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motoleo 04-05-12 19:38

^ Unless its oversized or something, but I always thought that smileys were also gifs. We used to use those all the time at my old forum.

larafan25: I didn't even notice that had gotten locked. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6149577)
Dunst thow no wai, cuz eye dun?

^ Are you trying to tell me something?

larafan25 04-05-12 19:40


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149581)
:| I didn't even notice that had gotten locked. Oh well, or was fun while it lasted.

^ Is this your way of telling me to go away?

No it's my way of saying ...

"do you know why? Because I don't" ...

Weemanply109 04-05-12 19:46


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149572)
Could/might, not will, leg. Why would gifs be considered SPAM?

Because most of the time they actually send a thread offtopic or the gif itself has nothing to do with the message and doesn't convey the proper message.

motoleo 04-05-12 19:48

Oh, well, the Waiting Room is borderline I guess. I used them in the same way I would use a smiley. How else are you going to convey boredom?

Weemanply109 04-05-12 19:55

No clue. We're supposed to be discussing Tomb Raider, not why threads got banned.

Mikky 04-05-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6149628)
No clue. We're supposed to be discussing Tomb Raider, not why threads got banned.

I think you mean "closed". And you're absolutely right.

just*raidin*tomb 04-05-12 20:00


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6149378)
This. Tomb Raider reached Alpha stage in January. There's no way a game can need 1 year for polishing or bug fixing(except Skyrim).

Why the heck not?

And btw 5 to 8 months isn't a year.

leglion 04-05-12 20:19


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6149644)
Why the heck not?

And btw 5 to 8 months isn't a year.

Exactly. Apple does the same thing and apparently Square Enix also have the same marketing technique.

TippingWater 04-05-12 20:28

I guess a long wait is more effective than overexposure.

Lukass 04-05-12 20:28


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6149561)
So, have you guys heard of this game called Tomb Raider?

U mad? What Tomb Raider?

motoleo 04-05-12 20:30

^ Oh, I've heard of that, I think it's about some lady that gets trapped on some magic island.

That's all I know.

Lukass 04-05-12 20:31


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149716)
Well, I think Tomb Raider is about some lady that gets trapped on some magic island.

That's all I know.

Which is pretty sad if you ask me.

Weemanply109 04-05-12 20:33

Maybe this marketing strategy will work, like aforementioned, it works for Apple, but that's because people kinda anticipate the release of it anyway, but if they keep throwing out stuff within the next couple of months then it obviously won't go unnoticed.

TV adverts too, like underworld - I loved the underworld TV spot.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6149630)
I think you mean "closed". And you're absolutely right.

Sorry, I had other things on my mind whilst typing that.

I'm not that dumb. -_-

leglion 04-05-12 20:36


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149716)
^ Oh, I've heard of that, I think it's about some lady that gets trapped on some magic island.

That's all I know.

That isn't saying much. You don't know most of the stuff about the game that most other people know.

Rai 04-05-12 20:41

I think motoleo is joking. He's been in this section asking questions for sometime now. He says he's remaining 'spoiler free', but he knows more than he lets on. :p

Lukass 04-05-12 20:43


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6149735)
I think motoleo is joking. He's been in this section asking questions for sometime now. He says he's remaining 'spoiler free', but he knows more than he lets on. :p

Is he joking? Well, I have quite different sense of humor then, because I don't find it funny at all.

motoleo 04-05-12 20:44

I am being sarcastic, Lukass.

*browsing website*

Ooh. Wait a minute. I didn't know what they said about Roth that he would lie, cheat and break the law with no remorse. That could prove to be interesting. :I

It pays to regulate your own news. A little bit at a time, like nibbling cookies. lol

just*raidin*tomb 04-05-12 20:47

Lol I think it was pretty obvious that motoleo was joking...just saying.

Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6149715)
U mad? What Tomb Raider?


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149716)
^ Oh, I've heard of that, I think it's about some lady that gets trapped on some magic island.

That's all I know.

leglion 04-05-12 20:53

I read it more as him being over dramatic.

Lukass 04-05-12 20:54

Guys, I'm so disappointed there's nothing TR related in the Edge magazine. I was so praying for magazines wave ;___;

leglion 04-05-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6149758)
Guys, I'm so disappointed there's nothing TR related in the Edge magazine. I was so praying for magazines wave ;___;

We get it when we get it is the way I see it.

xLara_Nathanx 04-05-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6149758)
Guys, I'm so disappointed there's nothing TR related in the Edge magazine. I was so praying for magazines wave ;___;

I share your pain. :'I

Phlip 04-05-12 21:10


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6149560)
Nope. Nowhere in my post did i say I'm never sarcastic without being provoked. Not to mention i wasn't sarcastic towards Slavo. Nice attempt though. This is my last reply to you. Looks like you're still butthurt about what happened a while ago.

What happened "a while ago"?

Rai 04-05-12 21:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6149758)
Guys, I'm so disappointed there's nothing TR related in the Edge magazine. I was so praying for magazines wave ;___;

Me too actually. I kinda figured there'd be some sort of pre-E3 build up, even if it was a teaser screen or two. what the hell was Karl up to when he went travelling? It appeared it was work/TR related.

Lukass 04-05-12 21:44


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6149817)
Me too actually. I kinda figured there'd be some sort of pre-E3 build up, even if it was a teaser screen or two. what the hell was Karl up to when he went travelling? It appeared it was work/TR related.

Well, he probably visited Square Enix offices and they were discussing marketing (wait, what marketing?) or something. It wasn't media related :/ I feel devastated actually. I seriously do.

motoleo 04-05-12 22:14

Zzzz, if you over-anticipate, when it comes, you won't enjoy it. You just have to breathe. In and out, in and out. I'm sure the PS3 discs are being burned right now. Eat some Oreos.

Lukass 04-05-12 22:15

^ :vlol: I'm eating rice and chicken with Cantonese sauce. It won't help though. Oh and I'm breathing well. :/

Weemanply109 04-05-12 22:16

@motoleo: The game hasn't gone gold yet.... The games can't be burned to discs till it's confirmed that the development phase is over.


princebenidere 04-05-12 22:19


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6148539)
The TRU vignettes started after E3, we had less for TRU at the same time of the year than we have for the reboot. We did not get the teaser trailer for TRU till just before E3, we had no gameplay footage till E3, and there had only been one round of magazine articles running from Dec 2007 to Feb 2008. We have got a lot more for the reboot, just as we will probably get a lot more after E3. A reboot needs more hype than a normal game in a long running series. There will be plenty of spoilers before the game is released. They cannot show the game off without showing spoilers, it is up to the fans if they want the game spoiled or not.

I know i didn't say they release vignette before E3 but even so if they haven't release tons of it many of the fans would not be tempt to look Right?

and admit it you watch those yourself and that Natla Spoiler thinggy:D

and yes i agree its up to us to watch those and spoil ourself but here in TRF its is as nearly as impossible for the fans to hold themselves LOL

motoleo 04-05-12 22:25


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6149872)
@motoleo: The game hasn't gone gold yet.... The games can't be burned to discs till it's confirmed that the development phase is over.


In my mind, the development phase is over. In my mind, they're just waiting till E3, they must. If they show something now, that steals the E3 thunder.

Eee. Three. E stands for Everything.

Lukass 04-05-12 22:27

^ I don't think the game is 100% polished, finished, done and in gold stage.

leglion 04-05-12 22:27


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149891)
In my mind, the development phase is over. In my mind, they're just waiting till E3, they must. If they show something now, that steals the E3 thunder.

Eee. Three. E stands for Everything.

What? Ok, if you want a buggy game. #AODprT2 for le win!

motoleo 04-05-12 22:32


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6149893)
^ I don't think the game is 100% polished, finished, done and in gold stage.

I know. But won't it be amazing? Picture this: E3,
  • new trailer.
  • gameplay video.
  • Brand new flagship spread.
  • Cover reveal.
  • Release date.
  • New location.
  • Additional character.

But that's not all. Brand new polished Lara Croft model that looks much, much better than what we've seen.

Honestly, if I could see an improvement on the model and polished hair and such, that'd be it for me, I'd just faint.

Weemanply109 04-05-12 22:32

Isn't cover art usually established after the game has gone gold?

Stevo505 04-05-12 22:40


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6149902)

But that's not all. Brand new polished Lara Croft model that looks much, much better than what we've seen.

Honestly, if I could see an improvement on the model and polished hair and such, that'd be it for me, I'd just faint.

Karl said the model that we've seen is pretty much finished.

Lukass 04-05-12 22:43


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6149922)
Karl said the model that we've seen is pretty much finished.

And also said there's a lot of work to do on her yet.

leglion 04-05-12 22:44


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6149922)
Karl said the model that we've seen is pretty much finished.

I think he meant in terms of physical features. What I think Motoleo meant was smoothing out the poly count like in underworld and getting rid of glitches in the model such as the hair and wrist deformation.

Mikky 04-05-12 22:50


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6149904)
Isn't cover art usually established after the game has gone gold?

I don't think so. Assassin's Creed III hasn't reached gold yet.

Weemanply109 04-05-12 23:14


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6149943)
I don't think so. Assassin's Creed III hasn't reached gold yet.


Stevo505 05-05-12 00:13


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6149929)
I think he meant in terms of physical features. What I think Motoleo meant was smoothing out the poly count like in underworld and getting rid of glitches in the model such as the hair and wrist deformation.

Oh :p well he said brand new model so I was like "what" lol

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