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Maverin 15-01-19 08:42

Accidental double post. Feel free to remove this

Maverin 15-01-19 08:43


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8029263)
^Yes, I loved that "dark" atmosphere;
In Shadow there were a couple of moments that could have felt like that, but the complete lack of blood ruined them...

Just read a thread in the Shadow category that they are bringing out a patch to fix the missing blood issue :)

the_end90 15-01-19 09:32


Originally Posted by Maverin (Post 8029392)
Just read a thread in the Shadow category that they are bringing out a patch to fix the missing blood issue :)

But still the problem remains: TR2013 had an atmosphere that was not the same in following episodes.
A couple of moments could not be the same as what you could feel during the whole game

Grizzly Bear 15-01-19 13:22


Originally Posted by Maverin (Post 8029392)
Just read a thread in the Shadow category that they are bringing out a patch to fix the missing blood issue :)

I don't understand, do some fans want the patch or is EM working on it?
I mean, is it real or is it just something fans would like?

Chamayoo 15-01-19 16:35

Well, TR'13 atmosphere was singular and quite done right but not really for my taste. Too much depressing weather and grey colors. I prefer Shadow contrast between bright moments and horror ones, reminds of Legend who wasn't afraid to give both light and dark moments

the_end90 16-01-19 09:59


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8029481)
Well, TR'13 atmosphere was singular and quite done right but not really for my taste. Too much depressing weather and grey colors. I prefer Shadow contrast between bright moments and horror ones, reminds of Legend who wasn't afraid to give both light and dark moments

was perfect to describe what was happening to the reboot Lara, and how she react to it. In a way, it seems the perfect description to what would leave a big DSPT on her

Maverin 16-01-19 14:08


Originally Posted by Grizzly Bear (Post 8029424)
I don't understand, do some fans want the patch or is EM working on it?
I mean, is it real or is it just something fans would like?

As far as I could tell it's a real and official patch from E.M. But I cant guarantee that though, I'll look a little deeper into this :)

charmedangelin 24-01-19 09:21

This game had many iconic moments to be honest. There were so many moments of growth in this game. I could easily see her becoming the badass Lara Croft we all love.

I actually forgot about the kiss she gave one of her friends when she had to leave him behind. It reminded me of the hug Classic Lara gave Jean when she found him in the Citidel.

nottombraider 25-01-19 18:16

Easter Egg?
Hey everyone! I'm new to the Tomb Raider series, and I just finished playing Crystal Dynamics's reboot game and I really enjoyed it!

There's been a mystery though that's been bugging me. I've done some research on it but I can't yield any results. At the end of the credits, there's a little message under "Recognition" that reads:

John Lucien Fournier Sr., 'Did you try shooting the window?' We love you Dad; -Dustin & Johnny

I'm really curious about what this means. Is this some sort of inside joke or an easter egg? I tried messaging some of the developers on it but I didn't hear back from any of them (obviously). In fact, there's only one guy named Dustin in the entire team.

I do wonder if there's some kind of easter egg hidden in the game that would be unlocked by shooting a window. Granted, this game has been out for five years, I feel like every single window would've been shot by now :P .

If any of you guys know what this means, let me know!

Ahmier 25-01-19 22:24


Originally Posted by nottombraider (Post 8034180)
Hey everyone! I'm new to the Tomb Raider series, and I just finished playing Crystal Dynamics's reboot game and I really enjoyed it!

There's been a mystery though that's been bugging me. I've done some research on it but I can't yield any results. At the end of the credits, there's a little message under "Recognition" that reads:

John Lucien Fournier Sr., 'Did you try shooting the window?' We love you Dad; -Dustin & Johnny

I'm really curious about what this means. Is this some sort of inside joke or an easter egg? I tried messaging some of the developers on it but I didn't hear back from any of them (obviously). In fact, there's only one guy named Dustin in the entire team.

I do wonder if there's some kind of easter egg hidden in the game that would be unlocked by shooting a window. Granted, this game has been out for five years, I feel like every single window would've been shot by now :P .

If any of you guys know what this means, let me know!

Welcome. Cool that you been introduced to the series in a new way. I’d recommend all of the other tr titles if you get the chance. :)

As for the quote, it was a reference to older tr games where you can break certain windows. It’s a cute little joke.

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