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Lukass 26-04-12 21:37

I still remember Meagan promised us the pagodas artwork. We still haven't got it :/ Is that really such insurmountable problem? ._.

Pietras 26-04-12 21:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6132592)
You two are my worst nightmare. Total joy killers! :/

It's not us. It's CD which didn't release a second of new gameplay/trailer footage or screenshot since a year.

Meagan is the only person who's been doing doing public promo since last E3.

Rai 26-04-12 21:45

Karl was doing doing promotional stuff earlier this year. We just haven't seen it yet. :pi:

Pietras 26-04-12 21:47


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6132615)
Karl was doing doing promotional stuff earlier this year. We just haven't seen it yet. :pi:

Public promo hi. It's basically "Yo Meagan, for the next year, you will be the only person promoting Tomb Raider among the actual customers and you won't have a single new screenshot or video to help you! Good luck!". The forums would be completely dead if it wasn't for her

Lukass 26-04-12 21:52


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6132615)
Karl was doing doing promotional stuff earlier this year. We just haven't seen it yet. :pi:

But that was nothing, but some meetings in European Square-Enix offices. I doubt he was presenting TR to the journalists. I also asked Jay some time ago if we can't expect some magazines in May (June issues), because Karl was in Europe and he said, that he don't know, but it's unlikely because the process of making the magazine is quite long so issues that are supposed to be released in May should be finished in March, early April as latest. Karl was in Europe a few weeks ago, maybe month (?) and that's just not enough time to release something in May (June issues). :/ so yeah...:'(

slavo120 26-04-12 21:52

Something wrong is with this game :(..all year nothing new??this are not normal marketing steps...I will not be surprised, if CD will not show combat on E3, because CD are bunch of liars..what they everything said and they don't fulfilled really too late for announce release date, Fall is full and CD doing nothing with this status

SpyrosMonster 26-04-12 21:52


Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6132621)
Public promo hi. It's basically "Yo Meagan, for the next year, you will be the only person promoting Tomb Raider among the actual customers and you won't have a single new screenshot or video to help you! Good luck!". The forums would be completely dead if it wasn't for her

im actually getting really fed up! :mad:

Lukass 26-04-12 21:52

I'm depressed.

SpyrosMonster 26-04-12 21:58


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6132631)
Something wrong is with this game :(..all year nothing new??this are not normal marketing steps...I will not be surprised, if CD will not show combat on E3, because CD are bunch of liars..what they everything said and they don't fulfilled

I wouldn't be surprised at all too! :mad:


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6132634)
I'm depressed.

im feeling delays, bugs, glitches and extreme sale fails for this game if they don't start showing stuff soon! i just can feel it! there's seriously something wrong and whenever i said something like that here, everyone was like "its just because the break that they are taking!calm down"

Weemanply109 26-04-12 22:00

^I don't understand how the game would be a buggy mess just because they're not revealing anything. Considering this is the longest time for a TR game to be in the development stage then we definitely can't have that.

This thread is depressing.

CD need to step up their game.

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