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Yeah, something like that :vlol:
LMAO cant believe me talking about lara being a bartender led to a convo about swearing. :vlol:
it sounds natural in a northern accent when you live up north england (im lancastrian i should know lol), i've been mistaken of having a yorkshire accent but it would sound hilarious in cockney but i know cockney and im 99% sure lara doesnt have that. I think the new lara has what is called a "received pronunciation" accent. look it up if ur really interested. its sort sounds posh but in a 'different' way which is hard to explain. alot of middle/upper class people have this accent. (its not the sort of accent which the queen speaks LOL)
i might be going of topic again but i couldn't resist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIemPxHSb6Q . this vid gives depth of the accent, plus the guy speaking speaks in with the RP accent. i havnt heard the new lara enough to distinguish what accent she really has, knowing her voice actress would help soo much *sigh*. London alone has so many different variety of accents alone it's that hard to tell. the diversity of accents in england is pretty overwhelming. i lived up north, moved down south in my childhood and people sounded like they were speaking a different language, its that different. i have a family who live in surrey, but they dont really sound like they have cockney. |
glad i could be of help :)
Gimme gimme gimme news! Aaaaah!!!
There's still chance that what we got today is not the fun information :-/
Someone tweet Meagan... we must know. :p
But she also stated in the Fix something like "Until next time, get outside". Next time, means next month :-/
I hope you're right. I don't want to wait till March really :-/ Or even longer as they said that they'll be presenting TOMB RAIDER at GDC behind closed doors.
^They didn't say that, did they?
Is there any gaming event between GDC and E3 then?
^I doubt it.
Well PAX is after E3, in August apparently, so it's odd that they're going behind closed doors...then...so so late. |
Well if they're hiring at a gaming event then how are they going to make it so nobody knows what it is?
When we are getting the VA announcement and gameplay trailer which are both supposed to be revealed in early 2012, then?
Alright, so it's obvious we're not getting the trailer at GDC. So when? When? When? When? June is NOT early 2012 for **** sake!
/high hopes. |
Maybe they're getting sick of TR, I don't know... :p |
I just hope that people stop approaching this game as the last nail in the coffin, and instead as the first ...game in a new series. I hope that the game has good mechanics so that if the game is too short, too easy or not very complex, then CD can keep with the successful mechanics of this game, and simply harmonize them better in the next game. I'm just so afraid that the game will not be fulfilling like most games seem to be right now (IMO). |
TBH, most of the TR games I've played don't warrant much return for me, not even the classics. The reason I go back to LBP is because the levels in the story mode are actually fun and accessible, but of course I can make my own levels too and play other levels online or do multiplayer. But I don't think online modes or an editor is the only way, because Skyrim has me coming back for more and it has neither. But I feel like a game that is just Uncharted 3 story mode, would be so non-re-playable to me. :/ |
I was watching the U3 gameplay videos today again. It's pretty amazing game!
I especially loved the environment. I would love to see something like that in TOMB RAIDER.
Graphics wise? Sure...
But that scene in the desert, where Nate is walking in the giant desert... Is so linear, and you can't explore a bit. :/ |
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