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James_Rutland 03-03-13 15:15


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682105)
We'll pray that Godra and queen Himik.... Sam will punish you gently. :p

If that is a spoiler i will find you, and kill you.

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 15:16


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6682103)
It's the exact opposite actually. ;)
Spong's reactions show what a huge fan he is/was.

Every time I start this conversation I end up not caring anymore, so I'll start not caring a bit earlier this time :p !


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682105)
We'll pray that Godra and queen Himik.... Sam will punish you gently. :p

Gurl, Godra and Godmantha ain't gon' punish me :ohn: ! I'm one of their greatest fanz/stanz/****z :ohn: !

just_love_her 03-03-13 15:16


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6682111)
If that is a spoiler i will find you, and kill you.

It's not, don't worry. :hug:

James_Rutland 03-03-13 15:17


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682114)
It's not, don't worry. :hug:

I'll be back after I complete the game to punish you if it is ;)

Soul 03-03-13 15:20


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682112)
Gurl, Godra and Godmantha ain't gon' punish me :ohn: ! I'm one of their greatest fanz/stanz/****z :ohn: !

Would someone who is mature write this way?
*checks profile*

Ohhh :D You do realise this TR is 18+?

just_love_her 03-03-13 15:20


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6682115)
I'll be back after I complete the game to punish you if it is ;)

Better not, cause I'm gonna throw classic Lara on you, you'll be left blind after those flawless pointy boobs. :ohn:

Spong 03-03-13 15:21


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6682109)
I don't remember repeatedly expressing my dislike over any game and I said I wasn't fond of them.

I think LNSNHGTDS is probably talking about me ;)

A fan isn't someone who buys absolutely every game and loves them all without question. Sure, a fan can do that, but it's certainly not a prerequisite.

Just as well others in this thread can see that :tmb:

davidmeyer000 03-03-13 15:24

Anyone know when they plan on announcing DLC?

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:25


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682121)
Better not, cause I'm gonna throw classic Lara on you, you'll be left blind after those flawless pointy boobs. :ohn:

Ouch and those things are more leathal than her guns :vlol:

^The game has not been offically released yet. It will be a little while before DLC I think but I could be wrong.

trfanX34 03-03-13 15:35

Le offtopic totale: Replaying TR4 atm. God, I miss the classics SO MUCH ;__;

Evan C. 03-03-13 15:36


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6682146)
Le offtopic totale: Replaying TR4 atm. God, I miss the classics SO MUCH ;__;

Thank god for Level Editor and passionate people who still work on them. But I'm dying for playing the new one tough :(

xLara_Nathanx 03-03-13 15:37


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6682146)
Le offtopic totale: Replaying TR4 atm. God, I miss the classics SO MUCH ;__;

I'm replaying TR5. Dem Ireland levels. <3 :cln:

just_love_her 03-03-13 15:37

DLC is the worst thing that happend to gaming industry. Especially if they are story DLCs.

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:40


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6682150)
I'm replaying TR5. Dem Ireland levels. <3 :cln:

I always hated the Ireland levels. Those imps man I just wanted to stamp on them >.< but I love the other levels :D I replayed TR1 and 2 (my favs!) and watch some bits of the other classics :)

Soul 03-03-13 15:40

I think that DLC's aren't THAT bad...what's bugging me is what some companies made out of this rather good idea of giving us a reason to still enjoy a game long after the release.

trfanX34 03-03-13 15:44


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6682148)
Thank god for Level Editor and passionate people who still work on them. But I'm dying for playing the new one tough :(

Thank god indeed! I'm sure that TR9 is gonna be amazing, it's just that it's so different :( I want my cold blooded killer super smart Lara who ventures into isolated tombs alone and makes her way to the artifact she desires by platforming and puzzle solving back :( Oh, the nostalgia! :p


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6682150)
I'm replaying TR5. Dem Ireland levels. <3 :cln:

Ikrrrrrrr omfg I LOVE the black isle levels. I started replaying TR5 a while ago too but I left it at the submarine :p
I also started with TR2 but left it at Bartoli's hideout. Lol I leave everything halfway :vlol:

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:47


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6682154)
I think that DLC's aren't THAT bad...what's bugging me is what some companies made out of this rather good idea of giving us a reason to still enjoy a game long after the release.

You know what makes me enjoy a game after it's been released. The replay value. I still play loads of games I completed over 10 years ago and back then there was no DLC. I don't mind DLC but it's a shame games need it these days too be enjoyed after it's released.

M1chae1a 03-03-13 15:48


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6682157)
Ikrrrrrrr omfg I LOVE the black isle levels. I started replaying TR5 a while ago too but I left it at the submarine :p
I also started with TR2 but left it at Bartoli's hideout. Lol I leave everything halfway :vlol:

Bartoli's hideout is hardly halfway :p

EDIT: Oops didn't mean to double post >.<

Evan C. 03-03-13 15:50

What I am really excited the most and looking forward to is that "solo" feeling during the game. Everyone complains about the fact main story is full of shooting, but considering I have a very personal style of gameplay that won't be a problem. For instance, I've replaced TRU without music, just ambience sounds, literally WALKING trought Thailand and stopping to examine the draws on stone, the vista, playing around....just for the sake of it. Now, imagine how much time I'm gonna spend doing the same on this BEAUTIFUL island, so that's why I can't wait to have this game. The replay factor is very important IMO and I love having another experience rather than the main one. Is like making your experience, and considering the artistic design on levels and graphics are outstanding...I mean, it couldn't be better.....(well, yes, with Open World :p)

trfanX34 03-03-13 15:52


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6682162)
Bartoli's hideout is hardly halfway :p

EDIT: Oops didn't mean to double post >.<

Well you get my point :p

Adamaru 03-03-13 15:54

Lol my first thought: Tomb Raider :O

Dat lighting :O Totally reminds me of Coastal Forest from TR :D

[Xmas] 03-03-13 15:55

It also looks a bit like Mexico from TRU :p

Phlip 03-03-13 16:31

Reminds me of the South Pacific.

qrack 03-03-13 16:58


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6682172)
Lol my first thought: Tomb Raider :O

Dat lighting :O Totally reminds me of Coastal Forest from TR :D

Is that from Black Flag? Based on what i've seen of TR, i don't see that being too difficult for the CD guys to create.

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 17:02


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6682120)
Would someone who is mature write this way?
*checks profile*

Ohhh :D You do realise this TR is 18+?

Are you completely stupid or are you just trying to act as if you were :p ?

If you only knew at least a little bit of me you'd also know that I almost always post like that for trolling/fun purposes, I tend to not type stuff seriously and I think that pretty much all members seem to be well aware of that fact, or tehy can at least tell when I'm not ebing serious.

Age doesn't mean anything dear, if you can't tell the difference between trolling and a serious post then I deserve a place in this "mature" thread much more than you do :rolleyes: ...!


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6682122)
I think LNSNHGTDS is probably talking about me ;)

A fan isn't someone who buys absolutely every game and loves them all without question. Sure, a fan can do that, but it's certainly not a prerequisite.

Just as well others in this thread can see that :tmb:

I was talking about a certain type of people but I guess you're the most suitable example, mostly because you post on a regular basis on this thread, lol :p !


I know, but by all your posts I've so far thought that you stopped caring for the series overall because of the reboot and therefore couldn't really understand what you were doing here :p .

So, you still do like that series but not this game?

Spong 03-03-13 17:07


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682261)
So, you still do like that series but not this game?

The same applies for AoD & Legend, those two games (along with TR9) are the disgusting games of the series in my eyes. But yeah, I still like Tomb Raider, although TR9 did bring me dangerously close to abandoning it (in a way that neither AoD nor Legend did).

LNSNHGTDS 03-03-13 17:12


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6682277)
The same applies for AoD & Legend, those two games (along with TR9) are the disgusting games of the series in my eyes. But yeah, I still like Tomb Raider, although TR9 did bring me dangerously close to abandoning it (in a way that neither AoD nor Legend did).

Oh, I see. Well I thought that you had abandoned the series and just posted here for no reason.

Well, everything makes sense now, for really :p !

Spong 03-03-13 17:38


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6682285)
Oh, I see. Well I thought that you had abandoned the series and just posted here for no reason.

Well, everything makes sense now, for really :p !

I still have an interest in how TR9 is doing generally. As much as it saddens me, it's still Tomb Raider. And to its credit, I read what people have to say in here (and post myself) a whole hell of a lot more than I ever do in the AoD or Legend board.

King.Louie 03-03-13 17:58

I just received an email from Amazon stating that they will send my CE within two days of the games release. Im not sure how to interpret that. Are they going to send it after the release or close to it? :/

Nvm it says estimated delivery March 7th -_- FML

BinRaider 03-03-13 18:09


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6682359)
I just received an email from Amazon stating that they will send my CE within two days of the games release. Im not sure how to interpret that. Are they going to send it after the release or close to it? :/

Nvm it says estimated delivery March 7th -_- FML

Omg did you pay for it to be there on the day?

t-raider26 03-03-13 18:10

Am I the only one that feels like Himiko is being mispronounced throughout the whole game :p When I first read the name, I thought it'd be pronounced Him-eek-o.

King.Louie 03-03-13 18:14


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6682374)
Omg did you pay for it to be there on the day?

I payed for two day shipping and was told it would be delivered on release date now its not coming until the 7th. ugh ._.

Amazon why!?!

CBS_TombRaider 03-03-13 18:15


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6682375)
Am I the only one that feels like Himiko is being mispronounced throughout the whole game :p When I first read the name, I thought it'd be pronounced Him-eek-o.

No, they're definitely pronouncing it right imo. Japanese don't drag out their sounds like that :) Or at least, as far as I'm aware. It'd be silly if Lara had apparently 'studied' Queen Himiko and the surrounding legends, and they pronounce it wrong throughout the entire game. That would've been an outrage lol :p

jajay119 03-03-13 18:16

Personally I'd buy a copy from somewhere else and return the Amazon copy once it arrives. If they cannot keep to their schedule, especially as you have payed explicitly for two day delivery then they do not deserve your money.

King.Louie 03-03-13 18:23


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 6682387)
Personally I'd buy a copy from somewhere else and return the Amazon copy once it arrives. If they cannot keep to their schedule, especially as you have payed explicitly for two day delivery then they do not deserve your money.

Thats what i was thinking! But sadly no place around me is selling the CE :l Oh well im sure i can last another two days #notreally

_Tomb_Raider 03-03-13 18:27

Guys, did I get this right? In 19 hours people from Sydney will be able to play the PC version?

just_love_her 03-03-13 18:32


Originally Posted by _Tomb_Raider (Post 6682407)
Guys, did I get this right? In 19 hours people from Sydney will be able to play the PC version?

Yes. Game unlocks at 00:00 Tuesday depending of your local time. Which means Australia is geting the game first. :)

Vinkula 03-03-13 18:33

Dad pre-orders it for me tomorrow :D Still possible here lol xd

_Tomb_Raider 03-03-13 18:37


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6682414)
Yes. Game unlocks at 00:00 Tuesday depending of your local time. Which means Australia is geting the game first. :)

Oh, yes, yes, so I see. :D
Thank you! :hug:

BinRaider 03-03-13 18:53


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6682382)
I payed for two day shipping and was told it would be delivered on release date now its not coming until the 7th. ugh ._.

Amazon why!?!

If I get this message then I am cancelling my ****ing pre order and getting my mum to get it when she finishes work at midnight. I might even get to play it before I go to sleep :'|

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