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spyrostr 16-07-13 00:38


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6852152)
Aaaaah. <3

But who was the Senior Producer on TR? I hope they aint replacing anyone good or important.

Alex Offermann... i just watched the credits again

larafan25 16-07-13 00:44


Well I hope TR10 is as good as I can imagine it to be.

Rai 16-07-13 00:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6851587)
I finished the game today (story). Go me! Now I just need to go around exploring and get 100%. Really looking forward to it. What fun! :D

Oh, and and apparently, talking to Whitman at the gate is not needed for the Chatterbox achievement. I missed him out and I got the achievement anyway, so yay! All is well. :p

Glad you liked your play-through! (better than the watch-through?)

And, glad you at least managed to get that achievement. I wish I know what I've missed.


Originally Posted by spyrostr (Post 6852150)

although i cant see it on the above seems that in the fb page is written that :

Seems CD are looking to fill a whole bunch of roles.

spyrostr 16-07-13 00:53


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6852157)

Well I hope TR10 is as good as I can imagine it to be.

hmm i was wrong there were 3 more senior producers for Tomb Raider. Trevor Grimshaw, Eric Tam and Kam Zambel

trfanX34 16-07-13 01:00


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6851587)
Oh, and and apparently, talking to Whitman at the gate is not needed for the Chatterbox achievement. I missed him out and I got the achievement anyway, so yay! All is well. :p

Must be some kind of glitch, I didn't talk to him at the gate either and I didn't get Chatterbox when I finished my first playthrough ;__;

SpyrosMonster 16-07-13 16:01

TR was -75% on steam 2 days ago (Its -50% now)
So my friend decided to buy it and I'm telling you he was playing it like 22 hours straight and he finished it!
Now he's collecting all the relics and stuff. He really likes this game which is amazing because he never was into TR.

We played some multiplayer too and he kinda kicked my ass (twice). :pi:

trfanX34 16-07-13 20:18

^ I played TR with two friends today and they loved it but... let's just say that TR isn't that easy for everyone... :vlol:
I was like this all the time...

Patrick star 16-07-13 20:19

you may be right ...tomb raider fans were somehow used to the hard classics but I heard many times from my freind that this game isn't that easy !

SpyrosMonster 16-07-13 20:25


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6852806)
^ I played TR with two friends today and they loved it but... let's just say that TR isn't that easy for everyone... :vlol:
I was like this all the time...

Yup, believe me I know. When my friend reached himiko's tomb he just wanted to outrun the bad guys and whenever he tried to smash the door and leave a dynamite was coming out of nowhere killing lara. He was like "IMMA DO IT THIS TIME", 15 minutes of watching lara dying passed then I just got up, I grabbed the PS3 Controller, I hit him on the head with it and just killed those guys.

skylark1121 16-07-13 22:46


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6851587)
I finished the game today (story). Go me! Now I just need to go around exploring and get 100%. Really looking forward to it. What fun! :D

Oh, and and apparently, talking to Whitman at the gate is not needed for the Chatterbox achievement. I missed him out and I got the achievement anyway, so yay! All is well. :p

So I'm guessing it wasn't as horrible as you expected it to be? :p

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