lara struggling with the wall placement of Underpus in her trophy room after she has 'em taxidermied.

"Like, on the left? Or, like, you know, on the right of T-Rex?"


Yuna´s Wish 06-06-08 23:30

:vlol: Very nice people :D I really like what you did to Underpus...


And I love your last one too Cog! The one about why she can´t make it to the ledge :p

tlr online 06-06-08 23:31


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