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Athukraz 18-10-19 23:36


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 8141768)
just finished another playthrough of this game and yeah it's still a special one to me. it's got many many flaws but it's such a memorable, fresh, thrilling experience and nothing feels overdone (lookin at yall rise and shadow).

I recently did another one too. It can get so emotional toward the end, especially thinking about how rise and shadow failed to continue what this game had set up if u know what i mean

OrangeJuice 19-10-19 15:51


Originally Posted by Athukraz (Post 8141777)
I recently did another one too. It can get so emotional toward the end, especially thinking about how rise and shadow failed to continue what this game had set up if u know what i mean

yeah they don’t even feel like sequels to this game. idk the thing with tr2013 is that you can feel it’s got a clear direction in mind - whether you like or dislike that direction is another topic.

Daft Raider 22-10-19 17:14


Originally Posted by OrangeJuice (Post 8141912)
yeah they don’t even feel like sequels to this game. idk the thing with tr2013 is that you can feel it’s got a clear direction in mind - whether you like or dislike that direction is another topic.

Yep, like you've said in a previous thread, you can really tell it was a labor of love, there was so much passion in what they created for the reboot. Sadly this has since been lost. Rise feels like the beginning of a new reboot, it doesn't feel connected to reboot at all, it's so bizarre.

I also think making Lara's "origin" story a trilogy was such a huge mistake. I wouldn't have minded continuing to see Lara's growth in future games, but to center each and every game around so called "growth" was a big mistake, specially considering there was no growth after reboot, lmao.

biscuits 22-10-19 17:58

TR13 is a game I have an irrational love for despite its flaws.

VictorXD 22-10-19 18:33

Its an amazing experience, and for me the only one that delivered everything it set out to. It has its flaws but it is no way disappointing unlike Rise and Shadow.

It has been among my favourites for a good while too.

Zsott 27-11-19 23:46

Does anyone knows what is this? Is this something like stadia's streaming?

TR1249 29-11-19 09:08

It's for Nvidia Shield TV

Ms.LaraCroft 27-12-19 05:28

Just finished the game for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. RIP Roth and Alex though :(

Legends 01-01-20 13:50


Originally Posted by Ms.LaraCroft (Post 8161542)
Just finished the game for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. RIP Roth and Alex though :(

And RIP Lara. She wasn't even in the game. :(

TRExpertgamer 04-01-20 21:35

Is there any soundtracks that sound very similar to Aleksandar Dimitrejevic's soundtracks that he composed from the pre-alpha version of Tomb Raider 9? I especially always love to impact on putting a number into this particular Tomb Raider game because this here is the 9th Tomb Raider game obviously!! :cool:

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