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.:Tirivol:. 06-03-13 20:51


Originally Posted by lovechin (Post 6689203)
Just curious: am I the only one who is not happy about the missing option "invert x axis" in the gameplay menu?? I already wrote the Tomb Raider Team on facebook but haven't got a decent answer about my problem :( I'm used to play with inverted camera view so it's pretty hard for me to enjoy the game to its fullest :( booh!

me too (I knew I wasn't alone!) I already PM jay and asked him if he could tell anything and he said that he's gonna pass it to the team if he can :D

Cochrane 06-03-13 20:52

Everyone who said "there's not too much combat" was either lying or didn't play the game through the end. Damn it, can't I have one puzzle or exploration area? And no, "circumvent the machine gun" is not a puzzle in my book.

lovechin 06-03-13 20:53


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6689208)
me too (I knew I wasn't alone!) I already PM jay and asked him if he could tell anything and he said that he's gonna pass it to the team if he can :D

Thank god! I thought I was alone :D

SEN1138 06-03-13 20:54


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6689210)
Everyone who said "there's not too much combat" was either lying or didn't play the game through the end. Damn it, can't I have one puzzle or exploration area? And no, "circumvent the machine gun" is not a puzzle in my book.

Ruins the game doesn't it? Everybody seems to be sucking up to CD without actually pointing out the glaring faults in the game.

Soul 06-03-13 20:57

I just entered Shanty-Town and enjoyed the combat thus far, as it required me to put on my thinking cap and find out how to take them out one by one, without alarming the others. (not talking about the moments, in which enemies instantly see you, but passing them is rather easy thanks to the nice dodge-move)

Jami393 06-03-13 20:59


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689205)
I guess that she was scrapped? They propably had her drown in the sea, lol :p ! Apparently, Steph, Liam and Victor, who were also part of the Endurance crew were propably employed by Roth to work on the ship, nothing more, nothing connected with the exhibition, at least that's what I suspect.



Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689205)
Steph was propably completely scrapped from single player.
Liam was the guy Alex was trying to revive in the openin scene and then
he and Victor were seen again when Lara was taken to Vlad, they were the two guys that distracted Vlad and allowed Lara to escape. Lara later picks up some ammo which was lying next to Victor's corpse.

Victor seemed to know Lara but when she was talking to Roth via headset later she just says "they were killing people" . I found that rather odd because, no matter how little did they knew each other I felt sorry for the fact that his death was completely ignored.

Maybe there was a reason why his death was ignored.


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689205)
Good to know that he helped again :) . It's funny how he's been there in every "(new) beggining" of the series but later left because he didn't like what was being done with the series but eventually came back, he's like the real-life Natla :p , but he keeps returning for different reasons. Let's see how things go this time.

Just a thought, could it actually be a different Toby Gard, because it's known for people having the same name. It's like one person credited on the game (and I think he was in one the pics in the credits), is a guy called Steve Austin, and I don't think he is a wrestler.

LNSNHGTDS 06-03-13 21:00


Originally Posted by SEN1138 (Post 6689214)
Ruins the game doesn't it? Everybody seems to be sucking up to CD without actually pointing out the glaring faults in the game.

Faults? I can understand people being annoyed by the fact that there is too much combat and not that many puzzles but that's not a fault, that's just the way they wanted their game.

I can understand how it can be considered a "fault" , when compared to previous games but TRII and Legend had a lot of combat, that wasn't a fault, it was just something different. Besides, we "forgot everything we knew" so, technically, this is a game of a "new series" so we don't really have anything to compare it with.

I know this kind of logic is deformed but still, it's a new beggining, they could have changed it even more if they liked, they just kept the basic elements but enhanced combat and degraded puzzles, they're still there, but also barely there, lol :p .


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6689223)

Just a thought, could it actually be a different Toby Gard, because it's known for people having the same name. It's like one person credited on the game (and I think he was in one the pics in the credits), is a guy called Steve Austin, and I don't think he is a wrestler.

Well yeah, Lara had her own problems at the time and was still in shock because of what she did but still, I believe it wasn't fair. I know this game is all about Lara (and that's how it should be) but I can't help but feel sorry for those three :o ...

Well it's a possibility, but it would be too weird if two people with the same name worked for the same series for the same reason :p ! And it's propably him because it seems like something he would do :p !


I accidentally read a spoiler (I was kinda asking for it but still... ) -_- ...

Oh well, I still like Whitman :whi: :p ...

coolaideonfire 06-03-13 21:11

I've found myself with no ammo (haha!) and a bunch of scavengers are waiting for me. Looks like it will need to melee attacks or a quick sweep of the area to find ammo while they come at me. Oh joy! :ton:

Cochrane 06-03-13 21:12


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6689224)
Faults? I can understand people being annoyed by the fact that there is too much combat and not that many puzzles but that's not a fault, that's just the way they wanted their game.

I can understand how it can be considered a "fault" , when compared to previous games but TRII and Legend had a lot of combat, that wasn't a fault, it was just something different. Besides, we "forgot everything we knew" so, technically, this is a game of a "new series" so we don't really have anything to compare it with.

I know this kind of logic is deformed but still, it's a new beggining, they could have changed it even more if they liked, they just kept the basic elements but enhanced combat and degraded puzzles, they're still there, but also barely there, lol :p

I have a very egoistic view: If I don't like it, it's a fault. :D And did you honestly forget everything you knew, or more to the point, did you really think they wanted us to? I they did, I would have expected a different name for the game and a different heroine. You know, an actual new series instead of just "kind of" like a new series.

The combat in TR2 is nowhere near as bad as here (in this section; Soul: I mean something that happens after Shantytown). In particular, it's better paced. I actually like the combat, but it's getting too much at once. As for Legend… I don't consider that part of the benchmark for good TR games. But it's not about comparisons. I'd dislike this much fighting in any game. I guess dedicated shooters are even worse, but then, I don't play them, and this game didn't try to sell itself as a dedicated shooter.

SEN1138 06-03-13 21:13


Originally Posted by coolaideonfire (Post 6689237)
I've found myself with no ammo (haha!) and a bunch of scavengers are waiting for me. Looks like it will need to melee attacks or a quick sweep of the area to find ammo while they come at me. Oh joy! :ton:

Have you searched the corpses? I constantly forgot to do this through-out the game :)

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