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larafan25 07-01-12 06:02


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 5904501)
Yeah I think we'll see something similar to the way Uncharted uses another character in gameplay. A great opportunity for character interaction too. Maybe then we'll see a bit of ironic humor to lighten the mood a little bit.

All this talk is getting me excited. I wish another podcast would come out.


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5904502)
Assuming he lives... :pi:

I love those bits of Uncharted, makes me like the characters more.

I think we are getting another podcast this month

I think he will live.

Stevo505 07-01-12 06:04

I hope Roth isn't the only other main character. I hope there's another guy or girl who is still alive and helps Roth while Lara is gone, and Lara can do stuff with both of them when Roth is able to move.

skylark1121 07-01-12 06:07


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5904506)
I hope Roth isn't the only other main character. I hope there's another guy or girl who is still alive and helps Roth while Lara is gone, and Lara can do stuff with both of them when Roth is able to move.

I second this.

It would be really cool if you could "Request character to follow", or something. :D

larafan25 07-01-12 06:12

I think there will be a small group of survivors which will collect as the story progresses, and they will be left at base camps.

Stevo505 07-01-12 06:13


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 5904508)
I second this.

It would be really cool if you could "Request character to follow", or something. :D

That would be a great feature. Lara could be like "I need you to help me with this." And if you decide you don't need them before you leave, she could say "On second thought, stay here and watch over the camp." Or something.

I just don't want Lara to be stranded with an old man. I mean he seems cool and all, but it would get lonely. Maybe that's the point though? Maybe CD wants us to feel more stranded and isolated with just one other person. I dunno. Maybe the guy who helped Lara in the trailer will be a survivor :)

just*raidin*tomb 07-01-12 06:21

Since its very story oriented, I honestly doubt it but possibly.

I captured a screen just for the heck of it. Oh man the moment of impact...ouch.

Stevo505 07-01-12 06:30

So painful. But hey, she's tough. If this were classic Lara, she would have died instantly.

lcroft_lc 07-01-12 06:33


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 5904407)
So... is everyone in agreement that Lara's ****in' hot? :whi:

She is very pretty. Hope she will be prettier when CD finished work with her hair. :)

Adrenaline 07-01-12 06:53


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 5904480)
Yeah, she'll see all her dead shipmates. That could be such an emotional scene. I hope we can do something like that.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5904482)
Maybe lie on the ground and open her sideways locker to look at herself in the mirror, all dirty and ugly, then cry some more.

I'd love to experience an emotional scene like this. I would so ball it.

Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 5904465)
Maybe she finds a away up there via inside caves/catacombs made by the scavengers. Ohh that would be creepy.

hoohoo XD i can't wait to see what scaries come from this :P

just*raidin*tomb 07-01-12 07:06


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5904525)
She is very pretty. Hope she will be prettier when CD finished work with her hair. :)

Her looks really good in this screenshot for some reason. Probably the best I've seen in a game... (1st column, 2nd screen)
But for some reason it doesn't look as good in other screens

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