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tomblover 20-01-21 19:18

Did people have a similar reaction to Relic Run, back whenever that was released? I can't remember there being such an obstinate community-wide rejection of that game, but I could be wrong... :confused:

I mean, the game's alright, it's fun at stages. I would say it works harder to make you spend money on it than Relic Run ever did, though.

Which is to be expected, given it's a free mobile game - but I would appreciate a little finesse, vs. the game outright asking me "finally you're here, bitch, you got a dollar?" with everything it throws at me. :vlol:

lance6439 21-01-21 02:14


Originally Posted by DVDSpike (Post 8270785)
Hopefully never. What a mess.

Would rather not have this stain be part of the TR franchise.

we already have the reboot games being a stain oh and TRA

UroshUchiha 22-01-21 00:02


Originally Posted by yogalame (Post 8270434)
Thanks for the answer.

Yes I understand that, I was asking if I can craft 3 of the same without a crafting item, does that work or is the crafting item necessary?

It works :D

yogalame 22-01-21 09:23


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8271442)

Thanks. I'll wait until I get a third weapon before upgrading then.

Did you manage to defeat the last boss?

UroshUchiha 22-01-21 10:24


Originally Posted by yogalame (Post 8271528)
Thanks. I'll wait until I get a third weapon before upgrading then.

Did you manage to defeat the last boss?

Once with the common shotgun and now a several times after I got the staff weapon which pretty much makes everything in game trivial.
EDIT: Also you don't have to wait, upgrade your main one as much as you want. When you combine 3, the new item keeps the level of the highest previous one that you used in the crafting.
As you can see my green mask is instantly level 6.

yogalame 22-01-21 21:17


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8271539)
Once with the common shotgun and now a several times after I got the staff weapon which pretty much makes everything in game trivial.
EDIT: Also you don't have to wait, upgrade your main one as much as you want. When you combine 3, the new item keeps the level of the highest previous one that you used in the crafting.
As you can see my green mask is instantly level 6.

I was curious if:
a green upgraded item say Level 6 from 2 items and a blueprint is different from:
a green upgraded item Level 6 from 3 items (different total +Attack, different +Attack added between updates) but now that I am writing it down it's probably not.

I can currently only upgrade the Dual Pistols, the Chakram is the only other weapon I got, I will wait for a better item. I pretty much stopped playing the game now anyway, I just start it once a day for the free item.

Emix 23-01-21 21:17


Chamayoo 23-01-21 23:35


Originally Posted by Emix (Post 8271886)

Let's see all famous IPs going down this route, like with endless running games some years ago :o

UroshUchiha 24-01-21 09:54

Hahaha I just had a run in the last level where the devil appeared so often that he took ALL my health until I was down to 1hp xD
Thankfully I had good luck with the powerups and even managed to defeat the last boss with 1hp

Chamayoo 24-01-21 10:28

Wow but couldn't you refuse Devil's propositions ? Unbelievable, congrats !

As for myself, I can't get pass the big Mayan head 2.0. Worst boss ever.... Wolf 2.0 and Bugs 2.0 were not that difficult though.

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