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LegendLuvr24 07-01-19 14:59


Originally Posted by the_end90 (Post 8027190)
This is the focal point of the reboot IMHO.
In this game, You could breathe the freedom that was given to the team.
ROTTR and SOTTR, despite some improvements, felt very weak.
If they didn't worry too much about what people thought it would be better

The first few minutes alone were excitingly tense. Because you start the game tied up, and have to break free, and the entire time you're hearing someone grumbling in the background till finally he catches your leg. Then once you break free, he's yelling at you to come back. And even after you rid yourself of him, you have to escape a collapsing tomb. All within the first 10-15 minutes. Talk about intense. The closest the series came to that was those hisses in the Cenote in SOTTR. But even those don't quite live up to that raw atmosphere shown in the beginning of TR2013.

the_end90 07-01-19 17:58


Originally Posted by LegendLuvr24 (Post 8027211)
The first few minutes alone were excitingly tense. Because you start the game tied up, and have to break free, and the entire time you're hearing someone grumbling in the background till finally he catches your leg. Then once you break free, he's yelling at you to come back. And even after you rid yourself of him, you have to escape a collapsing tomb. All within the first 10-15 minutes. Talk about intense. The closest the series came to that was those hisses in the Cenote in SOTTR. But even those don't quite live up to that raw atmosphere shown in the beginning of TR2013.

Yeah but this feeling is not over untill the game ends, and that is awesome

VictorXD 08-01-19 00:49


Originally Posted by LegendLuvr24 (Post 8027183)
This. And I feel like it has to do with the fact that TR2013 was a horror game and the other two were not. TR2013 did a very good job of making you feel like every single thing on the island was plotting against you, and that even the island itself was a living breathing entity. It created a tension where you never knew what was going to come at you next and you genuinely feared for Lara and her comrades.

In comparison, the final two games were toned down dramatically. They all but did away with the horror aspect and listened too much to the “torture porn” and violence whiners to the point where SOTTR had barely any gunfights. TR2013 was brilliant because they did what they wanted. The final two games suffered because they worried too much about what everyone else thought. And that, is what will probably kill any future reboots too.

TR2013 is not a horror game.

the_end90 08-01-19 09:24

I think we are not saying it is an horror game: this is a simplification.
It is a game with a strong dark tone that had got lost in following games.
For me it was fantastic as it was a wonderful setting for the development of the character of reboot Lara.
All that was happening to her was developing the character.

Saratova 08-01-19 09:26

Edit: wrong topic!

New Dwight 08-01-19 20:17


Originally Posted by LegendLuvr24 (Post 8027211)
The first few minutes alone were excitingly tense. Because you start the game tied up, and have to break free, and the entire time you're hearing someone grumbling in the background till finally he catches your leg. Then once you break free, he's yelling at you to come back. And even after you rid yourself of him, you have to escape a collapsing tomb. All within the first 10-15 minutes. Talk about intense. The closest the series came to that was those hisses in the Cenote in SOTTR. But even those don't quite live up to that raw atmosphere shown in the beginning of TR2013.

TR2013 was raw, the creative freedom shouted, the other two beacon the same freedom as Tr2013. I’m not sure how SOTTR did in sales so far, but TR2013 dominated it.

Chamayoo 09-01-19 17:21

Well, it was a creative risk that Shadow (almost) abandoned combat for puzzles. I'm grateful for that. :tmb:

the_end90 10-01-19 08:26

Yeah but only that.
on the storytelling TR2013 was much better IMHO

LegendLuvr24 13-01-19 21:11


Originally Posted by VictorXD (Post 8027400)
TR2013 is not a horror game.

I think you're being a little too literal here. Yes it's not horror in the sense that there aren't zombies and such. It's no Silent Hill or Resident Evil.

But the game took inspirations from some horror movies, The Descent being one of the more clearer references (it even pays homage to one of the movie scenes). And originally, the game was meant to have far more horror elements as shown in Ascension. There's definite horror influences in the game, and to flatly say it's not a horror game is an oversimplification (just like it can be argued that I did the same by calling it horror). There are very clear 'horror' elements in this game that did not exist in the sequels.

Grizzly Bear 14-01-19 21:00

^Yes, I loved that "dark" atmosphere;
In Shadow there were a couple of moments that could have felt like that, but the complete lack of blood ruined them...

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