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UroshUchiha 01-02-21 08:41

Eh to each their own. I personally would never spend my money on any type of loot boxes and microtransactions because they are literally gambling. I'd rather mod the game or pirate it instead.
But TRR has yet to give me the need to actually spend my money. Is the option there? Yes, it is there. But I have never in my 30 levels of the game so far felt the need to actually buy anything, cause like I said, I only play this for a few minutes per day, run out of tickets, and move on to do something more productive with my time.
I don't really see the addiction in this one that other titles are going for to hook you in and spend your money on.

And no, my opinion of you is not based on the two comments you made here, I've seen you in other threads. Granted I don't follow every single thread on this forum, just the stuff that interests me, but in places that I have seen you it's either to be negative about something or to start/stir drama. Again, I don't visit all the threads so I'm sure you are probably positive and pleased in other discussions.

All in all, how certain people find escapism from the real world is none of my business and if it works for them, it works for them, I won't tell them to stop having fun. Even if it's them spending their own hard earned money. It's their money, they can do whatever they want with it for all I care.

“No. We will support Lara and your games, but we are not your ATM’s.” I personally have no plans to spend money on this title, but I will use it to kill some time when I need to kill some time, for that the game is good in my opinion. And you'd be surprised how many people are willing to be their ATMs. I'm in multiple fandoms and the amount of people willing to spend their monthly salaries on something trivial in a franchise they "stan" is insane, so nothing surprises me anymore.

SoraSakai 01-02-21 10:02

You personally feeling like you don’t need to spend money or won’t fall for this games attempts into tricking you to do so, just means you’re not the type of person they’re hoping to prey upon.

Just because you’re not personally susceptible to tactics that rely on manipulating addictive tendencies, doesn’t make this (TR:Reloaded) any less disgusting. You just have to think for the people that this DOES affect (like young children or people with gambling problems).

Again, the issue here isn’t: “People like something I don’t, Wah!”. We aren’t talking about me liking Angel of Darkness more than TR1. We’re talking about the normalization of predatory apps/games whose only purpose is to trick their prey (again: children and people with addictive tendencies).

I think it’s important to flat-out refuse it, and clearly, most country’s governments agree with me because there’s already plenty of discussions in regards to micro-transactions, loot-boxes and the need for them to be properly regulated.

So yes. I think if we as a fandom, have any sense of integrity and basic empathy for other people, we should reject the concept of using a character we all strongly care about in such a blatantly-manipulatively-disgustingly-greedy way.

UroshUchiha 01-02-21 11:07

"You’re not the type of person they’re hoping to prey upon" with that I have to agree. One of the examples is Guild Wars 2, I have friends who spend a ton of money on that game while I do not and I still enjoy playing it.

I know that these types of games prey upon kids and people with gambling addictions, but I leave that to the government and parents/guardians to deal with it. Not my problem honestly. I use my voice when I can but ultimately I think that gaming in general is in decline for the past ~12 years so I am used to it and lowkey gave up, just waiting for the collapse.

As for TRR, this community pretty much did reject this game, the poll on the other thread is evidence of that. And I am on their official Discord so I know how little people are there at the moment. Sure they will get a boost once the app goes public, but I still don't think people will rush to join in great numbers.

My goal is to be there and offer constructive feedback to the devs and try to improve this game as much as possible. This game is not going away, it will come out of EA sooner or later and I'd rather it be the best it can be regardless of how big or small that is. That's the only support I am willing to offer.

DVDSpike 01-02-21 16:19


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8275818)
"You’re not the type of person they’re hoping to prey upon" with that I have to agree. One of the examples is Guild Wars 2, I have friends who spend a ton of money on that game while I do not and I still enjoy playing it.

I know that these types of games prey upon kids and people with gambling addictions, but I leave that to the government and parents/guardians to deal with it. Not my problem honestly. I use my voice when I can but ultimately I think that gaming in general is in decline for the past ~12 years so I am used to it and lowkey gave up, just waiting for the collapse.

As for TRR, this community pretty much did reject this game, the poll on the other thread is evidence of that. And I am on their official Discord so I know how little people are there at the moment. Sure they will get a boost once the app goes public, but I still don't think people will rush to join in great numbers.

My goal is to be there and offer constructive feedback to the devs and try to improve this game as much as possible. This game is not going away, it will come out of EA sooner or later and I'd rather it be the best it can be regardless of how big or small that is. That's the only support I am willing to offer.

This is kind of a selfish mindset. “It’s not affecting me therefore it’s not my problem”.

It is your problem. It’s everyone’s problem. Why are you happy to sit idle by while companies manipulate people and governments sit by and let it happen?

This game is literally made with the mindset that this fandom will pour money into it and that’s it’s only goal. I don’t understand why a fandom would choose to acknowledge that yet be happy with it.

Square are trying to manipulate you, it’s not okay.

charmedangelin 01-02-21 16:46

Yup, once again I have to agree with Sora and DVDSpike. These kinds of apps are everyone's problem. Games shouldn't be atm machines to pump money from us.

Watch this video, I already knew about this from my days back at University, but this video does an extremely good job talking about the problem.

UroshUchiha 01-02-21 17:23

But it is not my problem regardless if you think that's a selfish mindset or not, cause I gave up on this industry a while back. I mostly just replay older titles and maybe find two interesting indie projects per year. Like I said, I use my voice and advise people against participating in predatory practices. But the best thing that I can do is close off my wallet to them. Which is exactly what I have been doing since ~2010.

I follow the content of channels like Bellular News, Upper Echelon Gamers, SidAlpha, Jim Sterling and so on, so I am very well informed of the issue plaguing the gaming community for longer than a decade at this point. And I am so tired of pretending like it'll get any better. It won't, and I am just gonna continue to not support them with my money (which clearly is not making any difference cause there will always be whales who will make these practices profitable to the greedy companies regardless of what I/we do).

I'll let the government do what it should have done years ago, close my wallet to these things, use my voice when I think I should and that's about it. Call it selfish, it really matters not to me at this point.

Honestly I am just waiting for the collapse of AAA gaming and the rise of indies to take their place to happen.

"Games shouldn't be atm machines to pump money from us", they shouldn't, but they are for a very long time. And each year it keeps getting worse and worse. And as long as there are people who "boycott" stuff like this only to spend a monthly salary on a "Special Ultimate Platinum Deluxe Edition" of the game they are so called boycotting day one on release, nothing will change. The only reason that the games will continue to be ATM machines is simply because people are still giving them money. And as long as they get the money, they will never stop.

charmedangelin 01-02-21 17:48

And they get the money because they are specifically designed to do that. It's not like people are always willfully doing it when they are being influenced by factors they aren't completely up aware of. This "not my problem" attitude is the same kind of attitude some folks have that ahs lead to this same situation today. If people took a better attitude with it then it wouldn't be a problem.

My cousin recently was in a serious car accident and one guy driving by saw what happened, but did nothing. Luckily someone who actually cared came by, helped them and called 911. Imagine if they also just drove by with this "I don't care it's not my problem" attitude. You can do what you want, but that's not a healthy mindset to have.

UroshUchiha 01-02-21 18:17

Don't misunderstand me, it is not that I am not doing anything. I am doing as much as I can to my current ability. But I am realistic and know where my limits are. I was optimistic about all this that we as a community of gamers could change this, but watching year after year how titles like Fifa (and other sports titles) which are just copy paste of a previous year edition keep making more and more money kinda broke me so my peak of participation against this is to like YouTube videos calling out predatory practices about this, share them, leave a comment here and there where I feel it is necessary and most importantly not give a single cent to these games.

A decade of this turned me pessimistic so it is what it is. There's only so much that one can do and endure without seeing any positive changes/results.

I applaud people who have the energy to keep up the good fight and I support you all and stand with you :D
But as I said, my peak at the moment is to just not give them money, and leave others to spend their money however they see fit. You earned it, you spend it however you will. If you fall into these traps that the companies are using nowadays maybe you should not be the one to handle your bank account imo. And if you are a child, well, your parents/guardians should do a better job and educate themselves how to protect you from these greedy companies cause they will never stop with "surprise mechanics".

SoraSakai 01-02-21 21:31

It’s hard for a parent to know in the first place when a game gives zero warning or rating that it’ll have gambling in it in the first place.

I find your lack of compassion for people this affects to be a little disappointing and honestly quite disturbing.

Yes, not giving money to these games helps YOU, but also not supporting them in general helps EVERYONE. This isn’t a game designed to be mindless fun. The “mindless fun” is a mask. It’s a disguise.

It’s sad seeing Lara used this way and I do think we, as a fandom, for the sake of other people NEED to reject it. Sorry but I don’t want Lara Croft to be associated with this.

Being vocal on these kinds of things does have a constructive payoff sometimes. Look at what happened with EA’s Battlefront 2.

Chamayoo 02-02-21 00:00

Ok Urosh just killed a baby or ... ?
What is the point to make them or others who have interest in this game guilty like this ?

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