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Lukass 12-03-12 23:03


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6033849)
^Some of those made me laugh. I can't say which though, it's unfair on the members because they're (probably) not here.

PM me...I wanna know.

Adrenaline 12-03-12 23:15


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6033818)
My guess:

I'm just teasing. Just like they are.

It's funny cause its true. :pi: *burp*.

Lukass 12-03-12 23:18


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6033818)
My guess: Meagan Marie: Thank you so much Karl.....! Like OMG. Talk to you soon guys. We love you here hihi, and don't forget all my cosplays


aussie500 12-03-12 23:34


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6032861)
Everyone here knows this new tomb raider will be not delay and we are so happy because the game will be not delay . Ok Q1 will end at March , if they won't give us some screenshots and trailer , we will wait unit April just like what you said April is good chance to reveal about new gameplay , if they will not reveal about new something at April , the game will delay .

You realise that made no sense at all, for TRU we got out first gameplay footage for E3, and they still managed to get the game released in November. They could give us nothing before E3 and still have the game out on time.


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 6032949)
It was a mess because TR6 was rushed. The storyline is bad-ass & probably one of the best storylines ever.

& About TR10 ... TR10 could about her...adventuring places ...something. An AOD story would best fit TR12/TR11

AOD was rushed? It took 3 1/2 years to make Core Design's next gen Tomb Raider game, they were looking at where to go with it before they finished TR4. It took just under three years for Crystal Dynamics to make Legend and TRU and TRA took a lot less. How were Core Design rushed? It was only a PS2 era game done for two platforms. If you think 3 1/2 years rushed for a PS2 game, why are fans complaining it takes 4 years to reboot the franchise for the current generation hardware. Just because a developer badly mismanages their resources and time does not mean they were not given more than enough time to make the game.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6033339)
I'm using the media flow from last year with this same game as a precedent.

I'm basing my assumption off of the fact that we were warned that we wouldn't be warned when coverage begins again.

If we aren't going to be warned when coverage starts again, it wouldn't start with E3 because they confirmed we'd see the game at E3.

You suggested that perhaps magazines would start covering the game after E3, which to me didn't make sense on a personal level but also conflicted with how it was done last year.

No point looking at how they did it last year, better to look at what they did for TRU in the build up for release. E3 is at the beginning of the month, the magazines whether released at the beginning of the month of the end should get the story for the issue released in June. Crystal Dynamics will likely co-ordinate the magazine coverage to make the most of the attention the game gets at E3. If any of the magazines with the exclusive comes out early we could see new screenshots before E3. Either that or they show the magazines a different area to what they are showing at E3, in which case we would get a look at two new areas. The media are most likely getting their demo now or next month, they need to see it a couple of months before they go to print.

For TRU they never had the game ready to show the public before E3, this time they do, although they might not want us to see anything more from early development of the game. We never got a look at that second demo they showed the media. I agree, if we were getting nothing before E3, they would have told us to expect the next news with E3. So they must have something planned. For TRU we got a look at the difference between the alpha and beta builds. And there is still the voice actress and composer to reveal. That they are unwilling to give us a more definite time seems to indicate they are still working on getting it ready (beta, combat or something else they are still putting in the game), or they are dependent on an outside party for the time slot (new trailer maybe, or other video footage).


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6033739)
Is this open chat now? ._.

No this is not open chat so I suggest people stop treating it like it is, stick to the topic of Tomb Raider.

jhs270694 12-03-12 23:52

You think Roth will somehow die later on in the story? Lara would have a complete mental breakdown.

Gamd1011 12-03-12 23:55


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6033962)
You think Roth will somehow die later on in the story? Lara would have a complete mental breakdown.

& it would be extremely cliché

Rai 12-03-12 23:58


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6033962)
You think Roth will somehow die later on in the story? Lara would have a complete mental breakdown.

It could be the final straw that breaks the camel's back and she chooses from then on to go alone and not rely on anyone else. And the survivor is born. Da da daaah! etc


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6033978)
& it would be extremely cliché

and this too, tbh, though I can imagine this happening.

Mikky 12-03-12 23:59


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6033992)
It could be the final straw that breaks the camel's back and she chooses from then on to go alone and not rely on anyone else. And the survivor is born. Da da daaah! etc

This was what I was thinking, only less... sarcastically. :vlol:

jhs270694 12-03-12 23:59

Why cliché? Is it because that sort of thing is stereotyped? It seems a good opportunity for her to develop and gain that much more independence rather than be seen as a 'student' learning from her 'mentor'. On the other hand it would be a bit sketchy to get rid of a potentially big protagonist to be in later games but saying that its cliché is far fetched to say the least.

Well in that case, surviving on an island and getting out can be seen a cliché. 'im going to become a better person because i survived a harsh environment'. Thats more predictable rather than cliché TBH. is that what your trying to say, predictable?

larafan25 13-03-12 00:01

I personally don't give a fudge what happens or if it's considered cliche. If I enjoy the story and nothing makes me cringe it's all good.

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