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just*raidin*tomb 15-11-12 23:37

Just no.

Weemanply109 15-11-12 23:38


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6524517)
I'm sorry but why do you post if you didn't vote for TR? It's nice and all but this is the TR forum where we should support TR and I don't care if you don't but there's no need to post about it IMO.

I voted for Tomb Raider to make up for my unloyalty to the fanbase.

pipermaru 15-11-12 23:38


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6524517)
I'm sorry but why do you post if you didn't vote for TR? It's nice and all but this is the TR forum where we should support TR and I don't care if you don't but there's no need to post about it IMO.

Because I like TR but I'm excited for other games too and I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. And I'm sorry, but the fact that we are in a TR forum does not mean that we should praise ONLY TR when there are good games out there.

Edit: I voted for TR too :o

Peep Show 15-11-12 23:44

Guys I wasn't trying to say that you aren't a fan of TR if you don't vote for it, I just don't find it necessary to post about voting for another game in the TR section, that's all, no hard feelings.

trlestew 15-11-12 23:46

I'm not interested in GTA V.
I like South Park, but I'm not much of a fan.
The Last of Us looks nice but honestly, it's an interactive movie.

So my vote was left to BioShock Infinite or Tomb Raider. Which did I choose? :pi:It was BioShock. Well, at least I considered TR since I thought it was better than the other three...

pipermaru 15-11-12 23:48


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6524545)
Guys I wasn't trying to say that you aren't a fan of TR if you don't vote for it, I just don't find it necessary to post about voting for another game in the TR section, that's all, no hard feelings.

I know, and I didn't mean to be rude too. :hug:

just*raidin*tomb 15-11-12 23:53


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6524550)
I'm not interested in GTA V.
I like South Park, but I'm not much of a fan.
The Last of Us looks nice but honestly, it's an interactive movie.

So my vote was left to BioShock Infinite or Tomb Raider. Which did I choose? :pi:It was BioShock. Well, at least I considered TR since I thought it was better than the other three...

Same. Well I chose Tomb Raider because I think Bioshock has a better chance tbh. But I'm really excited for both.

leglion 16-11-12 00:18


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6524550)
I'm not interested in GTA V.
I like South Park, but I'm not much of a fan.
The Last of Us looks nice but honestly, it's an interactive movie.

So my vote was left to BioShock Infinite or Tomb Raider. Which did I choose? :pi:It was BioShock. Well, at least I considered TR since I thought it was better than the other three...

If you vote for Bioshock I'm just gonna nullify your vote with 2 more votes. ~Puff Puff~

Edit: Time top open up my private session. :mis:

robm_2007 16-11-12 00:28

I don't get it. Who is this Jill person with the sex-related items?

Stevo505 16-11-12 00:34


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6524545)
Guys I wasn't trying to say that you aren't a fan of TR if you don't vote for it, I just don't find it necessary to post about voting for another game in the TR section, that's all, no hard feelings.

I agree. Every time there's something involving voting for TR, it's usually the same people who post about voting for another game. :p

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