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Linoshi Croft 21-05-12 15:17

I've just noticed in wolf screenshot, Lara is actually stabbing it..Everyone, was saying she stabbed it with a broken bottle but you can clearly see it's an arrow. I always thought she just had her arms up as a reaction.

larafan25 21-05-12 15:18

The bottle is a "joke" about working at a bar and supposedly having drunks come at her with a smashed bottle/ shard of glass.

"A wolf's got nothing on a broken bottle".

Linoshi Croft 21-05-12 15:19


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6180410)
The bottle is a "joke" about working at a bar and supposedly having drunks come at her with a smashed bottle/ shard of glass.

"A wolf's got nothing on a broken bottle".

I know, but alot of people took it very seriously and assumed it was a bottle :p

But still I never noticed her actually stabbing the wolf in the screenshot.

larafan25 21-05-12 15:21

TBH, Lara and the wolf have probably been stabbed by a number of things by now, everywhere you turn it's a metal spike, a sharp piece of wood, an arrow, another metal spike, a bottle, etc... :p

That is a bad ass screenshot though, and it seems wild to me that she apparently stabs it seven times.

Rai 21-05-12 15:23

Seven times :eek:? Is the wolf wet, it looks slimy. Eww.

klona 21-05-12 15:39


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6180425)
Seven times :eek:? Is the wolf wet, it looks slimy. Eww.

It's just sweating... I think. :p

Linoshi Croft 21-05-12 15:40

I hope it's not just a red glare when killing it, I want her covered in it's blood.

klona 21-05-12 17:14


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6180470)
I hope it's not just a red glare when killing it, I want her covered in it's blood.

I want a blood pool as well.

NRO. 21-05-12 17:28

I want it to be realistic. Just the right amount of blood.

tampi 21-05-12 17:39


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6180470)
I hope it's not just a red glare when killing it, I want her covered in it's blood.

:smk: That's not appropriate! Why so much blood? You are a sadist.:p

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