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motoleo 30-04-12 21:06


Lukass 30-04-12 21:08

^ Let's get the party started, bitches!

skylark1121 30-04-12 21:13

So scary. D:


motoleo 30-04-12 21:16

too many smilies, what a weirdo

amiro1989 30-04-12 21:16


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6142281)
I know it is "a long shot" but who knows

Brent Koning@Kone_Zone is US Marketing Manager @Xbox maybe they will be discuss some Tomb Raider stuff for May news

To me this means Microsoft E3 conference, again!

NRO. 30-04-12 21:17


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6142311)
To me this means Microsoft E3 conference, again!

Was thinking the same thing.

slavo120 30-04-12 21:18


Originally Posted by amiro1989 (Post 6142311)
To me this means Microsoft E3 conference, again!

a good estimate
..but i want at least some new screenshots in May so badly :hea:

Lukass 30-04-12 21:20


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6142315)
a good estimate
..but i want at least some new screenshots in May so badly :hea:

I doubt it. We'll have to wait until 31st May.


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6142308)
too many smilies, what a weirdo

The only weirdo here is you. :p

Richard_Croft 30-04-12 21:53


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6142281)
I know it is "a long shot" but who knows

Brent Koning@Kone_Zone is US Marketing Manager @Xbox maybe they will be discuss some Tomb Raider stuff for May news


amiro1989 30-04-12 22:00

Well E3 Judge's Week is in three weeks nah? I think it starts in on May 21st. Who knows....?! Maybe something will leak in the weeks before. There's a lot of hype surrounding TR, believe it or not (hmmm...), maybe someone would leak a little something before.... We can only hope. Or worst case, E3's only two weeks later. We could manage to survive those two weeks.

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