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Lukass 15-04-12 22:43

lugund lura :vlol:

Stevo505 15-04-12 22:44

I think my IQ is dropping.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 22:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109701)
Sum uv ma guise sey ummu gurl leik lugund lura butt eye'm dun gurl dun dat su no.

Lol I can't even.

larafan25 15-04-12 22:46

Ohkayeee guise hur...

Apr. 17-21
May 4-7
May 14-20

Dem be le magik daytz.

Essentially me and ma bro dun shizzly-ho by le nayme uv Skylark came tu le conclusion that he would calculate media hotspots by looking at le stars uv le tyme in which we last recieved TR goodies (GI reveal, Turning Point, and E3 gameplay) and dis wuz le result.

We may quite likely receive the beginnings of new media during dem tymes.

April 17th is in 2 days. <3

Lukass 15-04-12 22:47

Shall I submit an application for the bloody artwork? Starts to be pretty frustrating, this. :rolleyes:

April 17th iz myh burthdei <3 they should better give us sumthin.

larafan25 15-04-12 22:48

Application for artwork? ._.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 22:49

Competition me thinks. ^

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109717)
Ohkayeee guise hur...

Apr. 17-21
May 4-7
May 14-20

Dem be le magik daytz.

Essentially me and ma bro dun shizzly-ho by le nayme uv Skylark came tu le conclusion that he would calculate media hotspots by looking at le stars uv le tyme in which we last recieved TR goodies (GI reveal, Turning Point, and E3 gameplay) and dis wuz le result.

We may quite likely receive the beginnings of new media during dem tymes.

April 17th is in 2 days. <3

Well considering the site just went live a couple days, it seems...quite likely. Perhaps. Everything is just so quiet. Oh my goodness.

Lukass 15-04-12 22:49


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109728)
Application for artwork? ._.

Yes, the application form paper, when you're asking for something officially...that's wut I meant.

Mikky 15-04-12 22:50


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109717)
Ohkayeee guise hur...

Apr. 17-21
May 4-7
May 14-20

Dem be le magik daytz.

Essentially me and ma bro dun shizzly-ho by le nayme uv Skylark came tu le conclusion that he would calculate media hotspots by looking at le stars uv le tyme in which we last recieved TR goodies (GI reveal, Turning Point, and E3 gameplay) and dis wuz le result.

We may quite likely receive the beginnings of new media during dem tymes.

April 17th is in 2 days. <3

See, it's even written in the stars! I was right!

larafan25 15-04-12 22:52

So how do we expect them to start the next wave of media?

They will just be dropping something (like the website I suppose) and then tellng us about it later than we recieve it because we're speedy.

I expect them to start talking about their E3 workloads and such in the podcasts as we get closer to E3 (lol E3 workloads? I guess it exists).

Lukass 15-04-12 22:54

^ The podcast? :vlol: lulz lawl el oh el!

We've had a podcast about food last time. Now it's going to be about hygiene in dat damn building. So I expect soup brands, toilets, color of tissues etc..

Stevo505 15-04-12 22:54

I can't wait for the day that I'm browsing YouTube and suddenly the trailer for Tomb Raider starts to play before a video.... oh happy day.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:00


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6109761)
I can't wait for the day that I'm browsing YouTube and suddenly the trailer for Tomb Raider starts to play before a video.... oh happy day.


Lukass 15-04-12 23:01

Can you imagine we would get the gameplay trailer tomorrow? D':

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6109796)
Can you imagine we would get the gameplay trailer tomorrow? D':


Mikky 15-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6109796)
Can you imagine we would get the gameplay trailer tomorrow? D':

LOL, no. We'll get screenshots first before anything.

Lukass 15-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6109797)

I can imagine it...I can!


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6109800)
LOL, no. We'll get screenshots first before anything.

How dya know?

larafan25 15-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6109800)
LOL, no. We'll get screenshots first before anything.

lol doubts.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:03


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6109801)
I can imagine it...I can!

It is a new week.

slavo120 15-04-12 23:03

Who actually said this, Karl/or ?? "combat is the last thing what we want show" because if is still true then they do not have much time for starting show new stuff...i do not expect any magazines cover or something like that because april numbers are out and we do not have any teaser image ...but still they can release screenshots, trailer before E3 or some new charakter reveal, MP, etc...

Lukass 15-04-12 23:05


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6109806)
Who actually said this Karl/or ?? "combat is the last thing what we want show" because if is still true then they do not have much time for starting show new stuff...i do not expect any magazines cover or something like that because april numbers are out and we do not have any teaser image ...but still they can release screenshots, trailer before E3 or some new charakter reveal etc...

If they reveal something, it's gonna be their (CeeDee) pizza provider.

Mikky 15-04-12 23:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6109801)

How dya know?

Reliable sources, remember? My gut.

larafan25 15-04-12 23:05

Do you guise think le gayme will be playable at EE FREE?

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:05

They're going to show combat tomorrow. :confused:

Lukass 15-04-12 23:06


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6109815)
Reliable sources, remember? My gut.


slavo120 15-04-12 23:07


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6109815)
Reliable sources, remember? My gut.

who ? cleaning ladies in CD ? :ton:

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:12

We are all going mad.

This is making no sense.

CLF 15-04-12 23:13

Why have people suddenly decided something is getting revealed tomorrow? This is all so surreal.

Stevo505 15-04-12 23:14


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6109851)
We are all going mad.

This is making no sense.

Your signature is wonderful. Effieeeee.

larafan25 15-04-12 23:14


Stevo505 15-04-12 23:15


larafan25 15-04-12 23:16

I'm waiting to hear about le health naow.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:18


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6109856)
Your signature is wonderful. Effieeeee.

Thank you. :D

So I'm moving the discussion about healing in here because this thread so desperately needs it.

So I have a theory that it will somewhat similar to AC. There will be sections of health and the more damage you receive, the more damage your health bar will receive in that it won't heal past that point unless you apply a bandage to take care of that wound that is preventing you from healing. Similar to how, in AC you have to repair your armor in order to heal fully after you get extensive damage.

Now I think the normal healing will be a combination of water and food that she carries with her.

Lukass 15-04-12 23:19

I wonder how mortal she is. How many arrows/bullets or whatever will kill her.

larafan25 15-04-12 23:20

^A little less than in Batman Arkham City I think.

I agree but I think we'll only need to use water and food for our...eating stuff...over the course of days.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:21


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109883)
^A little less than in Batman Arkham City I think.

I agree but I think we'll only need to use water and food for our...eating stuff...over the course of days.

What do you mean?

larafan25 15-04-12 23:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6109889)
What do you mean?

I don't think the main way of healing injuries will be food and water.

I think it will be some smaller health items.

But as we progress over the course of the game without eating, that will take a toll on our health and we'll need to eat and drink to raise our health in that way.

just*raidin*tomb 15-04-12 23:24


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6109895)
I don't think the main way of healing injuries will be food and water.

I think it will be some smaller health items.

But as we progress over the course of the game without eating, that will take a toll on our health and we'll need to eat and drink to raise our health in that way.

Oh yeah. I agree.

Depth babyyyyyy

larafan25 15-04-12 23:27


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6109911)
Oh yeah. I agree.

Depth babyyyyyy

Talking about health makes me realize too...

The game's time won't change while we stand around, so a day will pass as we progress, but probably initiated by some cutscenes and store-related stuff. But once we're dropped from that cutscene our health and stats will probably remain the same as last left.

Billy959 15-04-12 23:30


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6109761)
I can't wait for the day that I'm browsing YouTube and suddenly the trailer for Tomb Raider starts to play before a video.... oh happy day.

that would be sooooooooo AWESOME!
Or watching TV and suddenly the trailer comes up!

or even something like this:


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