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Mikky 23-01-13 23:43


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6619110)
I remember people going ape and climbing the walls here when Crystal pretty much went silent for a year :vlol:

Absolute torture. -_-


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6619109)
I still remember that concept art with Lara holding a torch + that image of her riding a horse :D

And those creepy monsters who never made it into the final game... Or did they? :cln:

No, they didn't. :pi:

Peep Show 23-01-13 23:45

I wasn't even on the forum when the reboot was announced but I remember seeing the leaked pics online and I was in love with all of it. i'm glad they toned down the "horror" though, it wouldn't be the right direction for TR IMO but yeah I did love the idea back then.

Underhoe 23-01-13 23:48

Why not? I understand that it's a new direction and all, but supernatural elements were always part of the series, it should be considered as something 'iconic' like"Lara's lips" lol

italibabee 23-01-13 23:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6619112)
No, they didn't. :pi:

I love those scary monsters.

Peep Show 23-01-13 23:53


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6619124)
Why not? I understand that it's a new direction and all, but supernatural elements were always part of the series, it should be considered as something 'iconic' like"Lara's lips" lol

I'm more interested in the island's mistery tbh.

Mikky 23-01-13 23:53


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6619126)

I love those scary monsters.

They were awesome.

But now what do we get? Humans. Pffffffft.

Only TR lover 23-01-13 23:55


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6619100)
You know, I should kill you instead. :pi:


Underhoe 23-01-13 23:55


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6619128)
I'm more interested in the island's mistery tbh.

Some nasty japanese monsters could add a lot to that mystery. :( I can't get scared from humans.

[Xmas] 23-01-13 23:58


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6619130)
They were awesome.

But now what do we get? Humans. Pffffffft.

And one very innocent looking deer :p

Mikky 23-01-13 23:58


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6619136)
Some nasty japanese monsters could add a lot to that mystery. :( I can't get scared from humans.

Llama Del Rey looking flawless as usual.

And yes, monsters would go a long way into adding mystery. I'm not even that interested in the island's mystery anymore. It's all about this Queen Himeko that I honestly could not care less about.

Soul 23-01-13 23:59

There's the thread I mentioned. Interesting to read the posts by people, as noone expected it not to be released before 2013 ^^

italibabee 23-01-13 23:59


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6619145)
And one very innocent looking deer :p

It was Debra the deer wasn't it?

Don't forget about FeeFee.

Mikky 24-01-13 00:01


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6619148)

There's the thread I mentioned. Interesting to read the posts by people, as noone expected it not to be released before 2013 ^^

I voted for the first option. Lul. I guess I was hoping it to be released that soon. :p

Spong 24-01-13 00:10


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6619148)

There's the thread I mentioned. Interesting to read the posts by people, as noone expected it not to be released before 2013 ^^

LOL, I apparently voted March-April 2012. I must've been sniffing some particularly strong glue that day :vlol:

robm_2007 24-01-13 00:16

I said January-February 2012.

How naive.

TippingWater 24-01-13 00:17


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6619094)
If I knew back in 2009 that we we had to wait until 2013 for this game, I would of probably killed myself. :p

:vlol: Lolno!

robm_2007 24-01-13 00:22

Such a strange numerical coincidence.

We will have waited 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day.

Since TRU's North America release, that is.

Spong 24-01-13 00:35


Originally Posted by robm_2007 (Post 6619172)
Such a strange numerical coincidence.

We will have waited 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day.

Since TRU's North America release, that is.

What kind of sorcery is this!? :eek:

Stevo505 24-01-13 00:48


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6618935)
On paper, the PS3 is more powerful than the 360. They were just asking if any of that extra power available in the PS3 will be used, which it won't be, it never is in a multi-platform title.

The weird thing is, sometimes PS3 ports are inferior to their Xbox counterparts with low frame rate and more bugs (Skyrim, DmC). I really don't understand that, but hopefully TR will be equal on both consoles.

Peep Show 24-01-13 00:55


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6619206)
The weird thing is, sometimes PS3 ports are inferior to their Xbox counterparts with low frame rate and more bugs (Skyrim, DmC). I really don't understand that, but hopefully TR will be equal on both consoles.

It's harder to develop on the PS3 or something like that so lazy developers just port the xbox versions without actually fixing the bugs.

The PS3 version of the reboot is done by Nixxes though so no lazy port.

Stevo505 24-01-13 01:16


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6619216)
It's harder to develop on the PS3 or something like that so lazy developers just port the xbox versions without actually fixing the bugs.

The PS3 version of the reboot is done by Nixxes though so no lazy port.

Good. Nixxes did a fantastic job with the TR Trilogy. Underword and GoL were pretty good as well.

Peep Show 24-01-13 01:20


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6619239)
Good. Nixxes did a fantastic job with the TR Trilogy. Underword and GoL were pretty good as well.

They have probably improved alot since then, I heard the PC ports of Sleeping Dogs & Hitman were awesome so i'm sure they did a wonderful job.

TippingWater 24-01-13 01:28


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6619243)
They have probably improved alot since then, I heard the PC ports of Sleeping Dogs & Hitman were awesome so i'm sure they did a wonderful job.

SD doesn't even start on my system, but Absolution runs really smooth :).

Peep Show 24-01-13 01:30


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6619248)
SD doesn't even start on my system, but Absolution runs really smooth :).

Not sure why, i've heard nothing but good things about the PC version of SD, even tried it a few times on my friend's PC and it was outstanding compared to my PS3 version. :p

The1andOnlyTR 24-01-13 04:16

The LE guide comes with a Lara replica?!
Saw that a few pages back. Did I misread something? :yik:
Or does it mean the necklace?

(The whole discussion of the Norwegian Amazon guide is what I'm referring to. Didn't wanna bump.) :p

MyRaider4Life 24-01-13 05:39


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6619386)
The LE guide comes with a Lara replica?!
Saw that a few pages back. Did I misread something? :yik:
Or does it mean the necklace?

(The whole discussion of the Norwegian Amazon guide is what I'm referring to. Didn't wanna bump.) :p

He was asking if it was the one with the Lara figure. :p I'm assuming he meant necklace.

God Horus 24-01-13 06:37

I HATE Whitman, I hope he dies a painful, painful death.

Shark_Blade 24-01-13 08:30


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6619452)
I HATE Whitman, I hope he dies a painful, painful death.

If he did die, you're the one to blame. :pi:

TRItheMaster 24-01-13 09:52


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6619521)
If he did die, you're the one to blame. :pi:

*cough* Me too, hate that bastard... :pi:

January_Snow* 24-01-13 09:54

I was just browsing the website of a major games shop in my country, and surprise surprise, Tomb Raider standard edition for 26 euros!
I mean games go fairly cheap here but it never happened for not yet released titles, Crysis is priced at 66 euros, so I don't get it why is Tomb Raider so cheap :confused: But anyway, if the price stays the same, I can't wait to go in and get it for half the less money than the rest of the world pays, I just love my country sometimes :jmp:

Bomb Fighter 24-01-13 09:58

New Croft covers! And FearEffect, you are famous!!!

LNSNHGTDS 24-01-13 10:17


Originally Posted by God Horus (Post 6619452)
I HATE Whitman, I hope he dies a painful, painful death.

Well... at least he's not Roth, you gotta give him credit for that!

FearEffect 24-01-13 10:43


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6619580)
New Croft covers! And FearEffect, you are famous!!!

Is that real :vlol: ?

Bomb Fighter 24-01-13 11:00


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6619594)
Is that real :vlol: ?

It is. But itīs a free magazine :D Still, congrats.

klona 24-01-13 11:05


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6619580)

I can't see the pictures. :(

FearEffect 24-01-13 11:06


LNSNHGTDS 24-01-13 11:06


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6619606)
I can't see the pictures. :(

Same here.

FearEffect 24-01-13 11:07

Right click, and copy the link

klona 24-01-13 11:09


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6619609)
Right click, and copy the link

It says Access Denied. :(

FearEffect 24-01-13 11:16

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