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charmedangelin 15-02-23 23:37

Google play installs set at 100k+ with reviews averaging a 3.3 out of 5.

The distribution of those reviews is polarizing with a heavy amount of reviews sitting at both 5 stars and 1 stars.

Seems reviews across the board are very mixed. People love the nostalgia from the classic TR games, but people are struggling with the heavy amount of micro transactions and the multiple currencies that the core mechanics of the game are built around.

Tombraider95 15-02-23 23:55

It's 2.8 on the UK Play Store lol A lot of 1 star reviews.

charmedangelin 16-02-23 00:51


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8390768)
It's 2.8 on the UK Play Store lol A lot of 1 star reviews.

I actually understand the opposition to this. Having played the game for 2 years already barely anything has changed since the beginning of the beta being launched.

What's frustrating is the fact that beta testers posted so much feedback with so many ideas to make the game more dynamic and interesting, but none of that feedback was considered.

Ed has posted tweets saying Square Enix was very concerned with making a profit when Reloaded was being developed.

LateRaider 16-02-23 06:45

i think i'm remembering that my issues started in the lost valley, so we'll see if that still holds true. not feeling up to grinding forever but i've enjoyed the diversion so far.

CheshireBitch 16-02-23 07:51

I played it and managed to get to Lost Valley (which I haven't started yet) and I like it so far. It's fun ! But the city of vilcabamba took me some time to complete because I wasn't powerfull or strong enough when I first got there.
I like the idea of the side tombs even if it's exactly the same gameplay.

I think that I'll get bored it faster than Relic Run tho and it doesn't top Lara Croft GO at all. (not same type of game I know but still)

It's kind of bitter sweet to think we've waited like 2 years for this honestly. If it was released on time I would have prob been blown away by it but today not so much...

Also I managed to get a lot of purple gems, but where do I spend them ? Can't found the shop for game item lol

Chamayoo 16-02-23 10:00


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8390734)
I think those tombs were added to avoid the monotonous grind somewhat. Prior to them we had to do the exact same level ten thousand times in order to progress. With the addition of those tombs the player at least feels that they are making some kind of progress.

While the randomly generated rooms makes things a little less monotonous, it totally failed to make us some progress. Always failing at stage 8/10 of the first tomb and crumbs as a reward.
Compared to Lost Valley, when I made progress to boss 2 and always gave me nice bonus.

UroshUchiha 16-02-23 10:14


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390795)
While the randomly generated rooms makes things a little less monotonous, it totally failed to make us some progress. Always failing at stage 8/10 of the first tomb and crumbs as a reward.
Compared to Lost Valley, when I made progress to boss 2 and always gave me nice bonus.

As I said, I'm a level 94 currently in the game so I don't know how the balance is nowadays in later stages for progressing. But back when I did progress, those crumbs you are talking about now were a full meal in comparison to what you get the more and more you progress.

Chamayoo 16-02-23 10:20


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8390797)
As I said, I'm a level 94 currently in the game so I don't know how the balance is nowadays in later stages for progressing. But back when I did progress, those crumbs you are talking about now were a full meal in comparison to what you get the more and more you progress.

Don't worry I'm aware, I said that earlier. :p


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8390719)
There are 10 times more bonus to gain than the soft launch, it's pleasant to see.

malferink 16-02-23 10:24

Man, this game is hard AF :/ Also a bit of a bummer that we have to wait for the other voice actresses, it was the one thing I was looking forward to the most honestly.
Also, that UI is a freakin mess lol, I'm so confused by all the different currencies and menus

Chamayoo 16-02-23 16:39

I finally managed to complete the first tomb, few !
For Lost Valley, I lost at stage 38.

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