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Phlip 27-05-12 19:20


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6196426)
:confused: Extremes? Nitpicking about nearly invisible cleavage is a bit of an extreme if you ask me, but then again you complain about fonts too, so I'm not sure I'd be talking.

Extremes such as you being "Well if you don't want this, then do you want THIS".

_Awestruck_ 27-05-12 19:33


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6196435)
Extremes such as you being "Well if you don't want this, then do you want THIS".

Well that's putting words in someone's mouth, isn't it? ;)

Phlip 27-05-12 19:39


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6196463)
Well that's putting words in someone's mouth, isn't it? ;)

You do generally get catty for no reason, and this is one of the ways.

_Awestruck_ 27-05-12 19:42


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6196474)
You do generally get catty for no reason, and this is one of the ways.

:vlol: "Catty"...

I can't take this conversation seriously. Back on topic.

Phlip 27-05-12 19:44


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6196481)
:vlol: "Catty"...

I can't take this conversation seriously. Back on topic.

lol, bitch please.

I notice you're one to childishly want the last word to tell people to get back on topic.

larafan25 27-05-12 19:47

I love to even be involved with this so yeah...

But how can you call someone catty when you were the first to break out the eye rolling emoticon?

I mean...:p

I think every convo should start fresh.

tampi 27-05-12 19:48


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6196375)
Can't tell if string or hair.

Well, she does look a bit grunge. She has been hanging upside down in a sort of encapsulated Pharaonic shroud, into the water, in mud, between explosions .... You don't want her to have a Vidal Sassoon hair. :)

Phlip 27-05-12 19:49


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6196491)
I love to even be involved with this so yeah...

But how can you call someone catty when you were the first to break out the eye rolling emoticon?

Other times he's been catty as ****.

larafan25 27-05-12 19:50


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6196495)
Other times he's been catty as ****.

So have I.



Wee ull have.

_Awestruck_ 27-05-12 19:55


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6196483)
lol, bitch please.

I notice you're one to childishly want the last word to tell people to get back on topic.'re the one who took it off topic, if you can't remember. I wasn't even up for an argument.

This isn't high school, so calling people "catty" and using terms such as "bitch please" doesn't cast you in the best light. Give it up.

Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6196491)
I love to even be involved with this so yeah...

But how can you call someone catty when you were the first to break out the eye rolling emoticon?

:p This.

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