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VictorXD 24-02-13 22:55


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6668293)
Is it just me, or it seems like she cannot die when she normally falls from high ledges :o?

I got this impression too! Lara kept falling some pretty big heights and she just kept moving like nothing happened.:o

Rai 24-02-13 22:58


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668306)
There's certainly no launch trailer on YT. Did he say where he thinks he saw it?

5 films apparently. I have no clue if it is true. He claims it is.

ItIsOkBro 24-02-13 22:58

Everyone watching stuff is laaaaaaaame. Lol you waited 4 years to watch another dude low quality play on YouTube :ton:

Peep Show 24-02-13 22:58

Oh well, all you people watching walkthroughs, enjoy it but don't start bitching later when you play the game about how you already knew everything that happened.

The last time I watched a TR video was last year so i'll have a pretty fresh experience when I play it. :jmp:

Valentino 24-02-13 23:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668316)
Oh well, all you people watching walkthroughs, enjoy it but don't start bitching later when you play the game about how you already knew everything that happened.

They ain't gonna listen. They're to naive.

VictorXD 24-02-13 23:01


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6668314)
Everyone watching stuff is laaaaaaaame. Lol you waited 4 years to watch another dude low quality play on YouTube :ton:

That's not true:pi:I'm only watching footage already published by CD >.<

Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668316)
Oh well, all you people watching walkthroughs, enjoy it but don't start bitching later when you play the game about how you already knew everything that happened.

The last time I watched a TR video was last year so i'll have a pretty fresh experience when I play it. :jmp:

I can honestly say I envy your self control. :/

Zebra 24-02-13 23:01


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6668313)
5 films apparently. I have no clue if it is true. He claims it is.

What is "5 films" :confused:?

LNSNHGTDS 24-02-13 23:02

Ok, no offence, but if you're all "seriously ill with spoilerophobia" , that doesn't mean that everyone else is too!

We like to watch stuff, that doesn't mean anything, it's a completely different experience when you play and when you watch a game.

So please, continue moaning about how some people post spoilers and let us be as naive as we want.

dantedmc 24-02-13 23:03


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6668316)
Oh well, all you people watching walkthroughs, enjoy it but don't start bitching later when you play the game about how you already knew everything that happened.

The last time I watched a TR video was last year so i'll have a pretty fresh experience when I play it. :jmp:

People got their own brains, they watch by knowing it won't bother them in future. I love watching gameplay vids. At least you know what you're buying. Playing it yourself is a totally different experience.

You stay fresh/"virgin"

Rai 24-02-13 23:03


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6668323)
What is "5 films" :confused:?

I think it's a TV channel.

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