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UroshUchiha 13-03-21 18:26

^And I fully agree with that. I personally don't want anyone on the dev team over there to go through the hell to fix the progress wipe. I've done that at my job as a programmer and it's literal hell. So of course I wouldn't want that on anyone else.

And yes I knew that this could happen since it's an EA game, the risk was always there, but that does not stop the bad taste in my mouth it left. It is disappointing to see it happen.

I'm not angry though nor do I wish the dev team any bad, best of luck to their future plans but I personally don't have it in me to start from scratch. Maybe I'll give it a spin after it fully comes out or something.

TRF 19-03-21 22:29


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8285251)
I just read the in-game announcement that players' progress will be reset with the next update due to technical issues and "unforseen circumstances". This is absolutely unacceptable and I am so disgusted. The amount of hours I put into this game in this last month building gear and leveling up... Grinding that any normal player shouldn't ever have to put up with. No. I won't be touching this game again for a very long time, even on full release. Goodbye and kindly **** off

It is still early access and many of us aren't suppose to play it. It's a shame, but these things happen, unfortunately.

Let's just say, start over when this thing gets released and forget all about it :p

Mikky 21-03-21 10:44

There's a new level on the latest update! St Francis Folly. The update that apparently makes us lose everything... *sigh* I'll update and let y'all know the damage

EDIT - So yeah, everything is truly gone. It seems by default every player gets 500 gems as compensation (which is pennies, really) but we can get additional compensation if we message them with our old player ID - we'll see in time what that is exactly. I can't comment on the new level because I'd actually have to reach it to unlock it first, which isn't gonna happen anytime soon (if at all). There's also a bunch of new features and reward systems, like defeating a certain number of enemies to get stuff (kind of like achievements but not really). I've only played the first two chapters but there does actually seemed to have been some significant gameplay/difficulty balancing, so it doesn't seem to be overwhelmingly unfair from the get go, although who knows how that will change as you progress. The game also now runs smoother than ever.

That's it from what I can tell. Like I said before, I have little interest or motivation to play this again right now, but who knows, that might change in the future. As much as I am genuinely interested in all these lil' updates, maybe it would just be better to wait for the full release and go from there.

Chamayoo 21-03-21 12:06


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8287427)
There's a new level on the latest update! St Francis Folly. The update that apparently makes us lose everything... *sigh* I'll update and let y'all know the damage

I want to play this !! However if this means to redo all the levels... :cry:

Mikky 21-03-21 12:16

Yeah... Sucks. If you're lucky, you might get there in 2 weeks if you live and breathe the game in every waking moment :ton:

I updated my post with all the changes I noticed.

UroshUchiha 21-03-21 12:32

I am currently in the process of being compensated, the support just contacted me about the stuff that they can return and I'm not gonna lie, I like what I see in their response. A lot.

Will update once it goes through and I check stuff for myself.

TombRaider_Ed 21-03-21 12:46

Thank you for sticking with us!


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8287427)
There's a new level on the latest update! St Francis Folly. The update that apparently makes us lose everything... *sigh* I'll update and let y'all know the damage

EDIT - So yeah, everything is truly gone. It seems by default every player gets 500 gems as compensation (which is pennies, really) but we can get additional compensation if we message them with our old player ID - we'll see in time what that is exactly. I can't comment on the new level because I'd actually have to reach it to unlock it first, which isn't gonna happen anytime soon (if at all). There's also a bunch of new features and reward systems, like defeating a certain number of enemies to get stuff (kind of like achievements but not really). I've only played the first two chapters but there does actually seemed to have been some significant gameplay/difficulty balancing, so it doesn't seem to be overwhelmingly unfair from the get go, although who knows how that will change as you progress. The game also now runs smoother than ever.

That's it from what I can tell. Like I said before, I have little interest or motivation to play this again right now, but who knows, that might change in the future. As much as I am genuinely interested in all these lil' updates, maybe it would just be better to wait for the full release and go from there.

TombRaider_Ed 21-03-21 12:48

The team is trying to do what they can, and we genuinely appreciate your feedback and your sticking with us even when these frustrating things happen, thank you!


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8287447)
I am currently in the process of being compensated, the support just contacted me about the stuff that they can return and I'm not gonna lie, I like what I see in their response. A lot.

Will update once it goes through and I check stuff for myself.

TombRaider_Ed 21-03-21 12:50

Unfortunately due to us being in a limited launch and testing out technical infrastructure this does mean changes like this could happen, which is exactly why we do this phase and ask that fans wait until we release worldwide, but I totally get why you want to jump in early because it's Tomb Raider after all :D


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8287440)
I want to play this !! However if this means to redo all the levels... :cry:

Mikky 21-03-21 13:06

Hi, Ed :specialsnowflake:


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8287447)
I am currently in the process of being compensated, the support just contacted me about the stuff that they can return and I'm not gonna lie, I like what I see in their response. A lot.

Will update once it goes through and I check stuff for myself.

How long did it take for them to respond for you? I just contacted them about an hour ago myself, and I know it says it can take up to a day so I'm not expecting a reply right away, but I'm still curious

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