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xavecroft 15-02-23 01:43

Im playing it so much fun and addicted
I have a question where are the golden duals? I can't find them

tlr online 15-02-23 01:52

Check your mail in game, they should be there. Once you claim them you'll be able to equip them.

Xenomrph 15-02-23 02:08

I’ve only cleared level 1 so I’m sure I haven’t gotten to The Grind yet, but the game is pretty entertaining so far and I REALLY like the menu music.

LateRaider 15-02-23 03:24

so far they seem to have addressed nearly all of my issues with grindiness from the softlaunch. but i've just made it to vilcabamba so we'll see if that holds true. i thought it was interesting that as of yet you cannot directly buy gems from the store but you have to play other games or sign up for services. nothing i want to use tbh but interesting tactic nonetheless. i wonder if they're other embracer holdings

VictorXD 15-02-23 04:44

So I've just played and I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised! It's quite fun and the art direction is AMAZING.

And I have to say... It feels SO GOOD to play a TR game that doesn't shy away from nostalgia/keeps it at a minimum.

And playing it really feels like a LC game! It doesn't feel like I'm playing a completely different franchise, just TR with a different approach to gameplay.

I also wouldn't mind at all if this Lara model was an unlockable in the next game.

malferink 15-02-23 10:44

I still can't find this game on the App Store in the Netherlands. the ****?

jajay119 15-02-23 12:19

Have you noticed how in the opening Keely uses the TR1 script, not the TRA script?


Eh, I've played up to level 14 on Vilcabamba and tbh I don't think it's for me. Too much shooting and not enough puzzle elements. (Two in 30 levels and one of those I missed because they threw too many enemies at me to get to it in time)

There is also too much happening on screen for me to keep track of it in some levels which comes across as a bit overloading and unfair.

Lior_K 15-02-23 13:07

How does the Netflix version works without micro transactions?

And is there a way to get the score?

Chamayoo 15-02-23 13:20

There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.
I don't really get the purpose of the "tombs", they're regular levels with special monsters and... that's all ?
Missed oportunity to make relax levels with puzzles in contrast to all those flashy and visually messy combats. I like the events that gives you more to gain.

charmedangelin 15-02-23 15:11


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390719)
There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.
I don't really get the purpose of the "tombs", they're regular levels with special monsters and... that's all ?
Missed oportunity to make relax levels with puzzles in contrast to all those flashy and visually messy combats. I like the events that gives you more to gain.

In the beta plenty of people gave feedback on the tombs needing to be more special, but it seems they didn't adopt any of that feedback into the final product.

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