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Lukass 02-02-12 00:53

We are actually arguing about Lara's top color...I can't...O.o

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 00:54

I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

Spong 02-02-12 00:55


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950298)
No, see. Developers say something (that previous "no" wasn't an answer, I just don't know), such as the idea that "it's no longer about Lara being pretty and tons of costumes" because they mean it, does that mean we can't have unlockable costumes? No. Does that means people who do want them are of some lower class? No. But of course I think this forum sort of jumped onto the whole "extra outfits will ruin the image of TR blah blah" bandwagon, and so it snowballed.

Can't you ever give a simple answer to what was a simple question? I asked you to clarify for me Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes, something I thought you'd be able to do with ease given the grasp you have on TR9's media (a genuine compliment). I don't see anything in that paragraph of seemingly irrelevant waffle that answers what I asked.


@Anyone else
Anybody know what Crystal are currently saying about whether TR9 will have unlockable costumes? I'd appreciate an answer that's actually an answer :tmb:

NCFirebolt21 02-02-12 00:56


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are rebooting TR.

larafan25 02-02-12 00:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950327)
We are actually arguing about Lara's top color...I can't...O.o


Nobody is.

Everyone who has mentioned the colour of Lara's top has acknowledged that it is grey but appears to be certain colours in certain lighting.

tombstone 02-02-12 00:57


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

ANNNND THAT! :tmb: people seem to forget that TR is a video game.

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 00:58


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5950334)
You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are rebooting TR.

I never said it was. What I'm saying is that you can still acknowledge previous eras of a franchise without compromising the new story.

Lukass 02-02-12 00:59


Originally Posted by Diablo_Rosso (Post 5950328)
I can't believe how much people are arguing over the changing of costumes. It's insignificant really. Just because this TR is a reboot doesn't mean that the past can't be acknowledged in some way. Batman Arkham City has outfits from the various incarnations of the caped crusader. It's called fan service.

Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

larafan25 02-02-12 01:00


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950330)
Can't you ever give a simple answer to what was a simple question? I asked you to clarify for me Crystal's latest stance on whether or not TR9 will have extra costumes, something I thought you'd be able to do with ease given the grasp you have on TR9's media (a genuine compliment). I don't see anything in that paragraph of seemingly irrelevant waffle that answers what I asked.



Originally Posted by Spong
What have they stated with regards to costumes? At first I heard them say there were no plans for dress up Lara (which was fantastic news), but then I recall Karl saying they hadn't ruled them out. Is that still the case?



Originally Posted by larafan25
No, see.


Originally Posted by larafan25
(that previous "no" wasn't an answer, I just don't know)

I really just didn't know, but gave you what I initially thought (an answer) and then a reason for why there may be a misunderstanding between the two statements.


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 5950334)
You have to realise, Rocksteady did not reboot Batman. CD/SEE are.

It's still important for that game to be taken seriously and stand on it's own in whichever universe of Batman it resides.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950343)
Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

Is there any problem, to put a CD on, and play the classics?

I don't know. Is there?

Why don't you try it while I'm playing TR10 multiplayer?

Diablo_Rosso 02-02-12 01:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950343)
Crystal Dynamics said "Forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft". Some of us had no problems to deal with it, some of us had. The classic TR games will always be the best for me and I doubt TOMB RAIDER will beat them in any way, but why the hell we just can't accept this new universe as a completely new? Is there any problem to put a CD on and play the classics?

Crystal Dynamics shouldn't have said that, I think they know that themselves now. If you forget everything about Tomb Raider, then what they're making isn't Tomb Raider anymore.

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