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Ardent Pizza 09-05-13 14:30

I feel honoured that I get linked to this stranger. Really.:rolleyes:

I am not a troll. I know that some of my posts were a bit odd, offbeat, but it's just the way I write. :/

I am both, a serious and silly person. As I have already said in my first thread, when there is something I like, adore and a topic that might fascinate me, I will post something profund and serious.

Just give me a chance. But I guess, I will only find prejudices and character assassinations.


I am sorry for going off-topic. I just had the feeling to defend myself.

LarasFan 09-05-13 14:33

I'm not offending you or anything, it's just that, everything about you is kinda random :p... Especially your signature :p

scremanie 09-05-13 14:50

Larafan25, is that you? :eek:

tomee 09-05-13 17:22

Did I miss an update? :confused:

I went to Slovakia for 3 days and now I can't find any matches...

Spong 09-05-13 17:24


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6779217)
I went to Slovakia for 3 days and now I can't find any matches...

I'm sure you can buy some from a corner shop. Or maybe use a lighter instead?


SpyrosMonster 09-05-13 17:25


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6779217)
Did I miss an update? :confused:

I went to Slovakia for 3 days and now I can't find any matches...

It could be just people getting bored of Multiplayer. :/
I thought multiplayer was really fun! But When I reached level 60 and got all the achievements I just didn't find it that much fun like it was before...

I think It's been 4 weeks that I haven't played the multiplayer.

tomee 09-05-13 17:32


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6779220)
I'm sure you can buy some from a corner shop. Or maybe use a lighter instead?



Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6779222)
It could be just people getting bored of Multiplayer. :/
I thought multiplayer was really fun! But When I reached level 60 and got all the achievements I just didn't find it that much fun like it was before...

I think It's been 4 weeks that I haven't played the multiplayer.

I have one more achievment left and it's halfway done.
Guess what? It's actually the rarest achievement on the PC, and that's only because nobody bothers playing rated matches.
I have cry for help and deathmatch done, but I still need the other two modes. I also had rescue done, but the game glitched and I didn't get credit for it. -.-"

Edit: Even those two matches were actually organised.

Spong 09-05-13 17:35


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6779230)


Phlip 09-05-13 17:42


Originally Posted by Ardent Pizza (Post 6778473)
CeyDey missed so many chances, in my opinion. They are good. They are cewl. But I trust in them and I know they could reach perfection if they would try to see and understand. THe lines between self-adulation, logic and effort are fragile and blurry.

You know, I want the exploration not to be story based, like character exploration and ****, but I want it to be implemented in the game itself. D: I think some of the stuff CD promised was all story related. Of course there was some exploration in this game but it wasn't enough for me. Crazay.


Same goes for the survivor aspects. To a certain degree Lara was a survivor in the cutscenes but a crazay, oh deer lawd, living rocket launcher while playing her. A survival game with a "heal over time system" is not a survival game.

CD, do you listen?

They need to find da balance. Moar self determination as a player and less scripted oranges. We need more freedom and larger areals.

I love the new TR, but the sequel could be so much better if CeeDee would find their inner "Guardian of Light".

Maybe there is someone, o-mah-gawd, maybe something that holds them back.



I know you're Canadian, but can you write in English, with proper English grammar/structure? I know it's a monumentally huge ask, but thanks.

tomee 09-05-13 18:08


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6779242)
I know you're Canadian, but can you write in English, with proper English grammar/structure? I know it's a monumentally huge ask, but thanks.

That's actually proper English grammar, he just uses lolspeak which is irrelevant to the grammar or him being Canadian.
If you want to ask him to always use the correct spelling, then you can do that in a nicer way.

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