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FearEffect 23-02-13 13:47

Edited sorry

Tear 23-02-13 13:49

^ She looks much better now, imo. *shrugs*

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 13:49

I like the new version to be honest.
Are we allowed to post things from the leaked gampelay? :o

Tonyrobinson 23-02-13 13:49

I prefer the newer one. :o

EscondeR 23-02-13 13:51


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665416)
I like the new version to be honest.
Are we allowed to post things from the leaked gampelay? :o

I think it was clearly stated a few times already.


I hope now it's crystally clear.

FearEffect 23-02-13 13:51

Sorry, i found dat pic on eidos forums

just_love_her 23-02-13 14:20


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6665418)

Getting those classic Lara vibes.

So, I was wondering, how would you feel if CD made reboot so hardcore so this TR would be first person adventure/shooter?

CBS_TombRaider 23-02-13 14:27


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6665452)
Getting those classic Lara vibes.

So, I was wondering, how would you feel if CD made reboot so hardcore so this TR would be first person adventure/shooter?

Would. Not. Buy.

I can't stand First Person, I need to see my entire environment. Besides, platforming becomes much less fun in First Person imo... everything becomes less fun in First Person :p

TheRCroft 23-02-13 14:30


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6665459)
I can't stand First Person, I need to see my entire environment. Besides, platforming becomes much less fun in First Person imo... everything becomes less fun in First Person :p

So much this. *looks at Assassin's Creed Revelation Desmond's Missions and pukes*

tainanlctr 23-02-13 14:31


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6665372)
All that got online before was allowed by SE/Crystal and it stays that way. Nothing which is not approved by devs will see the light before it's time to. Period.

And let's put a full stop regarding leakage here.

Sorry i just wanted to help

EscondeR 23-02-13 14:40


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6665452)
So, I was wondering, how would you feel if CD made reboot so hardcore so this TR would be first person adventure/shooter?

I like FPS... but, I'm sorry, since when FP equals to "hardcore"? 0.o Some games were just born that way - TP (no Gargoyle pun intended).

Jami393 23-02-13 14:43

Two more days and I will be playing Tomb Raider. :jmp:

Zebra 23-02-13 14:44


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6665459)
Would. Not. Buy.

I can't stand First Person, I need to see my entire environment. Besides, platforming becomes much less fun in First Person imo... everything becomes less fun in First Person :p

You haven't played Mirror's Edge, I guess :p? Because I can't imagine anyone who's played that game saying First Person isn't fun.

LENGuin 23-02-13 14:44


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6665479)
Two more days and I will be playing Tomb Raider. :jmp:

What? How?

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 14:45


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6665481)
You haven't played Mirror's Edge, I guess :p? Because I can't imagine anyone who's played that game saying First Person isn't fun.

Exactly my thoughts when I read his post. :tmb:


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6665479)
Two more days and I will be playing Tomb Raider. :jmp:

I hate you. :pi:

Jami393 23-02-13 14:49


Originally Posted by LENGuin (Post 6665482)
What? How?

I won't be actually owning the game till probably the 5th of March, but how I'm playing is through the GAME UK stores, because they are doing this lock-in thing where you get to play the game, and my local store is participating in this thing, so I put my name down for it. :D


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665483)
I hate you. :pi:

Don't be like that. You'll get your chance to play the game soon. :)

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 14:50


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6665487)
Don't be like that. You'll get your chance to play the game soon. :)

I know but I have to wait 10 more days. It's killing me!

EscondeR 23-02-13 14:53


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6665487)
I won't be actually owning the game till probably the 5th of March, but how I'm playing is through the GAME UK stores, because they are doing this lock-in thing where you get to play the game, and my local store is participating in this thing, so I put my name down for it. :D

Actually stuff like that makes me pity our century... :rolleyes: When a video game gets more hype than Cancer cure probably would :hea:

Evan C. 23-02-13 15:04


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6665489)
Actually stuff like that makes me pity our century... :rolleyes: When a video game gets more hype than Cancer cure probably would :hea:

Talking about cancer here isn't a bit too much? :s

Jami393 23-02-13 15:08


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6665488)
I know but I have to wait 10 more days. It's killing me!

It's killing me also, even though I get the chance to play it on Monday. But after that I'll have to wait a week, and that week will kill me even more because I've experienced some of the game.


Originally Posted by EscondeR (Post 6665489)
Actually stuff like that makes me pity our century... :rolleyes: When a video game gets more hype than Cancer cure probably would :hea:

Yeah the cure for cancer should get more hype seeing that its a disease that is killing people. But I guess this is probably the way from the 21st century and onwards.

DeadlyBishop 23-02-13 15:10

well a lot of people who don't have cancer or if there friends and family don't have it then they don't really care about it either. So video games are far more important to them. To say it in a rude way, some people really don't care about people dying about cancer but they do care about new games coming out so they don't get bored

This is not my opinion btw ;)

CBS_TombRaider 23-02-13 15:16


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6665481)
You haven't played Mirror's Edge, I guess :p? Because I can't imagine anyone who's played that game saying First Person isn't fun.

Ooooh. Well, I admit that game is an exception, but I've only played the demo myself. I wasn't very good at it ^^; I've seen some online playthroughs though and the game did look quite fun. Still, I prefer my platforming in Third Person :)

Evan C. 23-02-13 15:19


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6665506)
Ooooh. Well, I admit that game is an exception, but I've only played the demo myself. I wasn't very good at it ^^; I've seen some online playthroughs though and the game did look quite fun. Still, I prefer my platforming in Third Person :)

IMO, that game was hideous. It was short, repetitive, with annoying colours and a very flat narrative/background. The only good was it was the first FPS game to have a fluid freedom of movement, but I think it's a very overrated game.

tombfan91 23-02-13 15:50

Pre-ordered the game yesterday ^_^. This is my first post in this section of "tomb raider". I avoided this area altogether to avoid any spoilers. I'm hoping that doesn't let me down haha.

WillG 23-02-13 15:50

So Gamesmaster gave it 90 percent...a good start!

Adamaru 23-02-13 16:06


Originally Posted by WillG (Post 6665545)
So Gamesmaster gave it 90 percent...a good start!

How. Do. You. Know. ._.

CBS_TombRaider 23-02-13 16:08


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6665576)
How. Do. You. Know. ._.

It's been posted in the GamesMaster Review thread :) The latter part of the review was quoted by a member and was overflowing with praise :jmp::jmp:

WillG 23-02-13 16:08


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6665576)
How. Do. You. Know. ._.

A thread on here lol

Adamaru 23-02-13 16:12


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6665584)
It's been posted in the GamesMaster Review thread :) The latter part of the review was quoted by a member and was overflowing with praise :jmp::jmp:

Just read it in the thread! Awesome can't wait for morr reviews :cln:

tainanlctr 23-02-13 16:46

I know that the EscondeR will fight me but I need to warn yours that the situation is even more serious

there are people playing days >

Tonyrobinson 23-02-13 16:47

Hopefully Gamemaster won't be long appearing in the iPad store I really want to read it! :jmp:

gbetch 23-02-13 16:48

So, dunno if anyone else has seen this, but maybe it's a good sign that they are seriouse about getting this game out there in the public eye:

Love2Raid 23-02-13 16:49

Lol, guess the Gamesmaster thread got closed because of the review link (that I missed, FML)? Since when was that ever an issue? :rolleyes:

WillG 23-02-13 16:50


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6665675)
Lol, guess the Gamesmaster thread got closed because of the review link (that I missed, FML)? Since when was that ever an issue? :rolleyes:

Weird eh? I missed them too.....

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 16:51


Originally Posted by tainanlctr (Post 6665671)

OMG! Things are getting so serious!

Love2Raid 23-02-13 16:51

Yeah, they're really fast today. :pi:

ItIsOkBro 23-02-13 16:51


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6665675)
Lol, guess the Gamesmaster thread got closed because of the review link (that I missed, FML)? Since when was that ever an issue? :rolleyes:

I'm guessing it got closed because people who thirsty for scans.

Well IDK how the chain of causality works but here's a site that talks about the review

January_Snow* 23-02-13 16:51


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6665675)
Lol, guess the Gamesmaster thread got closed because of the review link (that I missed, FML)? Since when was that ever an issue? :rolleyes:

The thread was closed suprisingly fast :confused: It's a shame, since it's a really good and positive review

Love2Raid 23-02-13 16:53


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6665683)
I'm guessing it got closed because people who thirsty for scans.

Well IDK how the chain of causality works but here's a site that talks about the review

Thanks, there seems to be a review embargo till Monday. Gamesmaster is already out in the stores, but whatever...

SpyrosMonster 23-02-13 16:53

I knew it was going to get all crazy in here when we were going to get closer to the release but not that much. D:

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