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JsotoTRSaga 04-04-12 20:01

The music score in the game the ones we have heard so far sound quite different from the ones in the previous Tomb Raider games however, This may be due the fact that the soundtrack no longer is composed by Troels Folmann or Collin O'Malley and it is now composed by someone else. Something that is very weird is that Karl has not announced the VA nor the Soundtrack Composer/s and we are supposed to get the game this fall and it's only 6 months from today :eek: . This is somehow a little Fishy.... :whi: I hope that what i think it's not what will happen... :o

Lukass 04-04-12 20:04

I think the composer is someone completely new. Not to mention there's some good vibe in that tracks we've heard till now while Underworld soundtrack was boring meh.

JsotoTRSaga 04-04-12 20:06


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6083727)
I think the composer is someone completely new. Not to mention there's some good vibe in that tracks we've heard till now whilst Underworld soundtrack was boring meh.

What! :smk: the Underworld soundtrack was Amazing! :p (This Reboot has better soundtrack though)

Lukass 04-04-12 20:07


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6083728)
What! :smk: the Underworld soundtrack was Amazing! :p (This Reboot has better soundtrack though)

Excuse me, but it was. It was boring as hell. The only track I liked was Amanda's ship and the main melody. The rest of the OST was just bland....

JsotoTRSaga 04-04-12 20:10

Not even the ''EPIC'' out of time theme (extended version)? :p I loved it.

Edit: The way to Xibalba, Pouncing Tigers and all of the Cinematic Soundtracks where Lovely. Some where quite Decent and not very Impressive but still i think they Performed well. :wve:

klona 04-04-12 20:12


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6083715)
Troals Folmann (or whatever his emo name was).


Vinkula 04-04-12 20:15


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6083733)
Excuse me, but it was. It was boring as hell. The only track I liked was Amanda's ship and the main melody. The rest of the OST was just bland....

The Way Into Xibalba was amazing.

Lukass 04-04-12 21:28

Wow, I love how dead it is here :eek: I mean the whole section...

Mikky 04-04-12 21:31

I prefer it like this, tbh. Less spam and over-excited posts to read through.

jhs270694 04-04-12 21:31

I noticed a lot of game composers have their own unique touch that is present in all the symphonies they compose for their respective games. Its pretty hard for me to explain, i mean I can tell Marty o'donnell's theme from a mile away (i love his OST's) because of the instruments tempo and mood, i cant really nail what it is, its just a feeling, the way the violin's are used etc. Someone else stated it doesn't sound like Troals Folmann (what ever his name), well how do you know its not? Its because of that unique theme each composer has isn't it? That's what I mean.

Did i break the silence? :D

I figured I might as well nit pick topics to talk about, I prefer it quiet as well now, feels less like a chat room. Silence is golden.

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