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LNSNHGTDS 23-05-13 17:30


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6796745)
I've been there a couple of times, not recently though. It's rubbish, full of archaeology students funding their drug habits with prostitution.

Intresting... I guess :p ?

skylark1121 23-05-13 17:31


Originally Posted by Gregori (Post 6796725)
The level design was average really

Okay, well then maybe you can explain to me how they kept the max view distance ratio of their HQ distance textures at such a high level without slower fps and fading? Or maybe you can explain how they were able to change Lara's game mode and animation set (similar to how they did with Lara going from walking, to sliding down the river, to parachute scene) without loading screens, because, as an aspiring level designer, I've been curious to know. :)


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6796731)


larafan25 23-05-13 17:31

^Guurl, they can do that stuff with the flick of a wand, we can't just script things in the LE like they can. TBH.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6796740)
How did the Brighton thing came up :p ? Wasn't Lara from Surrey? And is it really that bad in Brighton xD?

In the original cutscene where Lara meets up with Sam and Mathias, Lara reminds Sam of "that night in Brighton" in which perhaps a similar scenario with a creepy man ensued and they needed to escape. Sam maybe not being the best judge of character.

Alternatively it was a lot of fun and Lesbiany and was made into a movie:

skylark1121 23-05-13 17:33

Lara looks so innocent, and Sam looks all devious and stuff. ^:pi:


LNSNHGTDS 23-05-13 17:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6796749)
In the original cutscene where Lara meets up with Sam and Mathias, Lara reminds Sam of "that night in Brighton" in which perhaps a similar scenario with a creepy man ensued and they needed to escape. Sam maybe not being the best judge of character.

Alternatively it was a lot of fun and Lesbiany and was made into a movie:

:vlol: I see.

Well, judging from Sam's journals they had "fun" in many places, ranging from Bulgaria to mountains. Brighton might have been one of those places :p !

larafan25 23-05-13 17:35


This is bad to say, and I shouldn't. No no. But I will.

I'D LOOOOVE to see an even...slightly younger Lara, maybe 20 (lol) with Sam, in some exotic city, just messing around, sneaking out of a balcony, something that plays sort of like the flashback level in Uncharted 3. It would be so awesome. I wanna see them get into trouble and be mischievous. It could be like an Olsen Twins movie.

But no. This is bad. >_>

skylark1121 23-05-13 17:38

^ Tomb Raider meets The Olsen Twins. D:



[insert crazy gif here, tbh] :D

SpyrosMonster 23-05-13 18:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6796749)

This one reminds me of the family guy characters! D:

EscondeR 23-05-13 18:07

Oh, yeah, all that innuendo is great... and Lara ALMOST showing underboob (ERMAHGERD!!!11!1111) in TRC FMV is worth crucifixion :tmb:

[/tons of sarcasm]

tomee 23-05-13 18:12


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6796790)
Oh, yeah, all that innuendo is great... and Lara ALMOST showing underboob (ERMAHGERD!!!11!1111) in TRC FMV is worth crucifixion :tmb:

[/tons of sarcasm]

She was underage. That alone should be a reason to avoid anything sexual.

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