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lance6439 24-11-20 00:28


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8255210)
Underworld Lara’s impact, she ruins everything she’s in.

TRA + Selena gomez stans shouldn't be talking!

psychobubble 24-11-20 00:31


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8255212)
Underworld bashing is outdated, move along ma chère. :ohn:

When's the standalone Janice game coming, that's the real question

Athukraz 24-11-20 00:31

All that matters is that this thing is not made by CD so it didn't take up development time away from TR12 or classic remasters/remakes/ports

Swiz19 24-11-20 00:33


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255218)
We have no idea what the mobile game is. They can make a full remake while also doing a fun mobile spinoff.

Like I said we don't know what this is or what their plans are. Let's just wait before the meltdowns.

This is coming from the queen of meltdowns, it ain't time yet.

I'm most certainly not having a meltdown, because in my eyes this defuncts the alleged 'leak' that the next game is another TR1 remake/reimagining. Which is nothing but good news to me, considering how over I am of things been rehashed. As I said, I really don't think SE/CD would do that to us as it will only push TR to becoming stale once again.

I just want there to be more creative freedom by exploring new stories, mythologies and characters is all.

charmedangelin 24-11-20 00:35


Originally Posted by Swiz19 (Post 8255224)
I'm most certainly not having a meltdown, because in my eyes this defuncts the alleged 'leak' that the next game is another TR1 remake/reimagining. Which is nothing but good news to me, considering how over I am of things been rehashed. As I said, I really don't think SE/CD would do that to us as it will only push TR to becoming stale once again.

I just want there to be more creative freedom by exploring new stories, mythologies and characters is all.

I didn't say you were, I apologise, I probably should have posted more clearly and worded my post better. :wve:

I'm just saying we should wait till more info is available. I do understand the communities hesitation to embrace what we have.

Chamayoo 24-11-20 00:36


Originally Posted by psychobubble (Post 8255222)
When's the standalone Janice game coming, that's the real question

Here we're talking serious things. Teach Square and Crystal what hype really is !

lance6439 24-11-20 00:37


Originally Posted by SoraSakai (Post 8255195)
I’m not saying her design isn’t important. It is. I’ve wanted her iconic design back for ages and I think it not returning at the end of Shadow was a HUGE missed opportunity.

But gameplay is also important. So far there’s 0 evidence as to what this game is aside from the fact that she has two guns and shorts and a ponytail.

How does the game actually play? What do you do?
All of those are important. Not just Lara’s design. I’m cautiously optimistic, but the devs other games are kinda crappy.

Reboot Lara had plenty of good outfits/looks in the reboot comics and that's her style. IMO her style isn't CLara's signature outfit or pretty much a majority of what CLara wears. CLara looks so good in her choice of outfits because she has the ethnic look, voluptuous body proportions, exotic and curvy features. Her clothing is custom made to fit her. I wouldn't want RLara wearing CLara's trademarks because the fans ask for it because it just wouldn't make sense (at least to me) I cant picture RLara in a leotard top, short shorts, latex catsuits, etc because it doesn't fit her personality.

Its good to see CLara come back but not in a form of a mobile game. When I saw these pictures, I thought it would be for some cool ass PS4/PS5 game or something but seconds after learning it was a phone game I just lost all hope

this post made no sense LOL!


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8255223)
All that matters is that this thing is not made by CD so it didn't take up development time away from TR12 or classic remasters/remakes/ports

so true

Swiz19 24-11-20 00:39


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255225)
I didn't say you were, I apologise, I probably should have posted more clearly and worded my post better. :wve:

I'm just saying we should wait till more info is available. I do understand the communities hesitation to embrace what we have.

No apologies needed, its all g.

Even if this isn't based purely on TR1 (could get short episodes based around all the classic games or something) its clearly SE trying to throw a bone to classic fans. Which does make me think they'll keep the mainline games as far away from Classic TR as they can, much like how they tried to do that with the Lara Croft games. But you are right, its all speculation at this point, but that's usually all we have to do around here :tea:

GiovanniLucca 24-11-20 00:40


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8255207)
The mobile launch was probably made with the idea to get the buzz started about Tomb Raider. We have an entire year, multiple game events to get through before the anniversary is up.

It is not usual companies make TEASER trailer of a MOBILE game. I think you must be right about get the buzz around the Tomb Raider... Every major game website disclosure this news. The game awards is right at the corner, maybe we'll have a unexpected surprise?

I read a lot of people talking about some fans are so happy to see Lara with braid and dual pistols, and that is ridiculous we limite the vision of the franchise by this...

But hey, this is the most close that we have of the vibe of the classics Tomb Raider since CD took over the franchise.

This is BIG!
For a company that during the reboot trilogy was doing everything to put a nail on the coffin of classic Lara... This is HUGE! And most importantly, It gives hope to see more real tomb raiding stuff coming along...

And it is working!
I mean, look at everyone here posting your opinions e talking about this news.

Isn't about a free mobile game!
It is about seeing, the character personalization and the vibe of what made us loving this franchise. It is about seeing the classic logo being used again. The scion present on the trailer... And I must say that the secret sound gave me chills.

So don't be harse with our happiness to see dual pistols, braid and most importantly, Lara's attitude portrait well.

TombRaiderLover 24-11-20 00:41


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8255212)
Underworld bashing is outdated, move along ma chère. :ohn:

Preach! Best game in the LAU trilogy and that's an undisputed fact.

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