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Squibbly 23-11-10 19:46


Originally Posted by Alpharaider47 (Post 5015320)
Uh oh, not sure I fully understand... :o:p I'mma take a guess here and say... your mouth hurts/doesn't feel good because of something on your teeth(braces?)?

lol yes :D you're doing quite well.

I had a braces tightening yesterday so I was saying my mouth is sore because of it.

Alpharaider47 23-11-10 22:38


Originally Posted by Squibbly (Post 5015327)
lol yes :D you're doing quite well.

I had a braces tightening yesterday so I was saying my mouth is sore because of it.

Pauvre Squibbly! :p

LCEF (CA) 03-12-10 19:15

Bonjour :)

Je suis jamais venu ici ! j'ignorais totalement qu'il y avait une section "française" sur ce forum :cln:
Dommage que c'est un peu désertique lol :D

@Alpharaider47: Tu parles français ou tu utilises un traducteur ?
(You speak french or you use a translator ?)

Alpharaider47 04-12-10 00:17


Originally Posted by LCEF (CA) (Post 5034817)
@Alpharaider47: Tu parles français ou tu utilises un traducteur ?
(You speak french or you use a translator ?)

Je parles francais un peu (hope I got that right :p)

LCEF (CA) 04-12-10 17:20

Oui, c'est bien ça ^^
Il suffit juste d'inverser "un peu" et "français" ;)
Yes ^^
You just have to reverse "un peu" with "français":)

FearEffect 04-12-10 18:48


Originally Posted by LCEF (CA) (Post 5036799)
Oui, c'est bien ça ^^
Il suffit juste d'inverser "un peu" et "français" ;)
Yes ^^
You just have to reverse "un peu" with "français":)

Tu peut dire " Yeah ^^ "...C'est plus anglais je trouve :p

Alpharaider47 05-12-10 04:54


Originally Posted by LCEF (CA) (Post 5036799)
Oui, c'est bien ça ^^
Il suffit juste d'inverser "un peu" et "français" ;)
Yes ^^
You just have to reverse "un peu" with "français":)

:D Merci beaucoup!

Comment ca va?

Not sure how to say this, so I won't butcher the language trying :p Though I've been in a French class for 3 years now, I haven't had a whole lot of experience forming much other than basic sentences, so I'm a bit hesitant posting in here, hopefully you guys can bare with my attempts! :p

I, Tomb Raider 06-12-10 03:11

Chaz, tu pouve parle francais, eh? Bien. :D :tmb:
Je sais peu aussi. Apres 4 years de etudier... :hea:

Alpharaider47 06-12-10 05:07


Originally Posted by I, Tomb Raider (Post 5041425)
Chaz, tu pouve parle francais, eh? Bien. :D :tmb:
Je sais peu aussi. Apres 4 years de etudier... :hea:

Oui, un peu! Je etudier pour 3 ans maintenant :p *hope I got that right :D

LCEF (CA) 07-12-10 20:13


Originally Posted by Alpharaider47 (Post 5038317)
:D Merci beaucoup!

Comment ca va?

Not sure how to say this, so I won't butcher the language trying :p Though I've been in a French class for 3 years now, I haven't had a whole lot of experience forming much other than basic sentences, so I'm a bit hesitant posting in here, hopefully you guys can bare with my attempts! :p

You're welcome :D

(Aucune erreur dans la question :) )
Je vais très bien merci, et toi ? :D

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