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xLara_Nathanx 23-02-13 00:56


Maybe it's a reviewer, idk... :|

Underhoe 23-02-13 00:57

Well that was expected, I would've been surprised if the leak took more...This is sad and unfair.

Richard_Croft 23-02-13 00:58


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664589)
It doesn't look fake to me

Brazilians got it earlier? How lucky :p

Peep Show 23-02-13 01:00

**** you leakers seriously, I know it happens to every game but it makes me mad.

MyRaider4Life 23-02-13 01:03

Can moderators be on high alert now? I don't want to accidentally read the ending of the game. ;_;

Underhoe 23-02-13 01:06

It's the demo (if it's true, the comments are new and they say it's working)
OK, I actually don't trust this, and don't know how a demo can be leaked when there was none, but I did just a quick search..

VictorXD 23-02-13 01:07

How do games just leak like that? Does one have to know someone who is responsible for distributing the game, do people buy them in stores earlier? Or someone who works at a game store and needs to test the game? I dunno.

_Awestruck_ 23-02-13 01:10

The 360 versions of games usually leak. I'm not quite sure how (I'm sure someone knows how it always happens), but it happens all the time.

Rai 23-02-13 01:12


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6664608)
It's the demo (if it's true, the comments are new and they say it's working)
OK, I actually don't trust this, and don't know how a demo can be leaked when there was none, but I did just a quick search..

Well there isn't a demo, except ones that were shown at events. This scene with Sam has been cut from the game, apparently, so it can't be a recent demo.

Lara.Jolie7 23-02-13 01:12


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6664597)
Brazilians got it earlier? How lucky :p

Just this guy
But HE said that it will leak on Sunday

Mortal Kombat leaked here in BRazil cuz a guy had access to the place were the cds were being produced. But about TR game the guy says that he was going to do a JB and a guy from the pirate game store offered him this and Naruto new game Oo

Stevo505 23-02-13 01:14

People say it works, but you have fill out a survey to download it.. I dunno.....

Underhoe 23-02-13 01:15


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6664626)
People say it works, but you have fill out a survey to download it.. I dunno.....

Must be the same person with multiple accounts...but it's definitely fake, there's no demo as Rai mentioned. Plus if it was true there'd be a big mess around the net already, pictures, videos and all.

Evan C. 23-02-13 01:16

Yes, I find strange the fact it has 88 positive thumbs up, a comment saying it works and people supporting that comment :/ It wouldn't surprise me since we are very close to launch and sadly, this things happen.

VictorXD 23-02-13 01:16


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6664608)
It's the demo (if it's true, the comments are new and they say it's working)
OK, I actually don't trust this, and don't know how a demo can be leaked when there was none, but I did just a quick search..

Careful now! That footage is from a GAmespot gameplay released in E3 2012.

_Awestruck_ 23-02-13 01:17

When/if it does leak...sayonara TRF. :wve:

Richard_Croft 23-02-13 01:17


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664624)
Just this guy
But HE said that it will leak on Sunday

Hm, I see :pi:

Ivy Valentine 23-02-13 01:18

Ive seen many vids like this before, all with surveys, and all with the same kind of positive comments. And besides, if you look at the profiles of the people who comment, all the accounts have recently been made.

Linoshi Croft 23-02-13 01:20


Originally Posted by VictorXD (Post 6664633)
Careful now! That footage is from a GAmespot gameplay released in E3 2012.


Billy959 23-02-13 01:23


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664589)

And yes, It leaked in Brazil AGAIN

tsc tsc!


Lara.Jolie7 23-02-13 01:30


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6664650)
tsc tsc!


Not "shame", It's the 2nd big game that I heard leaked here first. MK one was just imgs but not the game.The other leakes is not from here.
The only thing that is "funny" about it is that xbox360 gets exclusive in EVERYTHING even on leaking games xD

Weemanply109 23-02-13 01:34

Is there more evidence to support these leak allegations?

VictorXD 23-02-13 01:35

Here is the link to the gameplay I was talking about:
It seems to be the same footage from the so called "leaked demo" video.

tomblover 23-02-13 01:38

Well, this is awkward. *collapses TR section*

Weemanply109 23-02-13 01:41

I mean, if some idiot actually posts some leaked info and spoils it for us then I'll break their legs. No hesitations. :ohn:

Evan C. 23-02-13 01:43


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6664676)
I mean, if some idiot actually posts some leaked info and spoils it for us then I'll break their legs. No hesitations. :ohn:

Misery will be a kitty if that happen, trust me :pi:

Weemanply109 23-02-13 01:46

I'm not sure if it's time to leave the forum or not. I might just lay low in the Eidos boards. :/

TRItheMaster 23-02-13 01:51


Originally Posted by Lara.Jolie7 (Post 6664589)
It doesn't look fake to me

Mod edit: images removed

And yes, It leaked in Brazil AGAIN

This is so shameful, god dammit.... :(


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6664637)
When/if it does leak...sayonara TRF. :wve:

Same here! :o

Spong 23-02-13 01:51


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6664687)
I might just lay low in the Eidos boards. :/

That's a good place to go to avoid other people :tmb:

Evan C. 23-02-13 02:00

There is a website linking the demo (1.7 Gigabytes) for Xbox 360 but according to users, it doesn't work if the console doesn't have Jtag and that's why there are no vids seems like it did leaked.

zackfarron 23-02-13 02:04

Does anyone hear anything about a midnight release? i remember reading they said some places would have one :D

leoarcie 23-02-13 02:05

I my country

Stevo505 23-02-13 02:07


Originally Posted by zackfarron (Post 6664700)
Does anyone hear anything about a midnight release? i remember reading they said some places would have one :D


VictorXD 23-02-13 02:12

Quick question, does anyone know if gamestop ships outside of America?:o

Lara.Jolie7 23-02-13 02:15

There are some more images

Mod edit: images removed

It's not a demo or smt.

MyRaider4Life 23-02-13 02:18

Where are these images coming from? D:

TRItheMaster 23-02-13 02:19

Dude... :(

VictorXD 23-02-13 02:19

The game is in PT BR wuuuuuh

Spong 23-02-13 02:21


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6664720)
Where are these images coming from? D:

The leaked Brazillian version, apparently. I'm sure the mods will be taking down any images from an illegally obtained version, demo or otherwise.

MyRaider4Life 23-02-13 02:22


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6664728)
The leaked Brazillian version, apparently.

I know that, lol. I meant where on the internet are they coming from.

Lara.Jolie7 23-02-13 02:23

The guy is from an Orkut's Xbox Community. He just told how he got the game, show those ss and said it will leak on Sunday.

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