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Lara_Fan1 16-04-15 20:36

Endurance Crew Member.
He's nothing special lol.

TRItheMaster 16-04-15 20:40


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7327044)
Endurance Crew Member.
He's nothing special lol.

Yeah but they announced all of them, so, how did this little ****er get on the Endurance? :whi: :vlol:

Lara_Fan1 16-04-15 20:43


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 7327048)
Yeah but they announced all of them, so, how did this little ****er get on the Endurance? :whi: :vlol:

The endurance was a huge ship, so reality side. There are going to be a heck of a lot more people on the ship then the ones we've seen ;)! That's why he slipped through us. Trailer side, he is probably just a stand in as an extra. To show everyone's panicking as Lara emerges out of her cabin.

He's nothing important. Same as every character in the game tbh :p.

Patrick star 16-04-15 20:59


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 7327050)
He's nothing important. Same as every character in the game tbh :p.

Exactly this :vlol:
I can still remember my reaction when I first watched the TP trailer ...I nearly died :cln: how days run fast ..

Rai 16-04-15 21:00

Good catch! He's just a random crew member, just like the guy on the other side with Roth before Lara jumps or the guy who gets shot by Vlad during Lara's escape.

tomee 16-04-15 21:25


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 7327012)
I was going over the Edurance Announcement trailer and I found something super freaky! :eek: I'm not sure if anybody else caught it though. :confused: Anyways, right after Lara falls and steps out, there's someone actually in the water before her, but somehow, he never ends up getting to where Lara is, or anywhere close! Does he die? Who is he? :eek:

[img][/img ]

Mikky 17-04-15 00:00

Lol, it does actually look like Drake.

AimlessThunder 18-04-15 03:15

Just got me thinking.. When Lara got the pack back to Roth, couldn't she fix her wounds instead of cauterizing them later on? Now that I think about it the game is filled with stuff like this.

tomee 18-04-15 05:20


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 7327758)
Just got me thinking.. When Lara got the pack back to Roth, couldn't she fix her wounds instead of cauterizing them later on? Now that I think about it the game is filled with stuff like this.

Her wound had "healed" by that time. It was after crashing into that tree during the parachute segment that the wound opened up again and she needed to close it quickly.

AimlessThunder 18-04-15 12:11


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 7327771)
Her wound had "healed" by that time. It was after crashing into that tree during the parachute segment that the wound opened up again and she needed to close it quickly.

Good point.

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