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jajay119 24-11-20 00:06


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255199)
We just have to wait and see. I don't know why, but my instinct tells me to have faith because something we didn't expect is around the corner. I think they understand how important this is and will come through.

Like Lara says, "I can feel it"

We can only hope. I'm sure they wont let such a big occasion go past unnoticed. Like I said in another thread if Sega can get their act together enough to make Sonic Generations for the 25th ani I'm sure SE can do something.

charmedangelin 24-11-20 00:10


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8255203)
It has to be. Only a mobile game for this iconic series 25th anniversary would be a big spit in the face

I seriously doubt this is all they have. Are people forgetting it's November 2020?

The mobile launch was probably made with the idea to get the buzz started about Tomb Raider. We have an entire year, multiple game events to get through before the anniversary is up.

It hasn't even started yet, I know morale is low, but we have to press forward because they will provide more information as time goes on.

To me this is exactly what we needed, we now know that we are entering the time period for news about TR to start dropping. It's way better environment then this entire year of radio silence.

Coming from someone with an extremely critical track record of the company, I think we should give them the chance to actually impress us before we cancel the entire anniversary that hasn't even happened yet.


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8255206)
We can only hope. I'm sure they wont let such a big occasion go past unnoticed. Like I said in another thread if Sega can get their act together enough to make Sonic Generations for the 25th ani I'm sure SE can do something.

They will, the twitter posts, the rerelease of AOD on streaming platforms, and now today this new mobile game?

All of this way before the anniversary is even here. If that doesn't spell something major is coming then I don't know how else they can tease us without spoiling it all too soon.

Chamayoo 24-11-20 00:12


Originally Posted by Yeauxleaux (Post 8255205)
So I just came back onto the forum after a little while and, out of the corner of my eye, misread the thread title as "Tomb Raider Reloaded cancelled" for a sec.

I thought "wow that was quick" :vlol:

Is the reaction so negative they might just say **** it and cancel the whole thing? I mean I'm open-minded about trying this game 100%, I'll play it, I just want more than this.

I remember Lara Croft Reflection, a mobile game about trading cards that was cancelled only a couple of months after it was announced... So everything is possible I guess. :cln:


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8255203)
It has to be. Only a mobile game for this iconic series 25th anniversary would be a big spit in the face

It would be a massive disappointment ! Fortunately there is time to announce and release other things as the year hasn't even begun yet !


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255207)
To me this is exactly what we needed, we now know that we are entering the time period for news about TR to start dropping. It's way better environment then this entire year of radio silence.

We have that or eternal unnecessary debate around Gh0stBlade credibility... Our choice. :D

Tomb Raidering 24-11-20 00:15


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8255208)
I remember Lara Croft Reflection, a mobile game about trading cards that was cancelled only a couple of months after it was announced... So everything is possible I guess. :cln:

Underworld Lara’s impact, she ruins everything she’s in.

Chamayoo 24-11-20 00:18


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8255210)
Underworld Lara’s impact, she ruins everything she’s in.

Underworld bashing is outdated, move along ma chère. :ohn:

charmedangelin 24-11-20 00:20


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8255208)
We have that or eternal unnecessary debate around Gh0stBlade credibility... Our choice. :D

Exactly, Tomb Raider is alive, she ain't dead yet. She isn't going anywhere either given the latest rumors.

2021 is gonna be a very exciting year for TR. :jmp:

Tomb Raidering 24-11-20 00:20


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8255212)
Underworld bashing is outdated, move along ma chère. :ohn:

I wouldn’t worry, we’re not in the same class.

Yeauxleaux 24-11-20 00:20


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255213)
2021 is gonna be a very exciting year for TR. :jmp:

This will age well... I admire your unbridled optimism dahling.

Swiz19 24-11-20 00:23


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255119)
Who says the mobile is a TR1 remake?

It's inspired by it but no one said it was an actual remake.

I didnt necessarily say remake. However, in saying that the trailer features the scion, dinosaurs, and wolves among other references pointing to Tomb Raider 1.

As you said, clearly inspired by it. So again, why would two teams that work for square Enix make two games based off of one story? That makes 0 sense, especially from a marketing perspective. Not only that, if TR UE is a thing we would be getting 3 games within a short period of time based on TR1? I dont buy it. Not to mention they've already made a remake before, so that's a LOT of games constantly repeating the same thing.

That's like if they kept trying to make a Casino Royale movie every few years, just with slight variances. Then again, Square/CD seem very stuck in a loop when it comes to TR, rehashing the same things over and over (mummy and daddy plotlines, clichés, etc) so they could be that daft.

charmedangelin 24-11-20 00:27


Originally Posted by Swiz19 (Post 8255216)
I didnt necessarily say remake. However, in saying that the trailer features the scion, dinosaurs, and wolves among other references pointing to Tomb Raider 1.

As you said, clearly inspired by it. So again, why would two teams that work for square Enix make two games based off of one story? That makes 0 sense, especially from a marketing perspective. Not only that, if TR UE is a thing we would be getting 3 games within a short period of time based on TR1? I dont buy it. Not to mention they've already made a remake before, so that's a LOT of games constantly repeating the same thing.

That's like if they kept trying to make a Casino Royale movie every few years, just with slight variances. Then again, Square/CD seem very stuck in a loop when it comes to TR, rehashing the same things over and over (mummy and daddy plotlines, clichés, etc) so they could be that daft.

We have no idea what the mobile game is. They can make a full remake while also doing a fun mobile spinoff.

Like I said we don't know what this is or what their plans are. Let's just wait before the meltdowns.

This is coming from the queen of meltdowns, it ain't time yet.

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