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Vinkula 01-03-12 23:54


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6009718)
It's pretty weird, because I just finished watching the Community Event in Germany videos, and someone asked Meagan, whether the game is going to be really 16 or 18+ rated. There was some German guy from Square-Enix too and he said that the game is going to be M-rated.

Hmm, well I believe Square-Enix more than a online shop :D

NCFirebolt21 02-03-12 00:15

TOMB RAIDER will be rated MA15+ in Australia. That's the highest rating any game can get, alongside Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell. It sure as hell won't be R18+ since there's no sex in it. Duh.

jhs270694 02-03-12 00:20

That and plus in the UK, age ratings are different than the US. In the UK there's an option of 17+, not just 16 or 18. Different countries will have different ratings, not all are the same all the time in fact its fairly common for it to be different.

NCFirebolt21 02-03-12 00:41

The rating system worldwide is completely different.
An example of this would be Forgotten Sands (dont' judge me, I just picked the first game that came to mind!). It's rated PG over here for mild themes and in the UK/US it's rated 16+.

So, back to TR, it won't be anything short of 15+ (here in Australia).

Anyway, PEGI gave the game rating as 18+ when Turning Point premiered so UK's rating is probably fixed.

Mikky 02-03-12 00:44


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6009785)
That and plus in the UK, age ratings are different than the US. In the UK there's an option of 17+, not just 16 or 18. Different countries will have different ratings, not all are the same all the time in fact its fairly common for it to be different.

No, there isn't. :confused:

The age rating used in the UK are these:

No 17+.

jhs270694 02-03-12 00:48

I'm sure I've seen the ratings on the covers covers of my game. its a black background with a white 17. Edit: might have been a movie. probably got it mixed up :o

Mikky 02-03-12 00:51


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6009841)
I'm sure I've seen the ratings on the covers covers of my game. its a black background with a white 17

Maybe you you saw it on an American copy of a game?

ESRB is the only rating board that I can think of that uses a 17+ rating.

EDIT - Just saw the edit. Oh, right. :pi:

jhs270694 02-03-12 00:52

Probably lol nvm :p. ESRB is american as well isn't it? they have their stickers on a lot of stuff over here in UK, partly what led to my misconception. i wonder how all this works =S.

lcroft_lc 02-03-12 05:24


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6009039)
If there really is no event between GDC and E3, then I would expect the gameplay trailer to be revealed in the next few days. They said early 2012 - it is now. There is going to be an event - GDC. E3 is in June, which is not early 2012. So, let's wait and see...

and then be disappointed if they show nothing

In CD's view, early 2012 could mean E3 2012 too. Just saying. :pi:


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6009072)
I've just checked the exhibitors list and Square-Enix is not there, nor Crystal Dynamics. Our chances are small, I think.

In past, Crystal revealed their name at the very end of an exhibition. Beside, GDC says still more exhibitors to be revealed.

CrystalD said this-

you can see our current jobs at we'll also be tweeting in the next few days about our plans/ presence at GDC - Amy
I asked-

@CRYSTALjobs What kind of plan? Does it include Tomb Raider?
They replied-

@ShaikhSiddiky it includes hunting down amazing talent to work on TombRaider as well as our other 2 IP's in development!

scremanie 02-03-12 07:50


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 6009781)
TOMB RAIDER will be rated MA15+ in Australia. That's the highest rating any game can get, alongside Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell. It sure as hell won't be R18+ since there's no sex in it. Duh.

Well, we should be getting an R rating some time this year. So, hopefully it's implemented before Tomb Raider's release, then I'd say it will be given an R rating.

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