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Enya Brennan 21-03-15 20:22

This has nothing to do with the statue topic...

I decided to reinstall the reboot, and noticed that when Lara aims with the bow (and I guess with every weapon), she frowns and clenches her teeth, just like in the past TRs. I may be mistaken, but I think she does it. First time I see this :o

Trenton 21-03-15 23:49


Originally Posted by michaeldt (Post 7308322)
The sad thing is... It's a well-made statue. It'd be perfect if Lara had clothes.

Why don't you buy it and knit some clothes for it then? :pi:

SalemTheCat 27-03-15 15:05

I've played all TRs so far except this one. I'm just not very fond of Crystal Dynamics. Is it worth it? I hear people say everywhere it's a good game, but just not a Tomb Raider. Besides I'm a little annoyed about the REBOOT-Part. They should have kept the story instead of changing Lara's Bio.

Daring Do 27-03-15 15:27

That statue...just...yeesh that's scary!

TRItheMaster 27-03-15 16:39


Originally Posted by SalemTheCat (Post 7313547)
I've played all TRs so far except this one. I'm just not very fond of Crystal Dynamics. Is it worth it? I hear people say everywhere it's a good game, but just not a Tomb Raider. Besides I'm a little annoyed about the REBOOT-Part. They should have kept the story instead of changing Lara's Bio.

Definitely is, but you gotta remember that they're trying to please old fans and welcome new fans at the same time. So to do that, they just refresh it a little. They just make it more modern. It still is Tomb Raider, but not classic Tomb Raider. They develop Lara's character in game rather than jumping straight into superb action to engage an audience, which really works.

anniversarytr11 08-04-15 20:12

Can someone please help me get the Artilleryman trophy for PS3? All I need is someone to join me in a private match for 20 or so minutes. I just need to get 20 kills with the mounted machine gun, I can help someone else with the trophy if they need it too.

I'm a trophy hunter and I really want to get the platinum, especially when this is the only TR I don't have the platinum for :hea:

Trenton 08-04-15 20:15


Originally Posted by anniversarytr11 (Post 7321276)
I'm a trophy hunter

Yihaa! Play for sports just like Lara! That's the spirit! :tmb: :D

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 19:40

I was going over the Edurance Announcement trailer and I found something super freaky! :eek: I'm not sure if anybody else caught it though. :confused: Anyways, right after Lara falls and steps out, there's someone actually in the water before her, but somehow, he never ends up getting to where Lara is, or anywhere close! Does he die? Who is he? :eek:

larafan25 16-04-15 19:54

It looks like the guy from Sleeping Dogs tbh.

Must be a random.

That trailer. It is so iconic I cannot.

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 20:33


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 7327025)
It looks like the guy from Sleeping Dogs tbh.

Must be a random.

That trailer. It is so iconic I cannot.

I was thinking more like a casual Adam Jensen :p


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