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Weemanply109 05-05-12 02:14


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6150184)
What games have you been playing?

Actually, it's common. A lot of games that use Unreal Engine have this problem.

just*raidin*tomb 05-05-12 02:16


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6150224)
Actually, it's common. A lot of games that use Unreal Engine have this problem.

Yeah, Uncharted and Assassins Creed games do fact A LOT of games do it. :pi:

Weemanply109 05-05-12 02:17


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6150228)
Yeah, Uncharted and Assassins Creed games do fact A LOT of games do it. :pi:

RAGE had serious problems with it.

motoleo 05-05-12 02:30

It kind of feels like they're making her frightened on purpose when her evolution should just be natural, instead of, you know, predictable. I wonder how they're calculating how she moves, do they take inspriration from real people.

So did they do this with motion capture?

larafan25 05-05-12 02:31


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6150255)
It kind of feels like they're making her frightened on purpose when her evolution should just be natural, you know, predictable. I wonder how they're calculating how she moves, do they take inspriration from real people.

So did they do this with motion capture?

The cutscenes are motion capture, not the in game movements though.

motoleo 05-05-12 02:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6150257)
The cutscenes are motion capture, not the in game movements though.


Phlip 05-05-12 07:18

I don't think her hair's shorter... at least I bliddy hope not. In ones where it looks shorter it could be flowing/blowing in the direction of the camera, with the bottom being tilted raising up so it appears shorter.

MyRaider4Life 05-05-12 08:01


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6150185)
Current time:
May 4, 6:40PM PDT.
Same time in June 4, we will see the new TR footage. :D

How do you know? :confused:

slavo120 05-05-12 08:14


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6150484)
How do you know? :confused:

He assumes that Tomb Raider will be on MS E3 conference

Lukass 05-05-12 10:37

^ I can barely fathom what makes him think so.

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